"Then if the belly is still big at this time, will it have any impact on the child? Will it affect the child's health?"

"Normally it won't happen. Just pay attention to your diet when you go back and move more in the morning and evening."

The doctor smiled lightly and continued:
"A big belly doesn't necessarily mean that the child is big, it may also mean that the amniotic fluid is sufficient."

"It's very important to stay in a good mood during pregnancy. Don't worry too much. If everything is fine when you go back, feel your belly more and you will make new discoveries."

"Thank you doctor!"

Although the current medical conditions are backward, professionals are professionals after all, and what they say at least makes people feel at ease.

Lu Miao felt completely at peace.

After going downstairs, I insisted on dragging Tian Guihua and Brother He together to have a meal at the county state-owned restaurant.

Thank you Tian Guihua for taking good care of her, and thank you Brother He for taking the time to accompany her on this trip today.

Brother He and Tian Guihua both said no.

But Lu Miao put one hand on her towering belly and came to pull her with the other. Her appearance was so scary that Brother He and Tian Guihua did not dare to break away from her.

She could only pull them, and the three of them wandered to the state-owned hotel in a car.

When Lu Miao took the money, she realized that she was in a hurry to go out and only took the household registration page and money.

I never thought about eating in the county, and of course I didn’t get food stamps.

Lu Miao stood there awkwardly holding a roll of money. Brother He saw her embarrassment and said quickly:

"What delicious food can be found in the restaurant? When Xiao Liu comes back, you can fry two hard vegetables and let Xiao Liu sit down and drink two cups with me. That will be fun!"

The family did not talk to each other, but Brother He raised his hand and laughed heartily.

"Haha! Okay, okay, you two get in the car and go home!"

Lu Miao was deeply affected, and then she smiled, holding her waist with one hand, and Tian Guihua held her in the car with the other hand:
"Then second brother, when Brother You comes back, I will ask him to invite you back for dinner!"

"Okay, haha."

The three of them walked back unsteadily.

When passing through the town, Lu Miao thought that it had been almost a month since she last received a letter from Fu Jingyou.

He doesn't know what's going on over there...

The more I miss you, the more I worry.

Lu Miao felt more and more hopeful.

Brother Fu He rode for a while to the town post office. It was inconvenient for Lu Miao to get on and off the car, so he was afraid of delaying time, so he took the household registration page and handed it to Brother He.

Ask him to help go in and ask if there is a letter from Fu Jingyou.

Brother He quickly left and returned.

When I left, I only held the household registration page in my hand. When I came back, I had a thick stack of envelopes in my hand.

Lu Miao was overjoyed:

"So many letters?"

"Yes! I checked with the comrades at the post office and they said they are all yours."

Lu Miao nodded and quickly took the letter from Brother He.

She was just happy for a moment, but she suddenly became worried again, fearing that there was some special situation. Fu Jingyou sent her a message, but she did not receive it in time.

Simply not...

After reading the addresses on each envelope, two of them were sent from Jinmen, and they must be written to her by Fu Jingyou.

The other four letters were from addresses in Beijing.

It was sent from the Lu family.

Lu Miao breathed a sigh of relief.

Putting the letter from Jingshi into her pocket, she looked at the date of mailing and opened the first letter sent by Fu Jingyou.

On several pages of letter paper, Fu Jingyou rambled about his current situation during the period when he wrote the letter.

The master who took them in the big factory was very friendly. On his day off, he took them to Jinmen Park, to the cinema, and to the Haihe River where currency ships used to be used during the Republic of China.

Fu Jingyou repeatedly emphasized in the letter how high the building in Jinmen is. At a glance, it seems that there is no end.

He lamented how beautiful the city is. Life in the city includes parks where you can exercise and play, movie theaters where you can pass the time, and even department stores that are more than three or four stories high.

...Lu Miao has been to Jinmen, she knows what Jinmen is like.

But it was the first time for Fu Jingyou to go.

The more beautiful he painted Jinmen, the more uneasy Lu Miao felt inexplicably.

Maybe pregnant women are sensitive during pregnancy. During the most uncomfortable period, without Fu Jingyou by her side, Lu Miao's mood was already at a loss.

Seeing the content of this letter again, Lu Miao couldn't help but think of Chen Miaomiao's words.

"Speaking of which, Jinmen is my hometown. It's a big city with all kinds of things..."

"Lu Miao, are you really worried that Fu Xiaoliu will leave for so long? So far?"

"Aren't you afraid that he will find a woman over there?"


Lu Miao frowned again, her heart heavy, worried about continuing to browse the rest of the content.

But what Fu Jingyou said next made her frown gradually relax.

“The more prosperous the city becomes, the more desolate Dahe Village becomes.

I can't imagine that you are willing to give up such a life and get married and have children with me in a place like that.

Miaomiao, it's my fault, it's me who has dragged you down...

But please believe that I have perseverance and I will definitely work hard to give you the best life!

Next time we go to Jinmen, movie theaters, and parks together, and we want to take you with us, and the baby, tomorrow summer. "



Fu Jingyou never talks much, and his speech is usually a little stiff.

But in terms of paper content, he is very delicate.

Lu Miao could understand his mood.

The joy of seeing prosperity for the first time.

The loneliness of not being around her.

Her guilt, as well as her imagination and expectations for the future...

His future plans include her.

Lu Miao smiled and opened the second letter.

The content of the second letter is much simpler, with only one page of content, and it also tells about the current situation.

But the first sentence is asking and answering itself.

Asked Lu Miao why she didn't reply to him, and guessed that there was no one to go to town to collect the letter for her.

The following content is about describing that the companions who went with him and the students from other provinces did not know how to use faucets and flush toilets, but he could.

Because his intervention alleviated several embarrassing situations, everyone was very friendly to him and regarded him as their backbone.

Some even jokingly called him the leader and monitor of the equipment learning group.

Fu Jingyou joked in the letter that it was Lu Miao's credit for becoming a "leader".

His goal was achieved, and Lu Miao was successfully made laugh by him.

Later in the letter, he said that he heard that the baby would have fetal movements in May, and asked Lu Miao if the baby made any trouble to her.

Asked Lu Miao if she felt uncomfortable anywhere.

Ask Lu Miao if he has finished eating the fine grains at home. If so, tell Hu Zhiyuan when Hu Zhiyuan passes.

He had already given money in advance and said hello.

At the end, there were three lines of graffiti like a flatbread.

Fu Jingyou euphemistically wrote two lines below:

"When I return home at the end of June, the gardenias at home will be in bloom. I'll pick them for you when I get back, okay?"

Lu Miao held the letter in her heart and silently responded "Okay." (End of Chapter)

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