Chapter 432 Retention
The translation price of Sitong News Agency is similar to that of the translation agency.

Even because most of them are short stories, most of them can get five yuan for more than 1,000 words, which is more appropriate.

She didn't speak for a long time, and Liu Shouyi said:
"You are a student, so it doesn't matter if you can't come often to study in the dormitory. The club can assign tasks to you, and you can take them back to do them. It doesn't matter if you find time to deliver them every week."

Liu Shouyi really liked Lu Miao and wanted to keep her.

Lu Miao nodded slightly.

Liu Shouyi thought she had agreed, and as soon as a smile appeared on his face, Lu Miao said again:

"I need to go back and think about it. Regardless of whether it comes or not, I will come over and say something, weekend at the latest."

"Comrade, are you dissatisfied with your treatment?"

Liu Shouyi's smile faded, he frowned and scratched his thick, stubbled hair, and continued:
"The price of translation is stipulated by the unified open standards above. You cannot compromise on the salary. But if you feel that it is not good, the agency can provide you with other subsidies, such as tickets."

Liu Shouyi tried his best to keep him.

Lu Miao shook her head and smiled warmly, still indicating that she wanted to go back and think about it.

Liu Shouyi had no choice but to nod and send her out the door.

Watching Lu Miao walk away, Liu Shouyi remained silent and followed behind.

When he returned to the newspaper office not long after, Liu Shouyi's face turned gray.

“Lao Zhou’s pig mouth, if someone comes next time, don’t call him out!”

An old employee who worked with me asked:

"President, what's wrong?"

Liu Shouyi sighed, wrinkled his old face, clapped his hands with the back of his hands and said:
"What else is going on! Just now I was thinking that there was a high probability that I could keep him here, but now it's better. He's gone to the publishing house down the street!"

The translation fees were pretty much the same, and he had promised other subsidies, but the girl still didn't nod and said she would think about it carefully.

It must be because he was despised by Lao Zhou just now and felt that the people on their side were not easy to get along with, so he was unwilling to come!

The old employee thought about it and vaguely thought so.

However, nothing is absolute.

Someone said: "Not necessarily, maybe I want to see what's going on at the publishing house?"

"I don't think you need to worry too much about this. The tasks of the publishing house are much heavier than ours, and the requirements are also higher. Even a serious translator would find it difficult, let alone a student like her?"

"Yes, President, people will definitely come to us!"

After hearing this, Liu Shouyi thought about it silently, and felt that it was true, and felt a little more at ease.

"Then let's wait and see."


On the other side, in the publishing house.

After mutual introduction and brief understanding, Lu Miao sat down in a corner of the hall,

Holding the handwritten manuscript given by the publisher, I started the written translation test on the spot again.

The handwriting is so densely packed that it is hard on the eyes to read.

Lu Miao tried hard to understand every sentence and treated it with normality and dignity.

The young girl has a beautiful and clean face, wearing a light blue and green gown with a slim waist and black trousers.

As soon as you sit there, you will see a beautiful scenery.

Not to mention her straight back, almost right-angled sitting posture and serious expression, which attracts even more attention.

Several young comrades from the publishing house passed by and stopped to take a look at the corner of the stairs.

Three pages of handwritten manuscript, nearly 5,000 words, Lu Miao hurriedly finished it before seven o'clock.

After handing over the translation, she turned to look at the floor. She felt dizzy and felt that the floor was covered with scrawled words.

"Okay, I have received your manuscript. Let's go back today."

The person in charge, Zhao Ming, flipped through her translation and nodded with satisfaction:
"Approval takes a while. If you have time on the weekend, you can come over again. If you don't have time, just leave your address. Whether you pass or fail, the agency will notify you."

The size of the publishing house is much larger than that of Sitong Newspaper, and the job system is also more complex.

Everything should be handed down layer by layer and handled in a formal manner.

Lu Miao had no objection, nodded and bowed humbly.

Afterwards, I rubbed my sore wrists and went out to wait for the bus.

I'm really tired today.

I woke up early in the morning and never rested, and my aunt even came.

I can't think about this. When I think about my aunt, my stomach feels a little bloated and my waist starts to feel sore. Lu Miao ran out of energy, so she took the bus to Qingta Hutong and walked back lazily.

It was almost eight o'clock, and Fu Jingyou had been back long ago.

Lu Miao was not at home. Fu Jingyou asked Tang Mei where she had gone, but Tang Mei couldn't tell.

Fu Jingyou held the child in her arms and kept guarding the alley in front of the door.

Seeing her coming back, Fu Jingyou immediately greeted her.


Erbao saw his mother and reached out to hug her.

Lu Miao waved her hands lazily, unable to hold her.

"Where have you been? Why are you back now?"

It was pitch dark, and he was worried for a while. He didn't know where to go even if he wanted to go out.

"Go back first, I'm tired."

"it is good."

Fu Jingyou held his daughter in one hand and supported his wife in the other as he walked into the courtyard.

In the main room, Tang Mei saw people coming and going, so she quickly stood up and said:
"I'll go heat up the food!"

With only one breath left, Lu Miao went to the toilet.

When he returned to the house, he lay on the kang and stopped moving.

Fu Jingyou sat on the edge of the Kang and coaxed her in a low voice:
"Miaomiao, take a break and get up to eat."

Lu Miao turned around with her back to him, "I don't want to eat."

Fu Jingyou was silent, put down her daughter, patted her on the head, and asked her to go out and play with her brother.

Then he sat down on the kang and continued to lower his voice softly:
"Are you still angry? I promise I will never be like that again, okay..."


Lu Miao interrupted him reluctantly, turned around, hid one eye in the pillow, and narrowed the other eye slightly to look at him.

Her little hand hooked up with his hand that was resting on the kang, and scratched it playfully:

"Brother You, I want to drink soda."

Fu Jingyou shook his head: "No, drink again in a few days."

"I just want to drink it today."

Fu Jingyou still shook his head.

Lu Miao knew that he must know something.

When I got off the kang and looked behind the door, it was indeed empty.

She curled her lips and said, "It's not unlucky either."

Fu Jingyou looked at her and said:

"You can wash your sweaty clothes for me, but I can't wash your bloody clothes? What's the disadvantage of just washing your clothes?"

Tang Meixi couldn't explain the private things.

Just like the pants he was wearing.

Usually he either washes it himself or his wife washes it for him.

His wife's things are definitely the most suitable for him to wash.

Fu Jingyou's answer struck a chord in Lu Miao's heart.

Lu Miao smiled slightly and felt a little better.

"I can't take a shower today. Get me some hot water and I'll wipe it and soak my feet."

"We'll do it after we eat."

Lu Miao shook his head, "I'm really tired today and can't eat."

Fu Jingyou noticed her fatigue, touched her little face and sighed:

"Then I'll ask my aunt to keep one portion, and if you're hungry at night, I'll heat it up for you?"

Lu Miao nodded her chin.

Fu Jingyou went to do it immediately.

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