Lu Miao combs her hair in front of the mirror every day, but she can't see her own condition.

Seeing Fu Jingyou's sullen expression, Lu Miao more or less noticed something.

"It has nothing to do with second sister-in-law, it's because my belly is too big..."

Fu Jingyou pursed her lips and said nothing.

He didn't blame Tian Guihua or anything.

He was very grateful that Tian Guihua could come over to help while he was away.

But looking at Lu Miao like this, Fu Jingyou really felt anxious from the inside.

Lu Miao freed her hand, pulled Fu Jingyou's trouser leg and explained:
"The doctor also said that you can control your diet appropriately to avoid having a difficult time in the later stages."

Her skin was glowingly white, and her black and white lychee eyes looked particularly dark and clear.

His chin had finally rounded out in his old age, but he had long since lost weight, and even his elbows had become thinner.

Fu Jingyou glanced around, so exaggerated that he could clearly see the blue blood vessels on her wrist.

"Appropriate amount, what is appropriate amount?"

Fu Jingyou's eyes turned red because of anxiety. He knelt down and held her hand tightly against the side of her face.

"Is this called the right amount?"

He pinched her arm, which was as thin as a vegetable stick, and shook it so that she could see for herself.

"I don't have any meat on my body, so why don't I eat well?"

"Just thinking about it is difficult to give birth, you also have to consider whether you will have the strength to give birth when the time comes!"

Tang Mei was very dissatisfied with Fu Jingyou's attitude towards her elders just now. When she heard this, she couldn't help but stood up and said:
"You are a man, what do you know about women giving birth?"

"Having a baby is like stepping through the gate of hell. It is difficult to give birth to a baby that is too big. Pregnant women and children will suffer..."

"No matter how hard life is, there is no reason to go hungry and not eat!"

Fu Jingyou stood up and retorted:

"Children are originally parasitic on adults. If you don't let the adults eat them, then let the little ones eat the adults?"

Fu Jingyou finally understood.

In this case, can Lu Miao not lose weight?

Fu Jingyousheng is tall and powerful, and he already has a sense of coercion when he stands up, let alone when he is angry.

Tang Mei was a little afraid of Fu Jingyou, but she still explained dryly and forcefully:

"There are many pregnant women in the countryside. Some of them haven't had enough to eat all year round. Why don't they still give birth to their children?"

Tang Mei didn't mean to be rude to Fu Jingyou, of course she also loved Lu Miao.

This is actually a very common phenomenon in rural areas.

But Fu Jingyou was very concerned about this issue. When he heard these words, he not only felt that she was deliberately making trouble, but also that she didn't care about Lu Miao's physical condition.

"A country girl, is your girl a country girl?"

Fu Jingyou spoke sternly and quarreled directly with Tang Mei.

"A woman from the countryside has a good physique and can lift one or two hundred kilograms of things in one breath. Is her physique that strong?"

"This family's surname is Fu! It's not the outsiders' turn to make the decision!"


Lu Miao quickly stood up holding her belly, pulled Fu Jingyou and said:

"You can't talk like that!"

Fu Jingyou turned back to look at her.

Lu Miao opened her lips and said:
"She is an elder."

Lu Miao was not excusing Tang Mei.

Whatever Tang Mei said, she actually didn't take it to heart at all.

But to the outside world, Tang Mei was the elder, and Fu Jingyou would be easily criticized by outsiders when he spoke like this.

Moreover, there is a high probability that Tang Mei will be asked to help with the matter of the rice flower fish in the village.

When they ask for something from others, they cannot speak politely.

And... Regarding the issue of eating, Tang Mei can't be entirely blamed.

After all, she still had concerns, so she half-pushed and half-acquiesced to Tang Mei's actions.

Lu Miao was so thin that Tian Guihua, the person who came to take care of Lu Miao, had no confidence to speak.

Looking at Tang Mei's tears, she was obviously an elder, but she was so reprimanded that she couldn't say a word, just like a doormat.

Tian Guihua also felt a little sorry.

Fu Jingyou was young, had a bad temper, and couldn't take care of many things, which was understandable.

But as a brother-in-law, she couldn't ignore it.

Tian Guihua carried Tang Mei and walked to the front room.

"Mother-in-law, you're almost done with the kitchen work. Let me help you go to the front to rest for a while. I'll do the rest."

Tang Mei nodded, wiped her tears and left.

In the backyard, Fu Jingyou exhaled deeply, his eyebrows lowered, and his mood reached the extreme.

He turned around and glared at Lu Miao:
"Are you listening to her, or to me?"

Lu Miao: "I listen to the doctor."

Fu Jingyou stepped forward again, pinched her wrist and told her to read for herself:
"The doctor told you to make yourself like this?"

Lu Miao was vaguely aware that she had lost a little weight.

But she just thought she had lost a little weight.

Now her arm was held in Fu Jingyou's hand. Her slender wrist was in sharp contrast to his strong skeletal and muscular arm.

It looks like the difference between matches and firewood.

"I just exercised some restraint and didn't fast or go on a hunger strike! But it turned out like this..."

Lu Miao was a little nervous and a little guilty.

Fu Jingyou had just come back from such a far away place, and she didn't want him to be angry or unhappy.

"I listen to you, don't be angry, okay?"

Lu Miao became nervous, like a frightened bird. She protected her stomach with one hand and held Fu Jingyou with the other.

Not only was she afraid that Fu Jingyou would be angry, but she was also worried about what would happen to her body and baby.

Fu Jingyou was angry and distressed, and pulled Lu Miao to look around.

Four months in Jinmen, you shouldn’t have gone there in the first place!
But now that he has gone, and people have come back from there, there is no point in talking about it anymore.

Seeing Lu Miao's extremely thin figure and protruding abdomen, Fu Jingyou's eyes turned red for a moment, and her nasal voice became thicker:

"You are really killing me!"

Lu Miao laughed silently, originally wanting to comfort Fu Jingyou and say it was okay.

However, it was probably Fu Jingyou's way of showing that he cared too much about her that made her feel trustworthy, dependable, and reliable.

Her nose felt sour, her eyes turned red as she smiled, and a string of bright tears fell.

Fu Jingyou shook his hands and coaxed her in turn:

"I won't argue with you about this matter. Stop crying, eh?"


Lu Miao nodded obediently and smiled through her tears.

Under the dark green bamboo shadows and the black eaves, Fu Jingyou was helpless and worried, and she hugged Lu Miao tightly into her arms.

Fu Jingyou set up a small table at the back door of the kitchen. Fu Jingyou drank a bowl of porridge with Lu Miao, and then coaxed Lu Miao to eat a boiled egg before breakfast was done.

Fu Jingyou couldn't feel relieved, so he went to He's house after dinner.

He Hongjin is not at home.

Fu Jingyou ran around the mountain again to look for He Hongjin.

After saying hello to He Hongjin, Fu Jingyou went back to the team to hitch an ox cart, and asked Tian Guihua to pack her things when she came back to take Lu Miao to the county.

Lu Miao sometimes accepts death. Since she said she should listen to the doctor, she will definitely listen to the doctor.

It just so happened that Fu Jingyou also wanted to hear what the doctor had to say. (End of chapter)

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