Fu Jingyou frowned and thought for a while, then opened and closed her lips and tentatively said:

His accent was not standard, and he even hesitated to speak because he was not sure whether it was the correct pronunciation.

But his focused expression, his low and hoarse voice, and the deep and affectionate peach blossom eyes that reflected her face were enough to make up for all the affection.

Beauty is probably in the eye of the beholder.

Lu Miao's beautiful black and white lychee eyes flickered twice, her long eyelashes trembled slightly and she suddenly burst into laughter.

"Mr. Fu, I love you, always will."

Her red lips opened and closed gently, her voice was soft, and the unfamiliar foreign language sounded like love words.

In fact, what she said was indeed love.

Mr. Fu, I love you, always will.
Mr. Fu, I love you always.

Fu Jingyou doesn’t know English, so naturally he can’t understand.

But it didn't affect him from feeling his wife's feelings.

Her eyes were crooked, her lips were red and her teeth were white, and under the mottled light and shadow in the forest, her whole body looked like shining pearls when she smiled.

It's so bright and bright that people can't take their eyes away.

All emotions are hidden in the eyes.

She loves him.

The chest was throbbing deeply, and there was an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

Fu Jingyou's thick eyelashes trembled, she closed her eyes and slowly leaned forward.

The last time he was kissed on the cheek by her outside, he was so embarrassed and panicked.

This time, he couldn't help but kiss her.

Love is a wonderful thing.

It's thrill, it's responsibility.

It's patience, it's partiality.

It's bitter, but it's also sweet...

Life progressed step by step, and Fu Jingyou gradually tasted the sweetness like honey.

He let go of Lu Miao, breathing slightly, and promised in a deep voice:

"I'll learn."

For the sake of a better life for the family in the future, and also to keep up with the pace of my daughter-in-law.


Lu Miao nodded, pursed her red lips and smiled.

"It's almost time, you should go back to school!"

"Well, I'll see you at home tonight."

"Okay... right, Brother You!"

Lu Miao put away the lunch box and grabbed the hem of Fu Jingyou's clothes before he stood up.

She puffed out her red lips and acted coquettishly:

"I'm done! I want to drink soda tonight, and I want water from the well!"

The box of soda brought by Zhou Hong was placed under the small table beside Lu Miao's bed.

She kept thinking about it.


Fu Jingyou pulled back the hem of his clothes, his seriousness was not at all like the gentle expression just now:
"My aunt said before that you should avoid eating right after you finish work, otherwise it will come back and it will be bad for your health."

Lu Miao stood up and stamped her feet, wanting to vent her dissatisfaction.

Fu Jingyou rubbed her head like a child:
"I'll get it for you tomorrow afternoon."

Lu Miao pursed her lips and pouted, "I need well water to calm down!"

"it is good."


Just wait one more day!

I glanced at my watch and saw that my lunch break was less than half an hour away.

He was afraid that Fu Jingyou would be in a hurry and not bother to check the road conditions while riding.

Lu Miao did not dare to delay any longer, waved her hand and urged:

"Go quickly, I'm going upstairs too!"

Fu Jingyou nodded and put the empty lunch box into his bag along with his wife's share.

Pushing the bicycle under the shadow of the trees, I wandered towards the National People's Congress.


Lu Miao was not in a hurry to translate biographies. The publishing house said that the manuscript should be submitted within fifteen days, or half of the manuscript would be fine.

Lu Miao originally planned to do it slowly and send it over after the free activity class next Thursday.

When the school is out for the weekend, I can take the time to go there again.

By that time, the first draft should have been almost reviewed, just in time for the second work arrangement.

Lu Miao planned her time well, but when she went upstairs to prepare for her morning break, her class teacher Li Jiancheng was writing a notice on the blackboard.

Next week, the free activity class will be changed to a voluntary labor class.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and there is more and more farm work in the fields. There is a shortage of manpower everywhere.

All schools participate in going to the countryside to work.

Lu Miao had no choice but to readjust her schedule and prepare to finish all the character vignettes and send them to the publishing house this weekend.

In this way, even if you participate in voluntary work next Thursday, your original weekend plan will not be delayed.

During lunch break, Wang Mian and Guan Yangyang borrowed her book and read it slowly.

She used her time to write down the contents that she had rough drafted in her mind after reading it in the morning.

Compare the English sentences in the poetry collection and retell them in Chinese in more detail.

Guan Yangyang didn't know what Lu Miao was doing, and since he had a book in his hand, Guan Yangyang focused on reading and didn't pay much attention to Lu Miao.

Wang Mian is different.

He knew that Lu Miao was working for the publishing house and took over the translation work arrangement.

Lu Miao wrote quickly, and Wang Mian turned around frequently, so shocked that his eyes almost fell out.

Why are translation salaries so high?

Lack of talent is one.

The second reason is that translation is never an easy job.

Wang Mian, an English major, knows this.

But Lu Miao didn't even stutter or hit him.

I was reading the book and translating the manuscript at the same time, and it was extremely smooth from beginning to end.

It's like copying.

Wang Mian was surprised and couldn't understand it.

He couldn't understand how Lu Miao did it.

Is it true that she is really a god of learning as it is said outside? !

Lu Miao didn't know that in Wang Mian's heart, she was already a legendary existence.


Lu Miao used her lunch break at school to translate the manuscript.

She usually has half-day classes, and she spends most of her time at home busy at her desk.

The children were playing, occasionally running over, tangled up in their laps and hiding around, screaming for their mother in soft voices.

Tang Mei was afraid of disturbing her, so she would always close the door.

Zhou Shi'an was also very sensible. He saw that Lu Miao was busy with something, so he took the two little ones to play in the courtyard.

With an older child taking care of them, the two little ones of the Fu family are obviously happier than before.

Gradually, the small courtyard could no longer contain them.

Tang Mei took some free time, carrying snacks and water, and three little ones, one big, two small, and often went out for a walk.

When they went out, the small courtyard became quiet, which was also convenient for Lu Miao.

Time moved forward slowly, with a Thursday in between.

When he went to school again on Friday, Wang Mian brought good news to Lu Miao.

get out of class ended early on Wednesday afternoon. He went to the Sitong Newspaper Agency on Wednesday. After a series of assessments, he was finally retained.

I originally wanted to talk about it yesterday, but several classes participated in the voluntary rural trip together, and the place was very messy.

He never had a chance to tell Lu Miao about this.

The work content arranged by Sitong News Agency and Xu's conditions were exactly the same as what Lu Miao had told him before.

Wang Mian's face was rosy, excited and excited:
"Classmate Xiao Lu, thank you so much! If it weren't for you, how would I have come into contact with this?!"

Lu Miao sat slightly turned sideways, her white fingertips hooked into the ends of her braided hair, and she raised her eyes and said with a smile:

"Congratulations first, but I won't help you in vain. When you get a royalties, it's not too much to treat you to a popsicle, right?"

Wang Mian was stunned for a moment, not expecting that she would say that.

In just a moment, Wang Mian came to his senses, nodded and shook his head:

"Not too much, not too much at all!" (End of this chapter)

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