The bicycle rides along the hilly slope toward the production team.

The unique "clang" sound of the wheels made He Hongjin poke his head out of the ground.

He Hongjin thought it was someone from the commune or the county, but he saw it was Fu Jingyou.

He Hongjin pounded his hoe and shouted:

"Xiao Liu, what are you doing! If you don't work in the county when it's time to work, what are you doing here again?"

Fu Jingyou was thinking about things at home and kept riding his bicycle for a while:

"I'm asking for leave. I won't be working during this period!"

"What the hell? You are really half of that five hundred! What a stupid boy, why do you ask for leave when you have nothing to do!"

"Miaomiao is awake, my wife is awake!"

"I won't even give you back your wife..."

He Hongjin was stuck, "What?!"

Other people working in the field also stood up like the prairie dog:

"What? My daughter-in-law is awake? Is it true?"

"Does that mean she's healed? This woman has stepped into hell with both feet, can she really be healed?"

No one answers these questions.

Fu Jingyou and his car had already disappeared without a trace.

He Hongjin couldn't continue working, so he hurried back with a hoe in hand.

When he got home, he leaned his hoe against the wall of the courtyard, pulled off his coat and started shouting:

"His mother, his mother! Stop working so hard. That girl is awake. Go take a look!"


There was no time to close the courtyard gate, so He Hongjin and Chen Guifen hurried to Fu's house.

Not only He Hongjin and Chen Guifen.

After hearing the news, many people in the team came back from the fields and went to Fu's house to see what was going on.

After waking up yesterday, Lu Miao slept for more than ten hours.

When Fu Jingyou came back, she was sitting by the bed.

Dabao and Xiaobao were on the inside of the bed, one holding her mother's hand and the other riding on her mother's thigh, tossing them back and forth.

Lu Miao looked at the two children calmly, but Fu Jingyou felt that the two little ones were annoying and disturbed her rest.

He quickly spread out the mat in the main room, put up the fence, and put the first and second treasures in each hand.

This time he forgot to put away the small wooden toy, and the second child refused to listen, stomping on the fence and crying.

Dabao entertained himself by hugging his calf and gnawing his toes. When he saw his sister crying, he crawled to her side and lay on the fence to see why she was crying.

Erbao's little face turned red from crying. In anger, he waved his little hand around and accidentally slapped Dabao.

Dabao pursed his lips and touched his face, and started to cry.

The two children cried one after another. Lu Miao couldn't sit still and pushed himself up to go out to see the situation.

"Why did you recruit them? They are so anxious."

"It's okay to cry for a while, just ignore them for now."

Fu Jingyou held her down and didn't let her move.

"Are you hungry? There are pigeon stew and snow clam stew. I'll get them for you."

Lu Miao nodded, feeling still nervous about the two children.

She was still weak, and Fu Jingyou didn't want Dabao and Erbao to come and make trouble for her, so he asked Tang Mei to put down her work first and concentrate on coaxing the child.

When the team arrived at Fu's house, Fu Jingyou was sitting by the bed, feeding Lu Miao red dates and snow clams in small spoonfuls.

He Hongjin stood at the door of the room and scratched his head. He was happy, but he didn't know what to say.

Chen Guifen pushed him away, sat by the bed and grabbed one of Lu Miao's hands:

"How's it going? How do you feel, kid?"

Lu Miao smiled, looking better than yesterday, but still very weak:

"Auntie, I'm fine, but I still feel a little tired occasionally."

Chen Guifen was so angry when she heard her talk that she didn't have much energy. She didn't ask any more questions at the moment and just asked her to have a good rest. Then she sat aside and watched Fu Jingyou eating for her.

He Hongjin blocked the door of the room. People outside were poking their heads to see, but no one dared to come forward.

Several young daughters-in-law were quick-thinking and went out of the house to go around to the windows and look in.

That’s amazing!

The person who was bleeding heavily and was thought to be dying is now not only awake, but also able to eat!

Mom, this is really the reincarnation of a living Bodhisattva, can't it be blessed by a golden body?

The older members of the club talked about it and how magical it was. The young man, after talking about Lu Miao's "resurrection from the dead", started gossiping about the attitude of the men of the Fu family towards their wives:

"See, you have to put food in your mouth when you eat. I've never seen such a disgusting thing!"

"I'm really not ashamed..."

"that is!"

"Look at it, you guys are wiping your mouth. With so many people watching, you are not afraid of being embarrassed to death!"

The young daughters-in-law commented shyly, feeling that the scenes and actions in the room were very shameful.

But I stood outside the window and watched for a while, and saw Fu Jingyou looking serious and attentive.

A group of young wives suddenly felt inexplicably unhappy.

If someone could love her, if she could be held in someone's hand and cared for, what woman wouldn't appreciate it?

The men of the Fu family really love their wives.

Why didn't they notice it before they were married?

The more I look at it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Several young wives waved their hands, each with a gloomy look on their face. Not to mention they were excited about gossip when they came, but they were not very happy when they returned.

Fu Jingyou doesn't care what outsiders think.

This is in his own home.

He can treat his wife how he wants to be treated.

That's his business.

What do outsiders say?

What's bothering them?

Lu Miao just woke up and didn't have much appetite. After eating half a bowl of snow clams, she started shaking her head and pushing the bowl.

Fu Jingyou didn't force her to eat either.

Putting the bowl aside, he rummaged through the box and pulled out a large, bulging cloth bag.

There are countless small pockets in the big cloth pocket, and Fu Jingyou takes them out one by one:

"There are walnuts, pine nuts, melon seeds, peanuts, raisins..."

"What do you want to eat? I'll peel it for you."

Lu Miao snickered, her throat felt uncomfortable, she coughed twice, shook her head and said:

"Don't eat now. Bring the baby over and let me take a look."

"My aunt and uncle are watching, don't ignore them for now."

Fu Jingyou closed the door, and with a sound of "she", the curtains were also closed.

He took off his shoes, slipped past Lu Miao, and lay down on his side on the bed.

With his back pressed against the mat, he turned sideways and patted it.

Lu Miao understood and slid down to lie down.

Stressed both physically and mentally, he barely had a peaceful night's sleep for nearly a year.

Lu Miao asked softly:

"Shall I sleep with you for a while?"


Fu Jingyou held one of her hands tightly and nodded gently.

Beside her, he didn't have the slightest precaution and soon fell asleep.

Lu Miao turned sideways and looked at his face carefully.

The man is still handsome, but there is always an aura of vicissitudes of life about him.

Especially those handsome eyebrows.

Even if he relaxed easily at this time, the traces of the word Sichuan could still be faintly seen between his eyebrows.

In addition, there are a lot of sparse white hairs on the sideburns, the top of the head, and the back of the head.

In less than a year, I feel like I have aged several years.

Lu Miao swallowed, feeling heavy in her heart.

He came closer to Fu Jingyou and wanted to kiss him distressedly.

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