Chapter 436 Shi An
"I heard there are two college students here!"

"Oh, that's amazing!"

I can afford to support two college students and live a comfortable life.

Some of the people chatting together were speculating on the Fu family's background.

There are also those who praise the Fu family's young daughter-in-law for her dewy appearance.

There were also a few older female comrades with crooked braids on their chests who looked at each other and joked, saying that the young man had a good figure.

Walking such a long way carrying a sewing machine.

You are not out of breath, and you are full of energy just by looking at it.

Under the shadow of the tree, a few slightly younger lesbians at the edge blushed in embarrassment.

There is no need to say more about where Jiner is energetic.

Most of the people present were married people, and they all knew what that meant.

Men are not the only ones who can speak pornographically.

Sometimes women do too.


It's still early, and there's still a while before lunch is ready at home.

Fu Jingyou entered the room, set up the sewing machine, said hello to Lu Miao, and went to the ice factory.

In the past, she had always been secretive, but now she was honest and aboveboard. Without the psychological burden, Fu Jingyou ran all the way.

The excitement of visiting a place is hard to ignore.

Zhou Hong looked at him and said:

"What's going on? Are you having sex? Are you so happy?"

Fu Jingyou shook his head, stroked the back of his head and said with a smile:
"I've been married for several years... I came to work here before, and my wife at home didn't know about it, so she always felt heavy in her heart."

"What? Do you know now?"

Fu Jingyou nodded: "Well, the one who stood on the street corner looking this way last time was my wife."

"Ouch, okay, you boy, you are handsome and your wife is pretty! What does your wife do?"

Chatting while working was commonplace and there was nothing to hide.

Fu Jingyou always said directly: "My wife is a student at the Military Region University."

"Yeah, that's not bad. I heard that the Military Region University is one of the best universities in the world!"

Fu Jingyou nodded, smiled and said "yes".

When others praised his wife, he felt happy and proud, and became more energetic in his work.

Today's work was done even faster than before.

Fu Jingyou took the money, chatted with Zhou Hong for a while and was about to go back, when he suddenly heard someone calling "Dad" next to him.

With two children at home, Fu Jingyou has developed a habit of looking back subconsciously.

From the passenger seat of the Dongfeng Xiaoka, a head with dark hair and dark skin poked out.

"Brother Zhou, what is this?"

"Haha, I forgot to mention it just now."

Zhou Hong opened the passenger door, took off the seat belt, and lifted the little black boy off.

Little Douding is as tall as an adult, probably about four years old.

"This is my son Zhou Shi'an, who showed up at the age of four."

"His mother passed away early, so he was raised by his grandmother in Northeast China. Now that his grandfather has passed away, his wife, brother-in-law and husband were sent here."

Zhou Hong patted his son Jiwotou’s little head:
"Boy, this is your little Uncle Fu. From now on, you have to call me uncle when you see me. Do you listen?"

Zhou Shi'an squeezed his eyebrows together and kept a straight face, not to mention giving Fu Jingyou a good look, even his own father would not give him a good look.

He slapped his father's hand away, twisted his butt and climbed into the car.

Zhou Hong laughed heartily, "Hahaha" and said, "The brat is so accommodating when he first comes here. Brother Xiao Fu, please don't take it personally."

Fu Jingyou shook his head, how could he care about the child?
Zhou Hong closed the car door.

He and Zhou Hong stood at the back of the car and talked:

"Then you will take your children with you when you go on the road?" Zhou Hong rubbed his head, smiled, and was very optimistic about life:

"It's okay if you don't take it with you. It's still too small. I don't feel comfortable leaving it alone at home."

Fu Jingyou has a general understanding of Zhou Hong's situation.

He thought Zhou Hong was single before, but today he learned more about it and found out that his wife was dead.

It is really not easy for a man to take care of a child so young.

Fu Jingyou recalled the difficult time before and could sympathize with Zhou Hong's difficulties.

Zhou Hong was very tolerant of his work in the ice factory.

"I also have children at home, and we live close to here..."

After thinking for a moment, Fu Jingyou said:

"If it's inconvenient for you to take the boy with you later, you can just leave him at my place during the day."

Zhou Hong paused for a moment, looking a little embarrassed for the first time:
"Is this okay? Is it too intrusive?"

Fu Jingyou shook his head, turned around and pointed the way directly:

"Go into Qingta Hutong over there. When you walk to the end, you will see an old locust tree. The single-door courtyard facing the old locust tree is my home."

"This... that's okay!"

Zhou Hong hesitated for a moment, then nodded conveniently, "If it works, then Brother Fu will be in real trouble in the future."

Fu Jingyou waved his hand, glanced behind him at the little black boy who peeked out his head to look at him, laughed, and walked directly to the market.

Before going home, Fu Jingyou went to the scrap station again.

He was considered a regular visitor. Liu Xiaozhu smiled when he saw him:
"Brother Fu, are you looking for wood again today?"

Fu Jingyou nodded generously and warmly:

"Is there any? We still need a small table at home."

"Yes, I guessed you would come back, so I sent a batch over the day before yesterday. I've collected all the good ones for you!"

Liu Xiaozhu led Fu Jingyou inside.

There is indeed a lot of good stuff this time.

Not only is it solid wood, the surface is also very smooth, and the varnish on many surfaces is intact.

Fu Jingyou immediately wrapped it up.

The house is still empty at the moment. After getting the wood back, I will first nail a small table with a side table for my wife to use. I will put the rest aside and see what I can do later.

"Brother Fu, do you want me to send it to you?"

"No, I'll just make another trip and buy some other things along the way."


Fu Jingyou made two trips to transport the wood back.

There were not enough nails at home, so when he was buying locks, he bought them along the way.

Also bought a small brass lock.

The two idiots didn't know anything. They ripped off the recommendation letter from their wife last time. They had to be careful to avoid damaging other books later.

When the small desk is ready, any textbooks that will not be used temporarily will be locked in the desk.

Just do it as soon as you think of it. After returning home and eating, Fu Jingyou set up a bench in the yard and started to move by stepping on the wooden board.

Lu Miao was playing with her two children on the sidelines, giving her little aunt some peace of mind every Saturday.

"I worked in an ice factory before and met a big brother who took good care of me."

While Fu Jingyou was busy working, he mentioned Zhou Hong incidentally.

Lu Miao hugged Erbao in the shade of the eaves.

There was a small bench in front of her, and Dabao was lying in front of her knees, leading the two children to learn surnames from different families.

When Fu Jingyou spoke, she raised her head and glanced, and then quickly lowered her head to look at the child:

"and then?"

Fu Jingyou scratched his head and told his wife what he had told Zhou Hong at the ice factory.

Lu Miao was stunned for a moment. He didn't have much objection, but said worriedly:
"Let's talk about it when it comes."

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