Lu Miao didn't see it.

After working for a while, her stomach dropped and her waist became a little tired. She stopped and wanted to grab the climbing frame and rest for a while.

Just as he stretched out his hand, he heard a "hissing" sound.

She turned around and looked for a long time, but couldn't find where the sound came from.

She turned around and was about to continue what she was doing when she suddenly saw something like an arrow in her peripheral vision, shooting straight towards her.

Lu Miao was startled.

Lu Miao shuddered when she saw that the target was a snake with sinister scales, swaying and leaning on its upper body to breathe at her.

The hairs on her back stood up at that moment, and her scalp was numb with shock.

The snake was not the cauliflower snake or water snake she had encountered when working in the production team.

It's a venomous short-tailed viper!

Looking at that slanted head and the way it keeps stretching its neck to bite, it's not someone to be trifled with.

The distance between Lu Miao and the short-tailed viper was less than half a meter, and his brain went blank.

She moved backwards, but she stumbled and fell backwards.

Lu Miao said "ouch".

The uncle who was working on the threshing floor was shocked when he saw this scene out of the corner of his eye.

He quickly threw away the things in his hands and ran to the door of Fu's house:

"Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu!"

The uncle's voice was anxious, and Fu Jingyou walked out from the other side of the house, his hands and face covered with yellow mud:

"What's the matter, uncle?"

The uncle stamped his feet anxiously, pointed at Lu Miao on the edge of the private plot and said:

"What else happened! Your wife fell down!"


Fu Jingyou was so shocked that his soul almost flew away, and he rushed over to check on Lu Miao's condition:

"In just a short while, why are you here again!"

Lu Miao was dragging her belly and her face was pale.

Regardless of the mud on his hands, Fu Jingyou took her hand and put it on her neck, leaning forward to hug her.

Lu Miao pushed him and didn't want him to hug him:

"There are snakes, there are snakes!"

"Don't worry about the snake, worry about yourself first!"

"I'm fine...just a numb stomach. Get the snake away!"

Fu Jingyou still wanted to hug Lu Miao, but Lu Miao pushed and struggled.

"Be careful not to get bitten, it's poisonous!"

Lu Miao became stubborn and Fu Jingyou couldn't control her, so he called Tang Mei while frowning and following Lu Miao's fingertips to find the snake.

When he saw the snake, Fu Jingyou frowned.

Short-tailed adder is the scientific name.

The locals in Province H call this snake "Tudi Po", and it is considered a highly venomous snake in the area.

Fu Jingyou was worried about Lu Miao, and he was also afraid that if the snake was not dealt with, it would turn around and bite someone with its horns.

Looking around, Fu Jingyou pulled a firewood stick from the steps in front of the door.

How long can firewood last?

The left side is only about twenty or thirty centimeters.

The snake was wrapped around the shelf, and it was scary to see how it bounced its head and breathed out.

Lu Miao was afraid that Fu Jingyou would be bitten if he was not safe. When Tang Mei helped him to get up, he wanted to stop him and give some instructions.

But he saw Fu Jingyou taking action quickly as if he was furious.

The snake was "hissing" just a second ago.

The next second, the lower body was still coiled on the bamboo pole frame, but the upper body was already limp and the hammer was being lifted upside down.

The snake's head struggled and twisted slightly.

Tang Mei couldn't see these things and helped Lu Miao to walk back, not daring to look at them at all.

Lu Miao looked back frequently.

Seeing Fu Jingyou reaching out to pull the snake on the shelf, she shuddered and raised her voice:

"You throw it away and watch it penetrate people!"

"Don't worry about it, he knows how to do it." Tang Mei urged her:

"How are you? What's wrong with your stomach? I'm going to pick up something, and let's go to the hospital for a checkup!"

"Oh, it's okay..."

Lu Miao grabbed Tang Mei.

Although I was scared for a while when I fell down at first.

But after calming down, Lu Miao felt it carefully and found that there was nothing uncomfortable. The feeling was completely different from the previous miscarriage, and Lu Miao felt relieved.

Tang Mei is worried:

"This is no small matter, don't be willful!"

"Oh, little aunt, I know, I'm really fine!"

In fact, it wasn't really a fall just now. I just didn't step on it firmly, so I sat back and squatted on my butt.

Lu Miao trusts his own intuitive feelings.

Later, Fu Jingyou hurriedly entered the room, washed the hands that had been smashed, picked up the basket on his back, and said that he would pack up and go to the hospital.

Lu Miao pulled him to explain and refused to go.

After some pulling, both soft and hard, Fu Jingyou was forced to stop his movements.

At that time, Fu Jingyou exhaled deeply, lowered his deep eyebrows, and looked at Lu Miao complicatedly.

He was worried, but Lu Miao became stubborn, and there was really nothing he could do to her.

In the remaining days, Lu Miao ate well, but it made her bedmate Fu Jingyou miserable.

Afraid that Lu Miao would feel uncomfortable after the fall like last time, Fu Jingyou stayed up for two nights, always alert.

On the third and fourth days, when he saw that Lu Miao's face remained as usual, he gradually felt relieved.

He used to coax Lu Miao, but after this incident, Fu Jingyou's attitude suddenly became tougher.

At night, when he spread his legs to wash Lu Miao's feet, he said:

"I'm going to give birth in a few months. You can live in peace for a while and don't do anything."

"If I see you pulling out those rotten tomatoes and broken cucumbers again, I will pull them all for you tomorrow."

Lu Miao was not happy about what he said. She picked up her foot from the basin and tried to kick him out of her temper.

Fu Jingyou grabbed her ankle in time to prevent her from kicking:

"It's useless to be angry this time. If you keep tossing it, I'll pull it out for you in a while, and I won't plant it next year."

Pregnancy is inherently dangerous.

The pregnant woman is also heavy, so this fall was a near miss, but fortunately she was fine.

But can we still take chances every time?

Lu Miao couldn't help but burst into tears.

Fu Jingyou was afraid that he would become soft-hearted and did not look at her face at all.

Lowering his head to wipe the water off her feet, he went out to pour the water.

When I came back to push the door, I found that the door could not be pushed open.

"You still won't let me in?"

"I'm going to sleep in a room alone today!"


Fu Jingyou stood in front of the door for a long time, standing the footbath against the wall, nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll be in the main room. If you need anything, call me."

Lu Miao was sulking while hugging the pillow, and felt curious as she listened to the "thumping" sounds outside from time to time.

Quietly peeking out from the crack in the door, it turned out that after Fu Jingyou went to the backyard to take a shower, he returned to the main room and started to move chairs and arrange a sleeping area.

There were no clothes outside. He was wet all the way back to the main room. He casually wiped the water on his face with a towel, and the clothes on his body were still dripping.

Lu Miao felt a little uncomfortable, so she pulled open the small metal door bolt and said:

"Are you really sleeping outside?"

Fu Jingyou turned around and asked her, "Don't you want to sleep alone?"

Lu Miao pursed her lips and let out a "hum", and said in embarrassment:

"Then you can sleep outside! You will sleep there from now on!"

She stamped her feet to close the door. Fu Jingyou stepped forward with his long legs, quickly opened the door and stuck to her:

"I said you were doing it for your own good, but you are still angry with me."

With teasing hidden in his eyes, he touched Lu Miao's angry face and kissed her:

"You want me to sleep outside, but you're not happy with me sleeping outside?"

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