By the way, I went over to ask how Lu Miao's body was doing now and if he could take something to replenish his body.

Tian Guihua neatly packed her things, fearing that they would be exposed to the sun on the road, and even gave Lu Miao a wide-brimmed hat.

Tang Mei heard that they were going to the county hospital and said she wanted to go with them.

Fu Jingyou said nothing.

He helped Lu Miao onto the cart and asked Tian Guifen to keep an eye on him. Fu Jingyou walked in front to drive the cattle.

Tang Mei followed and walked for three or four hours to the county. Fu Jingyou took Lu Miao to the hospital and hung up.

Tang Mei hurriedly followed closely behind.

Tian Guihua originally wanted to go in, but after taking a look at the cows in the yard, she hesitated and walked back to guard the cows.

There seems to be only one gynecologist in the county.

Fu Jingyou registered and helped Lu Miao go upstairs. The person who received them was the same person as before.

The female doctor had no impression of Fu Jingyou, but she had a very deep impression of Lu Miao.

The first time we met was because she slipped and showed signs of miscarriage.

The second time was because Lu Miao took too much supplements.

But this time, I saw that the girl who had a round chin last time was a bit thin and out of shape this time.

The face is so thin that it seems to be no bigger than a palm, which makes the eyes stand out and look bigger.

Without waiting for Fu Jingyou and Lu Miao to speak, the doctor asked directly:
"What's going on? Why are you like this?"

The doctor couldn't understand it.

Logically speaking, if he was able to make up for it like that last time, his family's conditions should be of a good nature.

Why did people become like this this time?
Lu Miao opened her lips and could get some information from the doctor's tone.

She was stroking her belly with both hands, feeling panicked, and it took her a long time to speak.

Fu Jingyou patted her back soothingly with his big hands and took the initiative to explain the general situation.

"Isn't this nonsense? Even adults who are not pregnant will be starving if they don't eat a solid meal or two, let alone a pregnant woman!"

The doctor stared at Fu Jingyou and scolded:

"The fetus is too big, so just exercise appropriately and reduce supplementation."

"The one in the belly absorbs nutrients through the mother's body. If a pregnant woman does not eat a full stomach and cannot keep up with nutrition, the fetus will extract nutrients from the mother's body!"

"She is only six or seven months old now. Don't say she won't be able to bear it after a long time. Looking at her now, does it look like she can bear it?"

"Yes, even my family doesn't understand this..."

Fu Jingyou nodded quickly to be careful, but the doctor raised his head and looked at Tang Mei behind Lu Miao:
"It doesn't matter if you young people don't understand. How can she not know as a mother-in-law?"


Tang Mei was embarrassed.

Tang Mei has never experienced serious childbirth.

She was afraid that Lu Miao would follow her sister's old path again, and she had no other thoughts in her mind except to control Lu Miao's diet.

The doctor didn't know anything about it, and he kept nagging and scolding Fu Jingyou for not caring about his wife and children. Many of the words he said were very similar to what Fu Jingyou said at home.

For example, we cannot just consider the size of the fetus. The basic physical fitness of the pregnant woman must also be improved, otherwise she will not have the strength to give birth once the pregnancy starts.

Tang Mei knew that her thoughts were a bit general, so she didn't dare to say anything more. When the doctor spoke, she nodded and listened carefully.

Fu Jingyou is like this.

But Fu Jingyou can ask questions.

Although those questions are very speechless for doctors.

Such as:

"Doctor, can my wife still take supplements in her current body?"

"Doctor, do you have nutritional injections in the hospital that are similar to the tocolysis injections? They are just injections to replenish the body? I have money."


The doctor was a little impatient with Fu Jingyou's questions. He raised his hand to interrupt Fu Jingyou's questioning and said:
"She is now depleted of energy and blood. Apart from blood-activating things, I will give her whatever supplements I can find at home."

"As for nutritional injections, there is currently no such thing in the hospital!" The doctor finally reiterated his instructions:
"The mood of a pregnant woman is very important during pregnancy. You must not let the pregnant woman not have enough food!"

"It's really funny. I don't know what you family members think."

Fu Jingyou held Lu Miao's hand with his big hand. He was not annoyed at being told this, but nodded and listened carefully to the doctor's instructions.

Behind her, Tang Mei was said to be a little ashamed.

She didn't think about it that much...

She was just afraid that her belly would be too big and she would not be able to give birth.

It's okay to just suffer a little, but Tang Mei is afraid that in the end she will be missing this or that.

The consultation lasts for 10 minutes and the interview lasts for 10 minutes.

An hour later, Fu Jingyou helped Lu Miao go downstairs:

"Did you hear everything the doctor said?"

Lu Miao nodded obediently.

Fu Jingyou asked her:
"Will you still obey me when you go back? Can you still have a good meal?"

The tone of reprimanding a child made Lu Miao blush.

Lu Miao protected her belly with one hand and nodded again like a chicken pecking at rice.

It's already one o'clock in the afternoon and I haven't eaten lunch yet.

Fu Jingyou drove an ox cart to take Lu Miao and others to a state-owned restaurant for dinner, specializing in fine grains and meat dishes.

The four of them ordered half of the table, and when they were about to sit down to eat, Fu Jingyou stood up again.

Lu Miao just took a bite of noodles, her cheeks twitched slightly and she looked up at him:

"what happened?"

Fu Jingyou touched her head and said, "You guys eat first, I'll go do some errands."

After saying that, he looked at Tian Guihua:
"Second sister-in-law, after dinner, you stay here with Miaomiao for a while. I will be back soon."

Lu Miao put down his chopsticks and said:
"What's the matter? Can't you wait until you finish eating?"

Fu Jingyou took two dry biscuits from the corner of the table, "I'll eat this while walking. Finish it early and come back early, so that you won't have to wait for a long time."

"Be obedient, huh?"

Lu Miao's eyebrows drooped and her mouth pursed, a little unhappy, but she asked delicately:
"When you come back, buy me a soda. I just saw others drinking it, so I want to drink it too."

"Okay, buy it."

Fu Jingyou agreed quickly, and Lu Miao agreed to let him go.

Tang Mei watched this scene silently and said nothing.

Fu Jingyou walked away for a while and quickly ran back.

He was holding apple, hawthorn, and orange-flavored sodas in his hands, and three bottles were placed on the table for Lu Miao to choose from.

Lu Miao chose the orange flavor.

Fu Jingyou lifted the lid against the edge of the table.

Seeing Lu Miao drinking happily, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, then opened the other two bottles and placed them on the table for Tang Mei and Tian Guihua to watch and take them.

After Lu Miao's side was sorted out, Fu Jingyou actually went to the county office to handle matters.

He handed over the note that he had passed the study.

The document that Dachang asked them to send back said that all provinces across the country would distribute Big Iron Bulls in batches.

Starting from August this year, it is expected that all allocation indicators will be completed by March next year.

Four people in their county learned it in the past, and according to the quota, they should also be allocated four big iron bulls.

The county leaders said that the closed middle school in the county was the place where the equipment repair team was established.

In the future, the Big Iron Bull will be parked on the playground, and the employees and their families of the repair team can live in the county.

The classrooms can be occupied as long as they are tidied up. (End of chapter)

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