Chapter 435 I knew it
"You can't say that, it's one industry per circle."

Lu Miao shook her head and led him to continue walking that way:
"I'm sure the immediate bosses of these companies all know each other behind their backs. Even if they have a big difference in face, they still have to pay it forward."

There is some truth to this.

Fu Jingyou nodded.

At Sitong News Agency, Lu Miao entered the foyer, while Fu Jingyou was still waiting outside.

Liu Shouyi waited for several days and finally got the person.

When he saw Lu Miao, his face was full of smiles.

The result was not satisfactory, and Liu Shouyi couldn't hold back his smile.

It took a lot of effort to fall in love with a young talent, but in the end, they didn't fall in love with them.

Who could be happy about this matter?
"I have a classmate with very good qualifications. If you still need more help here, I can help you ask when I get back."

Although Lu Miao didn't plan to come here, she didn't refute Liu Shouyi's face too much.

She was indeed in a bad mood before because of the middle-aged man named Lao Zhou.

But when she chooses a publishing house, she chooses it based on the actual situation.

Liu Shouyi nodded. Although he was sorry, he couldn't force this matter.

"Comrade Xiao Lu, I believe you also know how big the vacancy is now. If you really have a suitable candidate over there, you must help me ask more."

Lu Miao nodded, "I will."

Liu Shouyi looked much better and personally escorted Lu Miao to the door.

Lu Miao walked out of the newspaper office, smiling brightly and waving, and Fu Jingyou immediately walked towards her.

The two walked side by side, laughing and chatting, and waited for the bus together:

"I have to go to the department store, and I only have a few pages left."

"Okay...why did you get so many books the first time? How did you finish them?"

"Not all of these need to be translated. Editor Xu Hongmei from the editorial department of the publishing house said that I have just arrived and can't start translating literary works yet. Let me take these back first and translate the biographies of foreign celebrities in them."

"it is good."

Fu Jingyou nodded, feeling relieved.

After studying the route, I took the bus directly to the department store on the side of Junbei University.

Lu Miao communicated with the lady at the counter on the second floor and asked to buy manuscript paper with green lines.

Fu Jingyou waited beside her for a long time, looking around, and saw the diagonally opposite counter that rang three times.

He looked back at Lu Miao, touched his head and walked over.

Lu Miao turned around after buying the manuscript paper. He was walking towards her with a sewing machine on his shoulder.


Lu Miao was speechless for a moment, staring at him and saying "Alas".

At that moment, she smiled helplessly:
"Just buy it, so that you don't have to worry about it."

Fu Jingyou nodded, rubbed the back of his head, and a naive smile appeared on his handsome face.

Not to mention, I have been thinking about this sewing machine for a year or two, and finally bought it.

"Would you like to buy some floral cloth?"

Lu Miao touched his pocket and said, "Buy some and look at the treated cloth."

The processing cloth is sold cheaply and does not require a ticket, so it is just right for practicing.

Fu Jingyou nodded and calmly gave her all the remaining money in his pocket.

He sorted the bills neatly, with the ones worth one and five yuan mostly in front of him. Lu Miao rolled them over and took a quick look.

There must be forty or fifty yuan.

"Saved from the ice factory?"

Fu Jingyou nodded and shook his head.

"You give me five yuan every month. You also gave me the money for the bicycle before. There is a surplus of eighty-two yuan from the two hundred miles."

"I put the money together and this is all I have left after buying a sewing machine today."

Lu Miao drew two five-dollar bills and gave them to him.

He stretched out his hand to push, and Lu Miao glanced over with her beautiful litchi eyes, accompanied by a threatening "hmm". Fu Jingyou didn't say anything and took the money directly.

"Other women want to take care of money, but it's better for you to give it to you and still don't want it. You are so generous in everything."

"We are talking to each other, and men from other families are still hiding private money. Fu Jingyou, should I still doubt whether you are a normal man?"

Fu Jingyou had a straight face and glanced sideways at her with his dark eyes.

It means "wait until your childhood is gone, let you see if I am a normal man".


A row of dots floated over Lu Miao's head, but she did not continue to argue with him.

He usually lives a comfortable life and eats well, but he has no place to use his energy and wants to torment her every day.

It doesn't matter if you work in an ice factory, you can work more and sweat more, so that you don't have to use so much energy to make trouble every day.

You can't dwell on this matter. Lu Miao's waist softened as soon as she thought about it, and she almost lost her balance while picking the fabric.

Fortunately, Fu Jingyou stood close to her and grabbed her arm in time.

Lu Miao glared at him shyly and angrily, and continued to negotiate with the young saleswoman at the counter:
"Can you show me that lace trim? How do you sell it?"

Behind them was the sewing machine they had just bought. The young salesperson did not take it lightly and actively took down a large roll of lace from the cabinet shelf.

"This is calculated by the meter. It costs four cents per meter. You can buy it at least one meter."

The lace was only three feet wide, and compared to the fabric, four cents a meter was not cheap.

But Lu Miao didn't care about the difference of a few centimeters.

Seeing that the quality was good, she ordered five meters directly.

Use it when you need it when making clothes later.

Forget it if you don't need it.

I thought I was optimistic about it, so I bought it and kept it at the bottom of the box.

What young girl doesn’t have one or two of these gadgets in her drawer?

Fu Jingyou doesn't understand this, and even if he did, he wouldn't care about the expense.

The money he earns is spent on his wife. If his wife is happy, he is even happier.

On the way home, Lu Miao held a thick bundle of letter paper in her arms. Fu Jingyou carried a sewing machine on his left shoulder and a large bag of fabric on his arm.

Fu Jingyou asked: "What were you thinking about in the department store at that time? I saw that your face was red."


Lu Miao blushed again, but could she tell him what she was thinking?
Of course not.

"I didn't think anything of it."

Fu Jingyou was so bad that he continued to get to the bottom of things:
"Then your legs are weak?"

"I miss you, I miss you, I miss you!"

Lu Miao was so embarrassed that she glared at him angrily and stomped ahead.

Fu Jingyou said, "I knew it."

The tall and burly man didn't seem to have taken anything, and he followed his wife in a silly and cheerful manner.

The Fu family is an exclusive courtyard.

Not far outside the courtyard gate is a circular flowerbed made of blue bricks.

The crooked-neck old locust tree inside has a growth history of nearly a hundred years.

In summer, the shade of the trees is thick and dense, and residents in the hutongs love to come here to enjoy the shade and chat.

Occasionally, a small table would be set up and a few games of leaf cards would be played.

Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou walked around the alley from Fuxing Nei Street and passed the old locust tree when they returned home.

A large bulging bundle of fabric attracts the eye.

The sewing machine costing nearly 200 yuan is even more eye-catching.

The people sitting around under the tree saw it clearly.

The couple entered the courtyard talking and laughing, and everyone seemed to have found their own voices, and started talking about it:
"What kind of family is this? It costs about two hundred yuan to buy these things, right?"

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