Chapter 433 Supported

He prepared a large bucket of warm water and a basin for Lu Miao.

"You wash first, I'll come in later and pour water."

Lu Miao said "hmm".

Wash your feet several times until you feel refreshed, then put on clean clothes and pour water again to soak your feet.

Fu Jingyou took the children outside to finish the meal. Afterwards, Tang Mei cleaned up the kitchen. He fetched water and bathed the two children outside.

Tang Mei was washing up in the other room, so he brought the child to this room first.

Lu Miao was lying lazily, with her children sitting beside her, one on each side.

One pinched her hair and played with it, while the other pried her fingers out of curiosity.

Fu Jingyou fetched water and came in to take a bath. The water made a "swishing" sound.

"Are you looking for trouble today?"

"I went to have a look."

"Or a translator?"



Fu Jingyou sighed slightly, took a bath with the sound of water, and said no more.

I didn't know what to say, so I opened my mouth to persuade him, but my wife's angry look at noon stuck in my mind.

In addition, since she was young now, she was easily angry. Fu Jingyou was afraid that she would be so angry that she would not be able to speak easily.

He can be said to be decisive in other matters.

He has always been soft-spoken in front of his wife.

After Fu Jingyou took a bath and went out to pour water, Tang Mei came in and took away the first and second treasures as if counting the time.

Fu Jingyou came in from the outside again, turned the door lock directly, and turned on the lamp to get on the bed.

It's hot, and Lu Miao doesn't like being with Fu Jingyou.

But the aunt's period is special. She took Fu Jingyou's warm, almost slightly hot hand and put it against her lower abdomen, and breathed out a long "hmm" in comfort.

"Does it hurt this time?"

"It doesn't hurt, it's just swelling and my waist is a little sore."

"Turn around and I'll rub it for you."

Fu Jingyou held his face with one hand and lay on his side facing her. His voice was low, hoarse and gentle in the darkness.

Lu Miao shook his head, "Well~ warm your stomach first."

"it is good."

After being immersed in the darkness for a while, Lu Miao talked about the situation of the two newspapers and publishing houses where he went to look for jobs today:
“The newspapers here mostly sell short stories, and the prices are more reasonable than those at previous translation agencies.”

"There are more manuscripts in publishing houses. For example, the textbooks we use are divided into units. When doing translation, the content is divided into different sections, and one or more people are responsible for one part."

If multiple people are responsible for a part, the partial content will be redistributed.

"Currently, the publishing house offers the highest price. If I can hire him, the income for subsequent jobs will be calculated from the first word per thousand words, at five yuan per thousand words."

Lu Miao waved her hands in the darkness.

There was no sound around her. She tilted her head and pecked the man's chin, saying softly and coquettishly:

"Brother You~"


"Don't always look forward and backward. When I chose this major, I was looking at the job gaps in this area."


"You think you are full of strength, and you feel comfortable doing some strenuous work. This is what I learned, and I feel even more comfortable doing it."

Lu Miao said seriously.

"Besides, you can do it anywhere. It won't be affected by the wind or the rain. It's many times better than most people outside who are exposed to the wind and the sun."

Fu Jingyou knew that what she said was reasonable, but he still felt depressed in his heart.

"It's not good to do this."

"What's wrong?"

Fu Jingyou couldn't tell.

Translation requires sitting for a long time, and her back and shoulders are always sore. It's also taxing on the eyes and makes the eyes sore.

All in all, Fu Jingyou just felt that this job was not that easy to do.

But if you think about it carefully, what kind of work is really not hard or tiring?
"My current income, although there is no additional subsidy, can still support my family."

Fu Jingyou stroked her long hair and sighed.

"Miaomiao, I can't bear to see you feel aggrieved and angry. I can afford to support you and your children."

Lu Miao softened her heart, and now she really understood where the core problem was.

One of them is that she is afraid of hard work.

He was afraid that not only would she work hard, but she would also suffer extra hardship.

"Why do you think I chose a job that I can do from home?"

Lu Miao touched his slightly pricked hair and smiled tenderly in the darkness:
"Brother You, as long as I don't want to, no one can make me angry."

Participating in work does not mean bowing to life, but stems from the responsibility for your lover, children and family.

She should do this, and she is willing to do it.

She has grown, but she has always maintained her own personality.

As she and Fu Jingyou said, as long as she doesn't want to, no one can make her feel angry.

If you are not happy, leave.

Life is all about stages. She is capable now, but to outsiders, the experience and polishing time are not enough.

In two years' time, it will not be difficult for her to enter the Guoying Society.

Besides, Lu Miao didn't plan to do the translation work for long.

The world is not far away from economic reform and opening up.

There are many vents at the back.

All she needs is to work together with her lover to support her family and give each other and her children a stable living atmosphere.

"We have to work together. If I don't adapt, I will say..."

"Don't always refuse to let me pay. Just watching you bleed and sweat, I won't feel any relief or happiness except pain and uneasiness."

Fu Jingyou's Adam's apple rolled, and his heart was extremely hot.

As deeply as he loves his wife, her heart and eyes are full of him.

He sighed, kissed her forehead, and finally compromised:
"If it's something you like and recognize, then go for it, I support you."

Lu Miao promised slowly: "I promise to control it properly and not to overdraw my normal life. You must do the same."

Fu Jingyou said "hmm".

Afraid that he would be unhappy if he thought about his work in the ice factory, Lu Miao quickly changed the subject:
"Turn over and let me rub your waist."


Amid the rustling, Lu Miao turned her back:
"It's not the spine, it's the sides of the spine, um...yes...oh, be gentle, it hurts a little this time."

Fu Jingyou put his big hand against her waist and pushed along:
"Is this better?"

"It's much more comfortable. It seems to be much better when the skin is warmed by rubbing."


After talking about business, Fu Jingyou chatted about something else:
"Do you still have contact with that Geng educated youth from before? Buy some more snow clams to stew with her?"

I used to eat a lot of snow clams, but Lu Miao didn't have this problem when she was little.

It can be seen that people can still supplement it after eating it.

"'s hard to contact her. I don't even know which university in Sichuan she went to."

Fu Jingyou thought secretly and said hummingly:

"Then I'll go out and look around later. There must be some for sale here in the capital."

"it is good."

"Sleep. I'll take you to school tomorrow morning and bring you food at noon."

Lu Miao was already squeamish, but she became even more squeamish during her time as an aunt.

Fu Jingyou knew her.

She didn't want to run back and forth when it was hot, and she thought the school cafeteria was not delicious.

If I don't deliver food to her these days, she might rather go hungry than go to the cafeteria.

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