In this special era, people are not good at expressing their feelings directly.

The seemingly nonsensical sentence at the end actually contains all of Fu Jingyou's longing for his family.

Lu Miao felt sweet and depressed.

She also missed Fu Jingyou a little...

"Is it Xiaoliu's letter?"

"What's written in the letter?"

"Why are you frowning and smiling now, and now you're frowning again?"

Lu Miao was brought back to her mind by Tian Guihua's three questions about her soul. She blushed a little. After calming down, she smiled and said:
"It's a letter from Brother You. He said he is very nice there, the teacher is friendly and considerate, the other students are friendly, and they even went out to watch a movie together!"

"Have you gone to the movies? What are the movies in the city like?"

Tian Guihua was surprised and asked:
"Is it the same as our movie team? You can just pull a big white cloth and watch it at night?"

"More or less, the city is indoors, it's just a small house...the movie is projected directly on the wall, the curtains are drawn and the door is closed, and you can watch it day and night."

"Does it cost money? I know what you're saying. There seems to be some in the county. A ticket costs [-] cents!"


We were joking along the way and came to the hillside where we turned into the production team mountain road.

Brother He stopped the car and helped Lu Miao out of the car with Tian Guihua.

Tian Guihua heard Chen Guifen say that Lu Miao almost had a miscarriage before and it was here that she fell.

Tian Guihua didn't dare to let go and called Brother He to help Lu Miao up the slope.

Brother He has to go to work tomorrow, and he has to send the car back before night.

Lu Miao originally wanted to invite him to go home and have a meal or something, but when he heard this, he couldn't persuade him anymore. He just kept emphasizing that when Fu Jingyou came back, Brother He must take time to come home for a meal.

Brother He chuckled and agreed, waved to the two of them, and pedaled away quickly with sweat on his forehead and arms.

The state of mind after pregnancy is really important. Before going to the hospital, Lu Miao felt uncomfortable everywhere.

When she came back, there was no weight in her heart. Even though she had a big belly, her steps were much brisker.

Along the way, I didn’t even say I was tired or wanted to take a rest. It was getting dark when I got home.

It was troublesome to go back and cook in the dark, so Lu Miao and Tian Guihua ate at He's house.

At the dinner table, He Hongjin and Chen Guifen both asked nervously:
"What did the county doctor say? Is there anything wrong?"

He Hongjin and Chen Guifen both knew more or less, but they were not professionals after all.

When necessary, you still have to listen to the doctor’s advice.

Lu Miao smiled, and the light golden rice cake in her hand was chewed deliciously:

"It's okay. The doctor said everything about the child is normal. Just ask him to come back and move around more, and keep him in a good mood."

Chen Guifen relaxed, nodded and smiled.

He Hongjin breathed a sigh of relief, his dark face tightened and he began to lecture Lu Miao again:

"Just say it's no big deal, and just think about it day by day, causing a whole room of people to worry about it!"

Lu Miao made a "tsk" sound, stopped chewing the rice cake in her mouth, and said vaguely:

"Where am I thinking? Aren't I worried? Anyway, the doctor has seen me and I feel relieved. I don't believe anyone but the doctor!"

Lu Miao thought about it.

She will probably be born in mid-to-late September, and she will go to the county to stay at the end of August.

You can be hospitalized directly or stay in a guest house first.

Anyway, she didn't give birth at home.Even if the sanitary conditions are not up to standard, it’s scary to think about it, okay?
He Hongjin couldn't talk to Lu Miao, so he hummed:
"When Xiao Liu becomes successful in the future, he will be able to support you and withstand your tossing. You can do whatever you like! I don't care about you anyway."

He Hongjin didn't have anything else on his mind. He just suffered the loss because his mouth was as hard as a rock.

Lu Miao didn't like what he said. After returning, she got angry with him and refused to go to He's house for several days.

He Hongjin was a man and an elder. He couldn't lose face in front of Lu Miao, but he was always worried about Lu Miao's situation.

He was embarrassed to go over, so he asked Chen Guifen to go over and see Lu Miao.

Several times, Chen Guifen was left speechless by him:
"She is a child, and she can be stubborn if she has a stubborn temper. Can't you, an adult, be more tolerant? She is as stubborn as a cow."

"You speak fiercely, and you look at me all day long. What do you think you want?"

He Hongjin scratched his neck and said:
"At my age, is it possible that I still have to lower my head to coax her? What are you trying to do? What can I do for you? Chen Guifen, you are really going back as you live!"

He Hongjin was carrying a hoe and was about to go out. Chen Guifen laughed and said:

"Yes, don't I think the more I live, the more I go back? Some people are stubborn, so don't come to me, a person who wants to live more and more, to inquire about information in the future."

"You mother-in-law..."

He Hongjin turned around and wanted to argue with Chen Guifen.

Chen Guifen poured a basin of water at his feet.

He Hongjin jumped away to avoid getting his shoes wet.

Chen Guifen immediately entered the room with a "hum" sound.

He Hongjin stood in the courtyard, jumping up and down with anger.

As the season enters summer, the work in the production team gradually increases.

Before officially starting to get busy, the educated youth had a holiday. The educated youth took advantage of the time to go to the town in advance to buy daily necessities that they would need for a period of time.

Lu Miao wrote a reply to Jinmen, took the stamp money, and asked Geng Xiaoyun and the others to help take it to the post office and mail it out.

At about the same time, Lu Miao invited Tian Guihua to work with them to process the cocoons collected in the past few days.

It only takes two weeks for silkworm cocoons to emerge and become butterflies, so they must be disposed of before they emerge.

Chen Guifen can draw silk, spin thread, and weave cloth.

Lu Miao is a complete novice and she doesn't know how to make difficult tasks, so she plans to start with "silk quilt".

After watching the video, Lu Miao knew that the process of making silk quilts was also very demanding.

But compared with the more delicate drawing, spinning and weaving, silk quilts appear much simpler and cruder.

Before silkworms spin cocoons, they have to go to Silkworm Mountain. The medium for "Silkworm Mountain" prepared by Lu Miao is the sesame pole brought over by Chen Guifen.

Although the cocoon was formed as expected, the cocoon was more or less stuck to some small brown debris from the sesame pole.

Lu Miao took out the silkworm cocoons, sorted them out, and then poured water into two pots at the front and back of the kitchen, mixed with alkali powder, and stirred.

Then pour the cleaned cocoons into the pot in four batches and boil the cocoons.

In this step, the main purpose of alkali powder is to clean and sterilize.

Boiling cocoons in boiling water is to solidify the protein in the cocoons, which will facilitate subsequent removal and spinning.

This is what Chen Guifen told Lu Miao before.

Chen Guifen had little knowledge, and most of what she told Lu Miao were relatively general principles.

Some relatively professional words are mostly summed up by Lu Miao himself.

There are several preparatory tasks for making a silk quilt, and Lu Miao cannot stand or bend down for a long time.

After boiling the cocoon in water, the possibility of "breaking the cocoon" was avoided. Lu Miao began to slowly work with Tian Guihua on other steps.
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