Chapter 447: Treat the father-in-law first
Lu Miao said nothing.

She actually doesn't know much about this.

But based on her understanding of this period of history, it seemed that there really wasn't.

Foreign technologies in all aspects are indeed far behind domestic ones.

During this period, China spent huge sums of money to introduce foreign technology.

Lu Miao always knew the best. When she fell silent, Fu Jingyou's heart almost dropped.

A German brand camera sounded the alarm in the heart of Chinese Fu Jingyou.

It felt like a big stone was weighing on my heart.

Fu Jingyou felt unhappy when he thought that all his country's money had been taken away by foreigners.

He sighed and couldn't sleep, so he simply got up and got off the bed, holding a book in his hands and turning over it in frustration.

Lu Miao fumbled with the focus of the SLR, took a few photos, and then put the camera away.

"Why are you always frowning? That's terrible. Wrinkles will make you look older in the future."

Fu Jingyou sat at the small table where Lu Miao usually translated manuscripts.

Lu Miao sat on the edge of the Kang with her legs hanging down to accompany him.

Fu Jingyou's heart was heavy. He didn't want to affect his wife's mood, but he didn't know what to say.

"There's something I can't figure out, and I feel very upset."

"What's the matter? Tell me, maybe I can give you some advice and some answers."

Fu Jingyou was speechless, put down the book after a long pause, turned around and held his wife's hands, facing each other with a frown and said:
"As long as Chinese people work hard and work hard, slowly, life will get better."

"What about the country?"

"The teacher at the school said that our money is not recognized internationally, and people only recognize US dollars."


Lu Miao pulled him onto the kang and lay down.

"That's foreign exchange."

"Foreign exchange?"

Lu Miao nodded and slowly spoke for him.

On this day, after opening my eyes at the Friendship Store.

Fu Jingyou also learned from his wife what foreign capital is and what international hard currency is.

The country is technologically backward, and foreign exchange is needed to introduce technology from other countries.

It means producing and selling products from one's own country, and then using the US dollars exchanged to buy other people's products.

Fu Jingyou had some thoughts in his mind, and he kept thinking about this matter for some time afterwards.

Read books and newspapers, squat in the school library, and go to Guoguang Bookstore.

Fu Jingyou took the key to the small study room of the Lu family in Chongwenmen and went there several times.

The more related books he read and the more things he learned, the heavier Fu Jingyou's heart became.

Foreign countries mainly focus on the development of heavy industry, while the content of light industry has been relatively ignored.

Therefore, my country's main export content at this stage, and the part with greater advantages, is light industry.

Among them, textiles account for the largest proportion.

Such as half-sleeved clothes, socks, etc.

Belong to small profits but quick turnover.

However, when comparing the purchase of heavy industrial products, these are simply not enough.

To give a simple example, the country purchased a batch of large engines in the past two years, spending 5 million in foreign exchange.

How many half-sleeves and socks must be sold to recoup the 5 million foreign exchange?

If you want to help the country, you must either work hard to break through technology, conduct self-development and innovation, and reduce the dilemma of spending huge sums of money and demanding people.

Or just engage in foreign exchange.

Fu Jingyou learned about foreign exchange privately.

The port market is the country's only foreign exchange export.

As for the current policy, ordinary citizens cannot legally break into Hong Kong.

What can be overcome is basically that it is illegal to take risks against risks.

In the past, if he had not gone to college and had no wife and family, Fu Jingyou would definitely have gone out.

That's impossible now.

Taking care of your wife and children is one of them.

Secondly, Fu Jingyou has never been to the black market here in Beijing for fear of getting into trouble... Heavy industrial technology, especially military industry, is difficult to achieve breakthroughs.

It is already extraordinary to be able to successfully develop a new project in ten or fifteen years.

Fu Jingyou has several starting points in mind.

If there is no breakthrough in technology in a short period of time, then perhaps we can find another way to achieve self-sufficiency based on the current stage, which is also a successful step.

Just do it if you think of it.

The day went on peacefully as usual.

What is different from the past is that Fu Jingyou buys the latest issue of the newspaper every day.

The time spent in the library and mechanical and electrical factory after class has also increased significantly.

Always understand and explore what the country lacks and needs at this stage.

After pondering over and over again, gradually, after completing school homework in physics laboratories, chemistry laboratories and other places, Fu Jingyou would also try to do other small experiments on his own using the ion batteries distributed by the teacher.

In addition, Fu Jingyou also explored through disassembly and tried to understand more principles.

The first thing to suffer was the wall clock in my father-in-law’s office.

One day at work, Lu Yuanzheng looked up and found that the clock on the wall was gone. He frowned and approached the table. There was a note pressed under the pen holder.

——The clock is broken, I take it to repair it and return it after repairing it.

The signature is his son-in-law's name.

Lu Yuanzheng looked at the note and then at the empty wall opposite the desk.

Although I was suspicious, I didn’t take it too seriously in the end.

A few days later, during lunch break, Fu Jingyou came over holding a wall clock.

"It's fixed?"

"……It's fixed."

Fu Jingyou responded in a low voice.

He has almost figured out the principles of the prime mover system and the transmission system.

Lu Yuanzheng glanced at him, lowered his head and continued to read the documents.

I originally thought that his son-in-law would go back to class after hanging up the clock, but he stopped in front of the desk and did not leave.


Lu Yuanzheng raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes.

Fu Jingyou looked at him, pursed his lips twice, and said straight to the point:

"Dad, I want to see your car."

Lu Yuanzheng was silent.

Lu Yuanzheng knew very well what major Fu Jingyou studied.

But what does this mean now?
It's not enough to just dismantle his wall clock, but also dismantle his car?
Lu Yuanzheng said nothing, and Fu Jingyou moved his steps to urge:

"Come on, Dad, there's not much time left for lunch break."

get out of class will be over soon, if others see him dismantling the principal's car...


If others saw him circling around the principal's car and touching it, more trouble would surely result.

Lu Yuanzheng had some obscure thoughts in his mind, but who made the person in front of him his uncle?

There is only one girl, and there is only one uncle.

Lu Yuanzheng gave Fu Jingyou the car keys. He was worried, so he followed him over to take a look.

The car was parked behind the teacher's dormitory building on the campus.

There are trees around the place, and there is usually a large shady area behind the building.

Fu Jingyou arrived at the place, directly drove the car, inserted the key, turned on the ignition, then got out of the car and opened the front hood.

He raised one leg and stepped on the side of the front of the car, bent over and touched it for a while.

Suddenly, he put his hand into the black crossbody bag at his waist.

Lu Yuanzheng was watching from the side.

Seeing him take out a wrench and screwdriver from his bag, Lu Yuanzheng's heart skipped a beat.


Do you really want to demolish it? ?

Fu Jingyou simply looked at the engine.

The inspection found that it was heavy with dust and some screws were loose. He cleaned his father-in-law's car and tightened it again.

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