Chapter 434 People’s Literature Publishing House

She had done this before.

If he hadn't been in a hurry to find food after coming back from school, Fu Jingyou wouldn't have noticed.

When Fu Jingyou said this, Lu Miao also remembered the stupid things she had done before, and quickly closed her eyes and kept chanting "sleep, sleep".

Fu Jingyou shook his head helplessly and rubbed both sides of her lumbar spine to warm it up before lying down.

In the morning, Fu Jingyou went to the ice factory to load two trucks at one o'clock in the morning.

He came back and had breakfast with Lu Miao and took her to school on a bicycle.

On the way, Lu Miao asked him:
"Did you go to the ice factory so early before? Go straight to school after work and don't even eat breakfast?"

Fu Jingyou nodded truthfully, "Yes."

At that time, I was afraid that my secret would be revealed, so how could I dare to come back to eat?

"I don't call you Fu Lao Niu for nothing!"

Lu Miao hit him on the back several times in anger.

As the old saying goes, if you want your horse to run, you must feed it frequently.

This stupid cow is so good, he would rather not eat than do it stupidly!

Lu Miao was so angry that she was twitching.

Fu Jingyou quickly comforted her, "That was before. I promise it won't be like this in the future. I will eat well before going to school."

"You better be like this!"

Lu Miao is not as talkative as last night:

"If you keep doing it desperately, Fu Jingyou."

She pinched his waist and didn't call him by his full name for a long time, but this time she did.

"There is a saying that people in the past planted trees for others to enjoy. Fu Jingyou, if you are too young and exhausted, I tell you, from now on, your children will have to call someone else daddy, and your wife will have to be hugged by someone else."

The bicycle swayed for a while and suddenly stopped.

Fu Jingyou's eyes were dark, and his body turned in an incredible arc to look at Lu Miao.

Lu Miao was dumbfounded by him, "Why are you glaring at me? I tell you not to cherish yourself!"

If this were at home, Fu Jingyou would press her up and down and give her butt a couple of blows.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll just be careful in the future."


Lu Miao rolled her eyes at him.

The bicycle started to move again, and a few minutes later it stopped steadily at the main entrance of Junbei University.

"I'll be there at 12:50 at noon. You go downstairs five minutes early. Don't come down early to bask in the sun."


Lu Miao waved to him, turned around, and smiled, her face as bright and pretty as a white jasmine flower.

I strolled into the school.

Fu Jingyou watched her go away, then turned around and headed towards the National People's Congress.

At noon, Fu Jingyou came to deliver lunch. In addition to the lunch box, he also brought two cans.

A bottle of slightly scalded brown sugar water.

There is also a bottle of orange-flavored soda that has been heated in boiling water in the back pot at home.

Lu Miao's childhood was in a special situation.

If she hadn't really wanted to drink it last night, Fu Jingyou wouldn't have bought it for her.

Now I bought one that has been warmed with hot water, and I don’t dare to let her drink too much.

I took a palm-sized can of orange slices and filled most of the bottle.

During her childhood, Tang Mei was strict with her, and Lu Miao knew that he was the only one who would pamper her.

Of course I won’t complain that the cans and bottles are underfilled.

After finishing her meal, she drank the soda in her hands. If she couldn't finish it, she wanted to take it upstairs.

Fu Jingyou took the bottle directly and drank the rest in one gulp.

Lu Miao was so anxious that she stamped her feet:
"Why did you drink it all! I can drink it slowly here!"

"Just try it."

Fu Jingyou unscrewed the bottle cap and handed her another bottle of brown sugar water.

"If you want to drink, just drink this. If you obey me, I'll get it for you next time. If you cheat, you'll be gone."

Lu Miao was so indignant that he grabbed the hot brown sugar water she was holding.

"I'll drink more when I go back in the afternoon!"

Fu Jingyou nodded, "Go back and get it for you." Lu Miao was satisfied, with a bright face, and snickered.

This place is located on the side of the outer building of the Foreign Languages ​​Institute, facing the woods. It is cool and there are few people there for lunch.

Lu Miao looked around.

After making sure there was no one around, she kissed him on the side of his face before leaving.

Maybe it's because of being outside.

Or maybe it was because of being in college.

Lu Miao ran away quickly, and Fu Jingyou sat there, her face red all the way to her neck.

With his heart pounding, Fu Jingyou covered his face and looked in all directions, feeling as guilty as a thief.


He didn't stay at Junbei University for too long. In order to ensure that his wife and children would still be his, Fu Jingyou went home and ate well before going to school.

Entering the classroom, the lunch bell just happened to ring.

Hu Ying looked at him walking towards him with his eyebrows raised, stretched his neck and asked:

"Did you eat meat for lunch? What a good thing, you are so happy?"

Fu Jingyou's lips curved and he touched the side of his face that was kissed by his wife.

"You don't have a wife to understand, so don't ask around."


Hu Yinglai put on a question mark face.

Time flies by, and soon the weekend is here.

Regarding newspapers and publishing houses, Lu Miao prefers publishing houses.

Lu Miao had inquired about it before taking the translation test there.

The publishing house mainly publishes written content, and most of the tasks it publishes are short and long-form tasks.

Generally there is a general deadline for completion, while others only require a portion of the content to be submitted every 15 days to check the progress.

The settlement of manuscript remuneration is similar to that at a translation library. A note is issued and settled after review.

This is relatively stable, and you don't have to run back and forth all the time.

Most importantly, the price is high.

Lu Miao was going to the publishing house to check the results. It happened to be the weekend, and Fu Jingyou had nothing else to do, so he went with her.

People's Literature Publishing House is a spacious building with four floors.

The outer wall was washed by rain, and there was a light yellow in the white.

It looks like it has a sense of age, but compared to other buildings on the street, the building is still new and glorious.

Lu Miao has seen all kinds of glorious world architecture.

This kind of small shabby building with Western retro peripherals is really nothing special to her.

But for Fu Jingyou, a native of Era, it's different.

Lu Miao went in to ask about the results, while Fu Jingyou stood outside and looked at it.

Stylish, brilliant and classy.

Many new buildings in Renmin University are in this style.

Translation is a hard job for Fu Jingyou, but looking at the work in front of him, he was very shocked and sighed.

This place is not simple at first glance.

It's like a place where government leaders work.

Cultural people still have to do cultural work.

If he is really hired, it will prove that his wife is a very capable person.

After waiting at the door for about forty minutes, Lu Miao came down from upstairs.

When I left, I only held the household registration page, but when I came back, I was smiling brightly and holding a small stack of books.

Fu Jingyou knew after seeing it that the matter was settled.

Sure enough, Lu Miao approached and said:
"It's done!"

Fu Jingyou nodded, his chin slightly raised, his waist straight, his chest swollen and full of pride.

He opened the bag and asked her to put the book in, "Are you going back now?"

Lu Miao shook her head, beaming with joy, and pointed with her white fingertips at the Sitong News Agency a hundred meters away on the other side of the street:
"I have to go there again!"

Fu Jingyou was puzzled, so Lu Miao told him about going to the newspaper office yesterday.

Fu Jingyou was a little unhappy after hearing this:
"If there are no good people, just leave them alone. I won't go to their homes anyway."

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