Fu Jingyou seemed to have developed muscle memory, wrapping his arms around Lu Miao's waist and carrying her over.

He murmured vaguely:


That's when I fell into a deep sleep.

If there was still some consciousness left, Fu Jingyou would never dare to touch Lu Miao easily.

She was so weak that it seemed like she would break without touching her, and he was afraid of breaking her.

Lu Miao put her backhand on his waist and patted his back:

"I'm here, sleep peacefully."

The man's uneasy frown relaxed again and fell into a deep sleep, rarely snoring lightly.

This time, Fu Jingyou slept deeply and soundly.

I didn't even get up to eat lunch. When I woke up again, the curtains had long been opened, and half of the sky outside was flushed.

It was already dusk.

But Lu Miao was sitting leaning against the bedside, still beside him.

Fu Jingyou rolled around, twisted his head on Lu Miao's legs, and closed his eyes again.

There are no unnecessary words, I just feel that the time now is happy and comfortable.

very nice.

so good……

Lu Miao laughed out loud, inserted her fingers into his hair and scratched:

"You haven't even eaten lunch, why can't you afford it? Aren't you hungry?"

"Lie down for a while."

"Okay... when the light gets better tomorrow, can I pluck out your white hair?"

"Do you think I'm old?"

"Where is it?"

Lu Miao withdrew her hand.

"Then don't pull it out."

Fu Jingyou refused again, grabbed her hand and pressed it on her head:

"No, I need you to pull it out for me!"

He was stubborn and clingy, like a child, and he was very clingy to her.

Lu Miao laughed, her eyebrows softened, and her hand covered the top of his hair and stroked it again.

Fu Jingyou enjoyed the warm atmosphere for a while, and then told Lu Miao what happened during her sleep.

Lu Miao kept listening carefully.

Lu Miao felt a little emotional when she heard that Lu Yuanzheng had been here in Province H for a long time and helped with almost all funeral arrangements.

Fu Jingyou turned around, held her hand and looked at her:

"I couldn't spare my mind at that time, and even if I spared my mind, I couldn't do anything..."

"Afterwards, I thought, let bygones be bygones. After all, he is your father. If it were anyone else, no one would be able to do this."

"He only has you as a daughter, but it doesn't matter. In the future, I will treat him as a father like my own son, honor him well, and provide for him in his old age."

Fu Jingyou will always unite with Lu Miao, but he also has a problem in his heart.

In the future, Lu Miao can do whatever he wants. He will not force Lu Miao to do anything.

But for him, the people Lu Yuanzheng found saved his wife and child. He would never forget this kindness.

Lu Miao is not an ignorant person.

She always remembered the blind date in Jinmen.

But after the difficulty of life and death, that matter seems not so important.

In the past, she thought she was a book wearer, so she viewed the relationship between the Lu family very objectively and indifferently.

But it's different now.

It is difficult to tell clearly the past and present life between her and "Lu Xiaobao".

And just like Fu Jingyou said, Lu Yuanzheng is her father after all.

If he didn't take her seriously, he wouldn't come here to bother her.

Let’s take a look at it step by step in the future.

Those who should move should move, and those who should be filial should also be filial.


After sleeping for ten months, Lu Miao thought she would not wake up, but luckily she did. Lu Miao regretted missing a period of time with her family, especially the most critical ten months when Dabao and Erbao were young.

Fortunately, when she was not awake, Fu Jingyou and Tang Mei often placed the first and second babies next to her and took care of them together.

The two little ones were a little unfamiliar with Lu Miao's voice, but they were not unfamiliar with her.

Lu Miao hugged them, but they didn't resist.

It is worth mentioning that Dabao doesn't seem to like being close to his father very much.

Every time Fu Jingyou hugs Dabao, Dabao frowns and has a straight face.

It's different when Lu Miao hugs him, Dabao always grins and giggles.

Fu Jingyou complained that Dabao's mouth was as big as a catfish.

He Hongjin heard this and stood at the door, scolding him and angrily mocking Fu Jingyou for his good looks.

When a father mocks his son for being ugly, he doesn't even look at whose father he is, and he doesn't know how the words come out of his mouth.

In the past, when Lu Miao was awake, Dabao and Erbao were crawling around and were always dirty.

After Lu Miao woke up, she paid special attention to the hygiene of her two babies.

Every time He Hongjin came over, he looked at the big treasure and the second treasure, which were just like Xue Tuanzi, and felt very rare.

He always hugged this one and hugged that one, speaking non-standard Mandarin in a non-standard manner, and teaching the first and second babies not to imitate their father.

Otherwise, when I grow up, I will be starved for nine meals in three days, and I will be beaten with a steel rod from time to time.

He spoke like a rhyme, and Lu Miao was amused even as she listened to it.

Lu Miao gradually took in rice.

When Fu Jingyou was at home, he would often massage her legs and help her walk around when he had time.

His half-month rest period was coming to an end, and Lu Miao was almost recovered.

She couldn't do any laborious tasks like washing clothes.

But simply cleaning the house, cooking, etc. will not be affected at all.

Fu Jingyou settled down at home and was urged by her to reluctantly return to work.

At home, Lu Miao also had an in-depth talk with Tang Mei.

Tang Mei came over to take care of her, saying that she would wait until she gave birth and take care of the confinement before leaving.

As a result, something went wrong in the middle, and it was delayed until now.

She is almost in good health now, and it's almost time for Tang Mei to go back and enjoy her happiness.

"I'm leaving. Can you take care of this big family?"

"There's not a big family, just two adults and two children, right?"

"Don't take your children lightly, children are the most delicate things!"

"I know that even if I don't know these things, I should learn them slowly. You can't always treat me like a child. I have to learn to be on my own."

"I won't bother you here..."

"What about dad? Are you really going to let him stay alone in Beijing?"

Tang Mei was originally in a stalemate, but Lu Miao relaxed and called Lu Yuanzheng "Dad", and Tang Mei suddenly stopped saying anything.

After a moment of silence, Tang Mei said:

"Your father has some connections. Let's talk to him and ask him to help us... Let's go to Beijing as a family."

Tang Mei couldn't let go of Lu Miao, let alone the two little ones. She thought about it and said:

"When the time comes, someone will take care of the child. You and Xiaofu can decide whether to go to school or find something to do... isn't that okay?"

"We will go to Beijing, but not now, in the next two years at the latest..."

Lu Miao shook her head, her thoughts firm.

"Don't worry about this, little aunt, I have my own plans."

It doesn't matter, you don't have to be a fool.

But how to use it depends on the situation.

She couldn't just care about the immediate convenience and ignore Fu Jingyou's feelings.

Tang Mei couldn't defeat her, so she had to compromise.

But she also agreed that she would have to wait another half month until Lu Miao's body and bones were more stable before she left.

Lu Miao nodded and said "hmm", hugged the second baby and kissed her, then went to kiss the eldest baby.

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