Chapter 448 No idea
After fastening the hood, Fu Jingyou took out the key, closed the car door, and returned the car key to her father-in-law.

Lu Yuanzheng narrowed his eyes slightly and asked:
"Is this good?"

Fu Jingyou nodded and said nothing.

His eyes were empty, but his expression was extremely serious. He held the wrench and screwdriver in his hand and walked towards the teaching building.

My nerves were rattling, and it seemed like my thoughts had already flown to the horizon.

Lu Yuanzheng didn't bother him to ask.

After Fu Jingyou walked away, Lu Yuanzheng opened the hood himself.

I imitated my son-in-law's posture and looked around, but I didn't see anything interesting.

Lu Yuanzheng muttered "What the hell" and closed the hood.

He came with a confused look and came back with a confused look.

Fu Jingyou learned how to repair engines when he was working on Big Iron Bull before.

However, I only learned a little bit about it at that time.

The engines purchased by the state are mainly used in aviation.

The engine is the heart of the aircraft, Fu Jingyou has always kept this in mind.

I looked at the car's engine at my father-in-law's side.

Afterwards, he went to work in the ice factory and looked at the engine of the Dongfeng light truck.

After that, he went to the electromechanical factory workshop for field lessons on motors, starters, etc. He listened carefully to the lessons and observed them carefully.

With the continuous expansion of knowledge, Fu Jingyou also learned the difference between motors and engines.

There is also a difference between an engine and an engine.

For example, cars are internal combustion engines, which generate heat energy through internal combustion of gasoline and diesel, and convert it into mechanical energy to drive the car to move.

Aircraft engines are not quite the same.

It mainly relies on inhaling air to pressurize and generate forward propulsion.

Fu Jingyou went back and forth to study motors, generators, starters, and engines.

I feel confused, as if I have caught a little tail.

But many things were written knowledge, and he didn't dare to draw a hasty conclusion without seeing the real thing.

Fu Jingyou thought about trying it himself.

In the school experimental class, Fu Jingyou and Hu Yinglai formed a group.

The teacher wrote down the logical concepts of air pressure and flow velocity on the blackboard.

The two discussed and used ion batteries and a 130 small motor to make a small and simple vacuum cleaner to complete their homework.

Fu Jingyou asked Hu Yinglai:
"Are you brave enough to do something big?"

Hu Yinglai looked confused:
"What's the big deal?"

"Work on the engine."


Fu Jingyou pushed the palm-sized simple vacuum cleaner towards him:

"We can do all these things, and we can definitely do the engine."

"There's nothing wrong with you!"

Hu Yinglai's eyes almost popped out, as if his hands were hot, and he quickly pushed away the experimental props he had completed together.

"Do you know what major we are studying? It's electromechanical! Do motors and engines have anything to do with each other? I'm sure we can do it... Stop being so whimsical!"

"Majors are majors. Didn't the teacher also teach me about engines? Why can't I do it?"

Fu Jingyou doesn’t believe in evil, “If you don’t do it, I will do it myself.”


Hu Yinglai fell back in anger.

There is indeed hunting involved in learning about engine knowledge, but it is only superficial after all.

One content is a device that uses electric current to drive power output, which is starting.

One generally refers to a device that outputs power, which is used to generate power and drive.

There's a huge difference in the middle. How could it be as simple as he said?
Hu Yinglai was so angry that he couldn't bear to be scolded as "unkind", so he pulled Fu Jingyou to try to get an explanation.

Fu Jingyou ignored him and focused on reading the content about the "Flower of Industry" in the book.

Hu Yinglai glanced at it inadvertently and was even more shocked.

"You just said you wanted to build an engine. You can't, you can't talk about it, it's on the plane!" Fu Jingyou nodded calmly.

Just do something big.

"I really want to punch you to death. What on earth are you thinking??"

Hu Yinglai did what he thought of and gave Fu Jingyou a few hard blows on his elbow.

Although Hu Yinglai didn't have an in-depth understanding of the engine, he knew something about it.

The engine is not the same thing as they learned about the motor.

The engine in a car is not the same thing as the engine in an airplane.

It is inherently difficult to conduct research across disciplines.

Fu Jingyou is good.

He wants to poke a hole in the sky!

Hu Yinglai was thinking about how to persuade him to stop wasting time and energy. Before he could speak, Fu Jingyou had already stood up.

"Forget it if the engine is not involved. Please stop me, or I won't show you the notes next time!"

Fu Jingyou was packing his things when the lunch bell rang.

Hu Yinglai was stunned for a moment and looked to the other side.

Sure enough, Liu Yunshu, who studied geography and climate in the group next door, also stood up.

The students packed up their things and followed them out of the classroom. Hu Yinglai bravely blocked the way and covered it up. Fu Jingyou left first:
"Classmate Liu, I have something to ask you..."

"You start driving for me!"

"I really have something to do... Forget it, it's okay. Goodbye, Mr. Liu."

He stopped Liu Yunshu several times by staggering his steps.

It was estimated that with Fu Jingyou's speed, he was almost downstairs, so Hu Yinglai hurried away.

Liu Yun was so angry that his face twisted, he stamped his feet and screamed:

"Hu Yinglai, are you sick?"

Liu Yunshu, who studies geography and climatology, likes to pester Fu, a student from the School of Engineering.

Many students from the neighboring colleges knew about this.

The classmates in the physics experiment class in the morning were not surprised. After a sideways glance, they walked out a few steps faster.

Just kidding, if you don’t run faster, you won’t be able to get any good food soon.

This class is not in their original classroom, and they have to go back to get the rice bowl.


Fu Jingyou rode his bicycle directly to the ice factory after school. After returning home from work, he poured water at the well and washed his head.

Tang Mei saw it at the kitchen door and kept nagging:

"You wash like this, you wash like this again, why don't you always listen to me? Sometimes it's hot and sometimes it's cold. Don't think that you won't get sick because you're young."


Fu Jingyou listened dumbly.

Patting the little heads of the three children in the room, Tang Mei picked up the two lunch boxes and washed cucumbers and tomatoes that Tang Mei had packed.

Fu Jingyou walked into the back room.

"Aunt, I'm going to Miaomiao's place."

When he goes to deliver food, Tang Mei will naturally not stop him.

However, when she heard the "ding" sound in his bag when he left the main room, Tang Mei suddenly became alert:

"What did you take again?"

"It's nothing. I have to go to the mechanical and electrical plant for class in the afternoon. I'm carrying the wrench."

Fu Jingyou didn't dare say that the bag contained the soda he just entered the house to get.

Afraid that Tang Mei would ask more questions, Fu Jingyou hurried out of the hospital, pushed his bicycle and ran away.

Beijing Military Region University:

On the side of the Foreign Languages ​​Institute building, Fu Jingyou and his wife sat side by side on the shady steps to eat.

After the meal, Lu Miao drank the soda he brought over, looked at the soda bottle for a long time and asked:

"Why isn't it ice today?"

"It's hot these days. You only drink soda at home and don't drink water seriously. My aunt is watching, so I almost didn't bring this bottle out."

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