Chapter 442 Offended
"You can only watch it by my side. I can lend it to you during lunch break, but not at other times."


Guan Yangyang wanted to borrow a book, and later Wang Mian also said he wanted to borrow it.

Lu Miao lent Guan Yangyang, and of course he would lend it to him.

But it’s the same as what he said when he lent it to Guan Yangyang.

I can only watch it in the classroom, next to her.

When other people around heard it, they were also eager to give it a try.

Lu Miao refused directly.

I lent it to Wang Mian and Guan Yangyang because the three of them had a good relationship.

Lu Miao understands Wang Mian and Guan Yangyang's temperaments.

Lend them something and they will take care of it.

As for the others, Lu Miao had no idea.

That's all if it's my own book.

But this was brought out from the publishing house.

She had to make sure not to break it.

Lu Miao had extracurricular books, but only lent them to Wang Mian and Guan Yangyang.

The three of them usually have a good relationship and often sit together to discuss grammar words and sentences.

Some people in the class understood, but others were upset.

But the books belong to others, and they can lend them to whomever they want. There is really no way to explain this.

But there are people who are willing to stand out.

During the break in the second class, Lu Miao drank all the water she brought and was about to go to the office to ask the teacher for some more.

As soon as he stood up from his seat, he heard Li Yue muttering from behind:
"Isn't it just a few extracurricular books? If you borrow this but not that, what are you showing off?"

"Did you eat lemon? Is it so sour?"

Lu Miao raised an eyebrow.

However, Li Yue didn't understand her meaning at all, and kept raising her voice.

It’s like sending a signal out to express that you want to get reinforcements:
"What's not lemony? If I have extracurricular books, I will definitely lend them to everyone."

"Then let's wait until you get it. Without you, what's the point of barking?"

"Who are you talking about barking??!"

"Anyone can tell me."

"Lu Miao, you!"

Li Yue suddenly slapped the table and stood up.

Can Lu Miao be afraid of her?
Certainly not.

"what are you barking at?"

What are you barking at?
Lu Miao twisted his neck, spread his hands, shrugged and made a mocking expression.

Li Yue blushed angrily.

Recently, she seemed to have found the right way to study, and it was rare that she could chat with Lu Miao in English.

But the English vocabulary is inherently lacking, and there are even fewer parts involving swearing.

Her knowledge reserve is not as good as Lu Miao's.

Plus Lu Miao surfs the Internet in the future, can Li Yue be able to defend her?

The answer is obvious.

Lu Miao killed Li Yue in seconds and took the water glass to the office to fill it up.

Li Yue was defeated again and fell down in anger.

But the people in the class looked at her and laughed and whispered, privately saying that she was a clown who was asking for trouble.

Li Yue became even more angry and slapped the table and shouted:

"I was obviously speaking for you just now, why do you say that to me!"

The discussion has subsided a lot.

Someone responded positively to Li Yue:

"No one asked you to say these things... Although Lu Miao didn't lend it to us this time, there's no guarantee he won't lend it to us next time."

After all, it was indeed lent to them for viewing before.

Are you sure there is a special reason this time?
Didn't you see Wang Mian and Guan Yangyang borrowing books, and Lu Miao also talked a lot about it?
Someone answered:
"That's right, monitor, what you said just now is too much! The books belong to others. If they want to borrow them, they can borrow them. If they don't want to borrow them, they can't..."

"You have offended people. In the future, people who want to borrow books will be embarrassed to ask."

The English class complained and complained. Li Yue's teeth chattered.

I thought I would get support, but I didn't expect it would be like this.

Angry and angry, Li Yue felt a little helpless, her eyes were hot, and tears fell down again.

This is always the case.

She jumps out to make trouble for others, but she can't stand up to others. She either pretends to be weak or cries, making it look like others are bullying her.

The people in the class felt that Li Yue was a bit mean, so they turned around and went about their own business.

Too lazy to talk to her anymore.

Li Yue sat back down, extremely angry.

However, when she thought that she had taken Lu Miao's place and found another teacher in the National Kumon English Society, Li Yue became excited again.

Doesn't Lu Miao dare to do whatever he wants just because of his good grades?
She'll pull her off!

Li Yue thought angrily.

I quickly opened the professional textbook and followed the tips taught by Guoyingshe Tan teacher to silently formulate sentence patterns to deepen and consolidate my memory.

Lu Miao only cares about herself and the people in her small circle, and doesn't care about others.

At noon, Fu Jingyou came over to deliver food, and Lu Miao took him to the woods next to the Foreign Languages ​​Institute building.

Last time she ate, Fu Jingyou was watching. This time Fu Jingyou brought a lunch box with her.

The two of them were eating side by side, feeling the summer breeze blowing quite well.

With nothing to do, Lu Miao chatted with Fu Jingyou:

"Don't you learn English at Renmin University?"

"Some majors learn it, but we don't learn it..."

Fu Jingyou slowed down for a moment and then said:

"Originally I wanted to take English classes, but there were too few people who knew it, and most of them were like me and could only recognize abcd in pinyin."

"It's probably because this class is difficult to arrange, so there has been no movement."

Lu Miao nodded thoughtfully and said:

"When you have time, I'll teach you!"

Fu Jingyou shook his head.

Lu Miao pushed him: "Why are you shaking your head?"

Fu Jingyou said truthfully: "Our ancestors' writing is profound and profound. It's enough to recognize our own handwriting. Why do we learn from foreigners' stuff?"

This is true in theory, but the current situation is different from that of future generations.

The country has not become strong yet, so we still have to learn what we need to learn.

"You can't say that. Look at me, translators can get so much money...even if it doesn't depend on salary, it still depends on skills."

Lu Miao promptly corrected him:
"If you major in mechanical and electrical engineering, you will inevitably be exposed to more advanced equipment in the future. Where does the advanced equipment come from at this stage? From abroad."

"If you have a chance to contact me later and you can't even read the instructions, is that okay?"

Fu Jingyou was frightened by her, and it made sense after thinking about it carefully.

He reluctantly nodded:

"Okay, can you take the time to teach me? Will it be tiring?"

"Is teaching you the same as teaching others? How can it be tiring?"

Lu Miao glared at him squeamishly.


Fu Jingyou curved his lips and smiled, very satisfied with his wife's attitude of favoring him.

"How do you say your name in foreign language?"

"my name?"


Fu Jingyou nodded.

Lu Miao's bright face smiled coquettishly, and she made a sly move:
"Dear, baby, honey...if it's you, you can call them any of these three."

Fu Jingyou believed it to be true, nodded and asked again:
"If I call it that, what will others call it?"

"Just call yours, you always care about what others are doing!"


Fu Jingyou brushed the back of his head and said, "That doesn't matter."

Lu Miao was satisfied and coaxed him and said:

"Remember what I just told you? Call and listen?"

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