Lu Miao is a new mother. When she was pregnant, she was always afraid of being careless and not being able to take good care of her baby.

But after the child was born, facing two babies who were connected by blood, all worries seemed to be unnecessary.

Lu Miao seemed to have a sudden enlightenment. When taking care of Dabao and Erbao, his movements were meticulous and natural.

Love arises out of one's own control at all.

Lu Miao took a little rest for a month, and in early July, her body finally gradually returned to health.

Tang Mei returned to Beijing and cried a lot while holding Dabao and Dabao before leaving.

Lu Miao suppressed her sadness and comforted:

"It's just for a while. When I celebrate my first birthday in mid-August, don't you, grandma, still have to come? I'll see you then."

After saying this, Tang Mei nodded, feeling much better:

"Then I'm leaving. You should take care of your children and yourself carefully. You should still avoid foods that should be avoided these days."


Lu Miao waved and watched Fu Jingyou ride away with Tang Mei.

Without Tang Mei's help, all the housework fell on Lu Miao, and Lu Miao was in a hurry for a while.

She simply doesn't need to do anything else besides taking care of her two babies.

Dabao and Erbao have good tempers and don't make trouble.

Usually, I put it in the baby area isolated by the fence in the main room, put some gadgets in it, and the two little ones can play for a long time by themselves.

When Lu Miao washes clothes, he washes them in a basin next to him, and he does whatever else he has to do.

I have arranged my time, but I don’t feel tired at all. I can occasionally take some free time to study how to make baby food.

The two babies are about to enter November, and they have six or seven deciduous teeth in their mouths.

Milk powder is easy to buy, but it is difficult to buy large amounts of milk powder.

The eldest and second eldest babies eat more and more, and no matter how much milk they feed, they are still full of water and disappear as soon as they urinate.

Lu Miao reduced the amount of milk powder and slowly introduced complementary foods to her eldest and second child.

Sometimes it is steamed tomatoes and eggs, and when it comes out of the pot, add two drops of sesame oil, so that the first and second babies will taste delicious.

Fu Jingyou sometimes brought pork back, so Lu Miao would order more meat fillings and use meat fillings instead of tomatoes to steam eggs.

Occasionally, Lu Miao would catch up with killing chickens at home. Lu Miao would take out the chicken legs alone, remove the bones and cut them into cubes, fry them in a small bowl and feed them to Dabao and Erbao.

As a new mother, Lu Miao has no parenting experience, but she is very careful and loves to study.

A combination of meat and vegetables, trying to achieve a balanced nutrition, she raised the first and second babies to be white, fat and strong.

Twins are rare enough to begin with. There are not many chubby children in the countryside.

The Fu family's twins were like mascots. People in the village occasionally came over to chat with each other, and they were all jealous when they saw them. No one could not praise Lu Miao for her ability to raise children.

Lu Miao still felt embarrassed at first and always refused, saying that she was just trying to cross the river by feeling for stones.

Later, she was praised more often, and Lu Miao really became suspicious. Did she really have the talent to take care of children?

It's as tiring as other people have when they have a baby.

She was raising a second child, and apart from the fact that she peed her pants and washed her clothes frequently, she really didn't find anything disturbing.

At this moment, Lu Miao didn't know the importance of the baby's own personality.

After a few years and the second child is born, she will be able to understand what torture and difficulty are.

The blood pressure rises every minute, and the mood becomes depressed every minute...

But those are things for later and will not be mentioned here for now.

This year Dahe Village raised rice flower fish on six acres of land.

Based on the experience accumulated last year, the rice fish fish production will be higher this year. Excluding the six acres of land distributed to the members, there will be a total of more than 1300 kilograms of fish.

Each province actively cooperates with the mobilization of national policies, and each region is connected and supports each other to take responsibility for the surrounding rural areas.

There is Da Tieniu here in Xixian County. Fu Jingyou is the leader of Tieniu Equipment Group and is from Dahe Village.

With his relationship active in the middle, this year's rice fish in Dahe Village is not limited to the big canteen of the county office. The county leaders communicated and approved it, and dispatched large iron oxen to coordinate the transportation, and sold it to several surrounding counties.

The county ate rice flower fish last year and felt it tasted better than lake fish and river fish, so the price was slightly adjusted, with the price increased by 1 cent per kilogram.

Last year it was 1 jiao and 1 cent per pound, this year it is 1 jiao and 2 cents.

The rice flower fish is sold to several neighboring counties, which is a sideline business between counties, and the money is not collected so quickly.

What came before the money was the first birthday gift for the first and second treasures.

Lu Miao didn't know who the Fu family's relatives were, so he didn't interfere and let Fu Jingyou make the decision to invite them.

Lu Miao is only responsible for his own side.

Except for Hu Zhiyuan and her friends from educated youth spots, she didn't have many close friends in Province H.

So those who were invited were the only ones invited.

Over in Beijing, I sent a letter early, but the reply I received was a polite rejection from Tang Mei.

Lu Miao felt something was wrong after reading the letter.

I was still thinking about this when I left last time, but now it's time to hold a first-year gift, but I won't come again. What's the point?

Fu Jingyou held Erbao in his arms, holding in his hand the tomato that Erbao had chewed on but refused to eat, and took a big bite.

Seeing Lu Miao frowning and holding the letter in a daze, he put Er Bao down and let Er Bao run around and play with his buttocks in his hands.

He sat next to Lu Miao:

"what happened?"

Lu Miao read the letter directly to him.

Fu Jingyou felt strange after reading it:

"When I left last time, I said I would come. Why did you suddenly stop coming?"

The letter did not explain the reason.

"When things go wrong, there must be a monster."

Lu Miao said, thinking about it and then said:

"You go to work tomorrow and give me a call to ask."

After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll go to the county with you tomorrow!"

Fu Jingyou is not a talkative person.

Tang Mei refused to say anything clearly in the letter. When he called her, Tang Mei said she was fine, but he also promised not to ask any more questions.

She had to do this herself.

Fu Jingyou thought about it. He sent a telegram to Beijing when Lu Miao woke up, but there was no reply.

I didn't think anything of it at first, but now that I think about it carefully, it seems that something is wrong.

"Then I'll pack a backpack so I can take Brat and Xia Xia with me tomorrow."

"What are you taking them for? It's so hot, don't you feel tired? The eldest baby and the second baby are still afraid of the sun! Just ask aunt to take some time to take care of them for a day."

"That's okay... Then I'll go say hello to them."

"Well... don't you still have a jar of sealed honey at home? You can take it with you. I hear that my uncle always coughs and his throat is not very good."

"Save it for you and Xia Xia to drink."

"...You are stingy."

"There were either turtles in the backyard water tank, so I just took one over... His throat was probably caused by some other problem, it was just caused by yelling loudly."

Lu Miao couldn't help being amused by him, picked up Dabao who had fallen on his butt, and said:

"Don't say this in front of him, or the next one will scold you."


Fu Jingyou smiled proudly and walked out of the house.

Lu Miao also laughed, shook his head, and put the first and second babies into the baby area in the main room one after another.

"Mom's good darlings, wait until mommy brings hot water to give you a nice bath."

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