Chapter 451 Lu Miao was suspended from school
When Guan Yangyang mentioned that Lu Miao lent everyone extracurricular books to read, everyone was really embarrassed to continue arguing.

But there is an exception.

Li Yue stood up and confronted Guan Yangyang:
"Even if this thing is not true, the outside world dares to spread it so much, saying that it is just based on rumors, do you believe it? Don't think she is so clean!"

"What do you mean?"

English Class 1 was in a commotion again.

"Is there anything else?"

"That's right!"

Li Yue also stood on the chair and announced loudly:
"There is a small forest next to the building of our Foreign Languages ​​Institute. I personally saw her having a private meeting with a man outside the school there."

Li Yue pursed her lips and smiled, looking at Guan Yangyang provocatively:
"I wasn't the only one who saw it, there were also a few female students majoring in Russian on the third floor who also saw it."

Li Yue's words were like water poured into a hot oil pan.

The English class suddenly exploded.

"Li Yue, is what you said true?"

"Yes, squad leader, you won't be bluffing again this time, right?"

Someone was used as a gunman by Li Yue before, but this time he didn't believe it when he heard about it.

Li Yue firmly stated:
"If you don't believe it, you can ask!"

The rumor that Lu Miao passed on the love letter was indeed a rumor created by Li Yue, but after this matter spread, the subsequent development had nothing to do with her.

If Lu Miao wants to blame, blame herself.

If you like to be in the limelight, you will naturally make enemies.

You deserve to be stepped on.

Furthermore, Li Yue actually felt that Lu Miao was not unjust at all.

After all, it was a fact that she had a private meeting with a man on the side of the building.

According to rumors from outside, there is everything from taking off clothes and being intimate with each other.

If it hadn't gone viral, the class teacher wouldn't have suddenly intervened.


Guan Yangyang believed in Lu Miao, but Guan Yangyang didn't know about the matter Li Yue later mentioned.

Li Yue spoke so firmly that Guan Yangyang also felt a little at a loss.

I want to argue, but I don’t know where to start.

Guan Yangyang has a good relationship with Lu Miao, and when she showed her timidity, everyone believed Li Yue's words even more.

Someone pushed Guan Yangyang off the chair with contemptuous eyes.

Some people even went to the Russian language class on the third floor to ask questions under the guise of confirming the truth.

English class is a mess.

Wang Mian and Guan Yangyang, who had spoken for Lu Miao, were blocked in a corner and pushed.

Some people called them shameless like Lu Miao.

Wang Mian was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was thick, and he stood in front to protect the tearful Guan Yangyang.

Meanwhile, in the office.

Li Jiancheng sat on a chair and looked at Lu Miao solemnly.

"Your grades are good, and the English teacher in the college often praises you. When you talk about working in a publishing house, the teacher believes you."

"But Mr. Lu."

Li Jiancheng clicked on the translation manuscripts that Lu Miao took out at the table and said seriously:

"The style of students in school is very important. You are a girl and a lesbian, so your personal style must be more rigorous!"

"Can you please explain why you frequently meet with gay men outside the school next to the building of the Foreign Languages ​​Institute?"

Military Region University is a famous school among schools.

Lu Miao's performance in various subjects was particularly outstanding.

She stands out from the crowd.

It is a rare good seedling.

Li Jiancheng didn't want her to lose herself. After speaking seriously, he added:

"As long as you give a reasonable explanation, the teacher is willing to believe it and can help you resolve the current crisis..."

"But if you don't want to say it, or there is a real problem, then this matter can only be reported to your parents and they can temporarily help you with the suspension of school procedures."

Lu Miao pursed her lips, and her bright face had already turned slightly cold from the initial calm.

"The teacher will come to me. He should have confirmed with the core person who spread these words." After a long pause, Lu Miao asked an unclear question:

"If I explain it, will the teacher tell me who preached these words?"

Li Jiancheng frowned, not expecting that she would ask this.

But his answer was also very decisive:

"I'm afraid I can't do this. I have already promised those students."

How many of them?
Lu Miao chuckled lightly.

I didn't expect that she would have quite a few enemies in school.

"Classmate Lu..."

Li Jiancheng wanted to say something else.

Lu Miao's face turned serious, as usual stubborn and arrogant:

"I have nothing to explain. The teacher should ask the parents."

Li Jiancheng's brows were knotted and his voice became anxious:

"You have to think clearly! Of the more than 5.7 million candidates across the country, only 5% are admitted to universities, and only less than 700 are admitted to military universities!"

Li Jiancheng wanted to remind the young girl in front of him.

It was not easy for her to get into college or a prestigious school.

He wanted her to be careful.

But this young girl was extremely stubborn and still stubbornly shook her head:
"Teacher, thank you for considering me, but I have thought clearly. I agree to invite parents, and I ask for parents to be invited! I have a phone at home."

Li Jiancheng was silent.

Parents are not required to be present when college students apply for suspension of study.

Li Jiancheng knew that Lu Miao was a day student.

Guessing that Lu Miao's home was nearby, Li Jiancheng just mentioned looking for his parents in order to put some pressure on Lu Miao.

Make her pay attention.

Li Jiancheng didn't expect Lu Miao to be so stubborn.

He didn't even want to explain, and directly agreed to go to his parents to suspend school.

Li Jiancheng was at a loss.

He simply asked Lu Miao to write down his phone number and actually made the call.

This matter is not a trivial matter and definitely requires a solution.

It would be a good idea to find a parent who can help with some advice...

Li Jiancheng went to the communication room.

Lu Miao frowned, her pretty face tightened with a held breath, and she was still standing next to Li Jiancheng in the office.


Li Jiancheng didn't go there for long.

After making the call, I quickly returned to the office.

After sitting down in his seat, Li Jiancheng negotiated with Lu Miao about the matter.

Then he waved his hand and asked Lu Miao to go back to class first.

"Go back to class first." Before I could say anything, there was a knock on the door of the diagonal office.

Lu Yuanzheng walked in wearing a closed figure-eight neckline and a mid-length tunic suit.

The Fu family didn't have a phone number, so Lu Miao wrote the number in Lu Yuanzheng's office.

Lu Miao was not surprised at all when Lu Yuanzheng came over.

But Li Jiancheng doesn’t know!

Lu Yuanzheng used to be the president of the Military Region University. How could Li Jiancheng not recognize him?
"Principal Lu, why are you here?"

Although Lu Yuanzheng is no longer the president of the Military Region University, he still has face and dignity.

In particular, his transfer to Renmin University was an internal transfer within the organization, and the specific reasons were not announced to the public.

At that time, the time period was special and the education plan was restarted. Outsiders only regarded it as a normal work arrangement.

Li Jiancheng's respect for him did not diminish, and he quickly stood up and took a chair to invite him to sit.

How could Lu Yuanzheng care about taking the seat?

When Lu Yuanzheng answered the phone and heard that something had happened to his daughter at school, his heartstrings tightened and he asked several times on the phone.

The reply here was vague, saying only that he should come to school first, and refusing to reveal anything else.

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