——The bird in the forest has never learned music, but I think it sings beautifully...

The tip of the pen scratches the manuscript paper to produce the literal translation of the English poem.

Lu Miao couldn't control her distraction for a moment.

You can earn money by working by yourself, and you can bring your friends with you.

There is still an indescribable harmony and beauty in the atmosphere where everyone works together.

When she was growing up, she was used to being arrogant, arrogant and domineering, so the world and people she came into contact with always had some of the same "characteristics".

Now that she has a happy family, she is no longer anxious and has calmed down her overpowering spirit.

Either indirectly or directly, I also came into contact with a world and people that were different from before.

how to say?

It feels a little strange.

In most cases, the psychological feeling is not bad ~
The corners of Lu Miao's lips curled up in pleasure, and she sat there with her sleeves half rolled up, writing seriously.

Just looking at the back makes people feel slim.

Lu Miao raised her eyebrows and concentrated on completing her work.

Little did they know that when she and Wang Mian were passing the notebook, Li Yue winked and pursed her lips.

I greeted the girls behind me and looked at them all.

News spread like wildfire that Lu Miao, the god of study in English Class 1, openly passed on love letters during class.

Lu Miao didn't know about it at first. After a few days of school, he entered the classroom and found that the female classmates in the class looked at him strangely.

She only found out after Guan Yangyang mentioned it to her in private.

But it was obvious that she knew a little too late.

Not only in the class, many people in the school were spreading rumors that she was leading a disorderly life.

Before Lu Miao could react, the rumors spread too much. Li Jiancheng, the class teacher, came over and knocked on the classroom door, calling her to go to the office.

Lu Miao's eyes flickered slightly and she pursed her lips.

Without even putting the bag down, Lu Miao went to the office carrying it.

The class didn't believe it at first, but now the class teacher has come forward, which is half the truth in disguise.

The class immediately became noisy.

Among them, Li Yue had sneers on his face and the loudest voice:
"It's really unlucky to be in the same class with such a person!"

"It's just that everyone is concentrating on their studies. It's so disgusting for her to do such a thing! It really embarrasses our English translation major at the School of Foreign Languages!"

Rumors outside were all about Lu Miao's personal misconduct, but Wang Mian knew what happened in the first place.


Wang Mian slapped the table and stood up, saying angrily:

"Students from other majors don't know what's going on. Don't you still know?"

"Lu Miao is a lesbian no matter what. Is it appropriate for you to spread rumors like this to ruin her reputation?"

The voice in the class suddenly became quieter.

Li Yue snorted and mocked Wang Mian:

"Is there anything appropriate or inappropriate? I didn't want to say it at first, but now that you've taken the lead, I'll just say it."

Li Yue raised his voice:

"The person in class who sent love letters to Lu Miao was Wang Mian. I saw it with my own eyes."

Several girls in the back row echoed Li Yue:
"We've also seen it. They often do such shameful things during lunch breaks. It makes us sick to death!"

Li Yue actually felt that according to Lu Miao's temperament, she should dislike Wang Mian.

But it doesn't matter, it's a fact that they passed the note.

After Li Yue's exaggeration, the girls in the back row felt that the truth was what Li Yue said, and what they passed around was a love letter. The girls were filled with indignation and hatred, and their expressions did not look like they were being fake.

Even though they knew that Wang Mian was an honest person, the way other people in the class looked at Wang Mian couldn't help but change.

"You, you—"

Wang Mian blushed with anger, and he really admired Li Yue and others' ability to confuse right and wrong.

Wang Mian took out the newspaper and half-finished manuscript from his bag.

Foreign magazines were too eye-catching, and Wang Mian was afraid that someone would damage them if they borrowed them from him.

I usually keep it in a book and read it carefully, just for fear of letting others know.

Wang Mian was forced to panic. He was afraid that everyone would misunderstand Lu Miao, so he directly flicked the newspaper away and told the truth:
"I sent a note to Lu Miao, but it was not the kind of love letter you thought it was!"

"A few weeks ago, Lu Miao recommended me a job of translating manuscripts. I just took over the job, and I am not sure about many foreign words."

"Lu Miao's grades are the best in the class. I wrote the note just to ask her for advice!"

It's said to be a note, but it's actually delivered through a notebook.

Wang Mian not only cherished the textbooks, but also kept the notebooks for taking notes and homework.

The contents of those exchanges are still in the notebook.

He openly revealed the contents of his exchange with Lu Miao for everyone to see.

"I come from a rural area, and my family conditions are not as good as those of most of my classmates in the class. Lu Miao saw that it was not easy for me, so he recommended this job to me!"

Someone asked: "Is it true or false? How much does the translation work cost?"

In order to prove that what he said was true, Wang Mian did not hide anything and told the truth.

Translation is not an easy job, but when one or two thousand words are heard in the ears, especially by college students, it feels as if there is no difficulty at all.

When I heard that I could get almost ten yuan for translating one or two thousand words, many people in the class were excited and surprised.

Some people want to ask, why didn't Lu Miao do such a good job herself, instead introducing it to Wang Mian?

But when I think about it, Lu Miao seems to have been writing and drawing since the beginning of her lunch break.

Could it be that she had already started translating manuscripts from that time?

For about two thousand words, you can get ten yuan, so how much money does she have to earn!
Everyone recalled the watch Lu Miao wore on her wrist, the extracurricular books she bought, and the various shaqima and fruit peels she often brought.

Lu Miao is generous, and she never hesitates to share the people she has good friends with.

When you think about it, it seems logical.

Even if jealous people sense that something is wrong, they still choose to question it:

"Even if what you said is true, then why did Lu Miao only introduce it to you? There are so many people in the class, why didn't she introduce it to others?"

"There must be something fishy between you two!"

That's how people are, good and bad.

Good people are willing to speak up for Lu Miao.

Even if the bad people know that it is a lie, they feel unwilling because they did not take advantage.

So just like taking revenge on someone, you have to bite off a piece of flesh from the person.

But this time it wasn't Wang Mian's turn to speak. Guan Yangyang stood directly on the stool:
"No one is a fool! Aren't you just angry that Lu Miao introduced Wang Mian and didn't introduce him to you?"

"Why haven't I introduced you to a job with good pay? Please reflect on your behavior at this moment!"

The class fell awkwardly silent.

Guan Yangyang's voice is still there:

"What they say is black is black, and what they say is white is white. You just believe whatever they say! Do you have any ability to distinguish yourself?"

"Lu Miao usually lends you books to read. You are ungrateful. You are shameless and shameless!"

Those who joined in the fun in the class were scolded with shame. (End of chapter)

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