"It was really uncomfortable and I don't want to go through it again."

Lu Miao's lips drooped and she added aggrievedly.

Everyone around her took good care of her, and she was able to overcome her physical abnormalities.

But emotionally and sometimes, she couldn't control it at all.

It’s really too over the top and too annoying.

Lu Miao herself has the temper of a child who has not grown up, and she has no preparation for being a mother.

Fu Jingyou knows.

Although he has been looking forward to having a child with Lu Miao, Lu Miao still dominates his heart.

Seeing Lu Miao's unhappiness in every aspect, Fu Jingyou also felt extremely distressed.

He sat next to Lu Miao on the bed, hugged her and gently patted her to comfort her:

"Okay, just give birth to this one, and I won't have any more babies in the future."

One is enough.

Lu Miao nodded gently, resisting the tense emotions, and now slowly relaxed a little.

Fu Jingyou hugged her and coaxed her for a while. When she saw that her mood had calmed down, she got back to business and began to reason:

"Let me take a look at your fingers? Are the thorns picked out?"

Lu Miao told him truthfully about pulling out the bamboo thorns.

Fu Jingyou held her left hand and looked at it for a long time, then frowned and said "tsk":

"You are the biggest in this room. You can do whatever you want from now on, but you must be more careful and don't let this happen again."


Lu Miao nodded slightly and defended in a low voice:

"It was an accident..."

Fu Jingyou looked at her seriously:

"It's just that you're not careful, there's no intention or surprise, can you do it?"

He can take it up and put it down, Fu Jingyou doesn't mind being bossed around and tossed around by his wife.

But if you should be tough, you still have to be tough.

Lu Miao pouted slightly and nodded reluctantly:

"I know, just pay attention in the future."

"It's almost there."

Fu Jingyou was satisfied, holding her face and carefully wiping away her tears.

He pulled the bamboo basket from the cabinet beside him and took out the soda drink:

"I bought the soda, do you want to drink it now?"

Lu Miao's eyes were bright, and the ends of his eyes were red and moist from crying. He nodded lightly and said "Yeah."

Fu Jingyou leaned on the corner of the table and opened a bottle for her. After passing it over, he sat aside and watched her drink.

He had a smile on his face, so gentle.

Every time it seemed that Lu Miao was the one who had the upper hand on him, but in fact it was him who had the control of Lu Miao.

He has a good temper and a lot of patience.

Lu Miao has a short temper, but his attitude is sincere and gentle, and he can always communicate in a timely manner.

He accurately grasped Lu Miao's stubborn and arrogant temper and easily coaxed him away.

Lu Miao also fell in love with him.

After his temper calmed down, Lu Miao took a few sips from the soda bottle and asked:

"You only bought me two bottles?"

"I was walking in a hurry this time, so I picked up a small basket and couldn't hold a few."

Fu Jingyou nodded and responded truthfully:

"When you go back later, carry a bamboo basket and buy more."

Lu Miao pursed her lips coquettishly, waved her pupils and said:

"Then put that bottle of soda in the well for me to drink. I want to drink it cold."

"This is cool."

"No, I want something cooler!"

Lu Miao frowned and insisted stubbornly.

Fu Jingyou saw that her little face was gloomy, and she looked unhappy even if she disagreed, so he nodded quickly:

"Okay, okay, I'll be there in a minute, I'll be there in a minute."

Lu Miao hummed, feeling satisfied. Seeing that Fu Jingyou was always staring at her, she handed the soda to her and said, "Drink it too."

Fu Jingyou pressed her hand and pushed it back.

Lu Miao knew that she didn't like to hear words like "I don't like drinking" and "I don't like eating".

Fu Jingyou said:

"I'm just buying two bottles this time, and you drink them first. I'll drink them later when I buy them next time, okay?"

It was probably due to the physical discomfort during pregnancy and the mental discomfort due to the tossing.

Lu Miao's mind was not as bright as before.

Hearing what Fu Jingyou said made sense, she nodded without thinking, retracted her hand and sat on the edge of the bed to drink a soda.

During this period, Fu Jingyou washed two small tomatoes for her. After she took them, she buried her head and ate them.

He's so damn good.

Like a child who has just had a tantrum and was coaxed away by an adult, whatever the adult says is what it says.

Lu Miao has a squeamish temper, but she is not ignorant or unreasonable, which makes Fu Jingyou feel that it is impossible even if he wants to pamper her.

In the next few days, the two threshing floors in the production team were cleared again, and they were threshing and grinding millet day and night.

In the past, the members did not dare to provoke the Fu family for fear of being ganged up on, but things are different now.

Sometimes when I was too late or tired, I couldn't get the ox back to the team in time, so I tied it directly under the jujube tree in front of Fu's house.

The Fu family is not the same as before. There is only one person in the house. When he goes out to work or something, the door is always locked.

Fu Jingyou got married, Lu Miao was added to the Fu family, and Tang Mei came later.

The house and outside are tidied up neatly, and the door is open and popular.

The members of the production team who worked in the east threshing floor would sometimes go to Fu's house to ask for a drink of water when they were tired or thirsty.

Lu Miao didn't care about the one or two drinks.

Where is Tang Mei?

She didn't talk much to the members of Dahe Village, but she was friendly and kind.

In just half a month, the Fu family's reputation and reputation in the production team have improved a lot.

The uncles lamented that the Fu family's daughter-in-law was very educated and had a good heart.

Aunts and sisters-in-law love to talk about Lu Miao's natal mother, saying that she looks like a city dweller.

During the busy farming period, everyone is busy. It is common for someone to go home to take a break from the summer heat, pour two jars of tea, and sit and chat together.

But I have never seen anyone bring fried pumpkin seeds out to entertain them.

It’s not that people from the countryside are searching.

In fact, the conditions in rural areas are like this, and there is nothing to offer in daily life.

Even if I make some free time, I still have to keep close to the little kid at home to satisfy my craving.

The season has entered July, and the team is busy harvesting and planting. Wheat and millet take turns on the threshing floor.

Team members and educated youth also took turns coming to watch the night.

Lu Miao had a good relationship with the female educated youth. When the female educated youth came to work or came to watch in the evening, she would always bring the washed tomatoes and cucumbers to the threshing floor.

Let them eat when they are tired and thirsty.

This summer is drier than last year.

The tomatoes grown in the backyard, near a well, bear a lot of fruit, and they can turn red every day.

It always presents a picture of fruitful results.

On the contrary, it was cucumbers grown in the private plot beside the house in front of the house. Fu Jingyou carefully built a nice and strong climbing frame.

In order to ensure the amount of activity, Lu Miao often went over to water the plants.

But probably because that area is usually exposed to less sunlight, there are many cucumbers growing up, but there are only a few cucumbers.

Lu Miao also wondered if there were too many vines, which were squeezing out nutrients and thus not producing melons.

He also fumbled for some scissors, thinking of going over there to cut some split ends or something.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened this time.

The climbing frame has been exposed to wind and sun for a long time, and has long since faded away from its original green color and turned into mottled gray-brown.

A light brown and earth-colored snake is wrapped around the climbing frame. The spotted patterns on its body blend into the mottled spots on the shelf. (End of chapter)

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