I was afraid that something big would happen and something would happen to the girl at home.

Lu Yuanzheng hurriedly took the car keys with his heart in his heart and rushed over in a hurry.

Seeing his intact daughter standing next to Li Jiancheng, he breathed a sigh of relief, walked inside and asked:
"what happened?"

"Ah? What's going on?"

What's going on?

Li Jiancheng was confused.

The teacher's office of the School of Foreign Languages ​​is not big, and there are not many people there usually.

Generally, you can only see a few teachers there when there are classes that day and classes are about to begin.

There are several teachers in the office at this moment.

The movement attracted everyone's attention. The teachers looked up and saw that it was Lu Yuanzheng, and they all stood up eagerly:
"Principal Lu."

"Here comes Principal Lu."

"Hello, Principal Lu."

When Lu Yuanzheng was in office, he had a rigorous and upright work attitude and was responsible for teachers and students. All the teachers in the school respected him.

He came over suddenly, and the teachers in the office were very enthusiastic.

Lu Yuanzheng nodded in response. Lu Yuanzheng straightened his back, frowned slightly, and his face looked stern and serious.

Different from Lu Miao's previous aloof contact at home, he was obviously more serious.

There is a sense of coercion belonging to a superior person.

Lu Miao sucked her lips, hesitated for a moment, and then quickly raised her waist again.

The fox also knows that the fox is fake and the tiger is powerful!

She's just taking advantage of her father's influence, how about that?
Lu Yuanzheng asked Li Jiancheng but he didn't know anything, so he turned his gaze to Lu Miao, raised his chin and asked:

"Tell me, what's going on now?"

Not to mention Li Jiancheng, several teachers in the office were stunned for a moment.

Lu Miao took a step forward and said:
"Someone in the school reported that I had personal misconduct."

Lu Yuanzheng frowned.

Lu Miao continued: "The teacher asked me what was going on and said that if I didn't have a reasonable explanation, I would ask my parents to suspend me from school."

Lu Yuanzheng asked in a deep voice, "You didn't explain?"

Lu Miao remained silent.


What the class teacher meant was that once she explained clearly, the matter could be over.

But why?
She is a victim.

She is the one being discussed, and she is also the one facing being suspended from school!

Why should she prove her innocence, not to mention punishment for the perpetrator, or even reveal her name?
This school is a matter of whether she wants to go to school or not.

Want to drop her out of school?


Not only was it impossible, she also had to know about those few people who could not be revealed!
She didn't notice the usual quarrels and trivial things, so did she really treat her as a real person?

If she didn't show any benefit to those people who created the scandal about her today, her surname would not be Lu!
Thinking so, Lu Miao said:

"Whether I am suspending school or dropping out of school today, I want justice, I insist on justice!"

She pouted, frowned, and had a straight face.

At first glance, it seems that he got angry because he was wronged.

You are my own girl, you know her well.

Lu Yuanzheng had a general idea, but he still didn't know what was going on, so he could only turn his attention back to Li Jiancheng.

Let’s just say it’s a coincidence, right?

Lu Miao's surname is Lu, and Principal Lu's surname is also Lu.

Through Lu Miao's call just now, all the teachers in the office came to their senses.

The relationship between Lu Miao and Lu Yuanzheng is unusual.

All the teachers had suspicions in their minds, but they didn't dare to really think about it for fear of offending others.

They were all teachers from other professional classes in the School of Foreign Languages, so they avoided them if they wanted to.

But Li Jiancheng is a class teacher majoring in English, so he can't avoid it!
Li Jiancheng felt awkward and awkward.

Looking back and forth between the two of them, he confirmed his true identity to Lu Yuanzheng: "Principal Lu, I didn't know you were Classmate Lu's...?"

"I am the child's father."

Lu Yuanzheng said frankly:

"You can explain to me now about Comrade Lu Xiaobao's situation."



Several people in the office were shocked.

Ignoring the shocked expressions of several people, Lu Yuanzheng calmed down and continued:
"We admit it was a mistake. If it is not Comrade Lu Xiaobao's fault, then the school and the students who spread the gossip will have to give an explanation."

Lu Yuanzheng was glad that he didn't sit on a chair when he came in just now.

Otherwise, he would be an acquaintance "Principal Lu" instead of Lu Xiaobao's father.

The former principal is the father of the student who was involved in the accident.

Whether this is a misunderstanding or a fact, it is a troublesome matter.

Li Jiancheng broke out in cold sweat on his forehead and explained the matter in a decent manner:
"Classmate Lu frequently met with gay men outside the school during lunch, and some noises spread in the school."

"I originally wanted Student Lu to explain this matter... Student Lu refused, so I had no choice but to ask parents to come over and help mediate."

Lu Yuanzheng knew it instantly, but he didn't speak.

Instead, he turned his attention to Lu Miao and let Lu Miao speak for himself.

Lu Miao explained in cooperation:
"The weather is very hot in summer. I don't eat in the cafeteria. My family always delivers food to me."

Li Jiancheng asked: "What about the gay men outside?"

"It's my husband. He entered the student file when school started. The teacher should have seen my married information column."

The pillar of English Class 1 got married?

The teachers eating melon next to me were stunned.

Li Jiancheng was also a little surprised.

It is true that student files will be entered into the school, but he really hasn't paid attention to it.

Li Jiancheng said: "Since this is the case, you can just tell the teacher just now, and there is no need to be like this..."

Li Jiancheng did not continue.

Lu Miao understood what he meant, shook her head and said stubbornly:

"It's not just that simple. The teacher also knows that I am a lesbian. I don't need to say how important reputation is to lesbians."

"I just want to know when I took off my clothes in the woods and did this and that with people."

"I'd rather know who said these things."

Lu Miao appealed calmly.

Lu Yuanzheng frowned deeply as he listened to her narration, and his aura suddenly sank.

"The school should not punish students based on one-sided words. It must be investigated who spread the words."

Lu Yuanzheng nodded on the table and expressed his stance in a deep voice. His attitude was firm and serious, leaving no room for doubt.

"After judging our children, we must also judge them. This is just and fair."

There is nothing wrong with what Lu Yuanzheng said.

Li Jiancheng did not expect to attract this giant Buddha, nor did he expect that it would escalate to such a serious situation.

At this moment, I no longer care about the promise I made to those students.

According to Lu Miao's additional request for a face-to-face confrontation, Li Jiancheng could only go to the Russian language class on the third floor to find someone.

The class bell has rang long ago, the teachers are all in the office, no one is watching in the classroom, and the Russian major is relatively peaceful.

Like the English class, it was noisy all the time.

When Li Jiancheng left the office, he bumped into a few people who came to eavesdrop at the door.

Li Jiancheng glared, and the students ran back like mice after seeing a cat.

Entering the classroom, someone in the class asked:
"What's going on now? Did you hear anything?"

"I heard it! But... it's over, it's over, we seem to have caused a big trouble! I heard Teacher Li and the others calling Lu Miao and her father the principal!"


(End of this chapter)

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