A soft-waisted educated youth has sex with a loyal dog and a rough guy in the 1960s

Chapter 453: I would rather not have this place in a prestigious school

Li Yue felt relieved and quickly said:
"Really or not? You must have heard it wrong! Isn't the principal of our military school named Chen?"

When Li Yue said this, the students who had just eavesdropped were also stunned for a moment.

But I did hear the person shouting "Principal Lu" at that time.

Those students were not sure and did not dare to talk nonsense anymore. They all sat back on their chairs quietly.

When the others saw this, their hearts became quiet.

Li Yue was also a little panicked.

Is Lu Miao's father really the principal?

No, definitely not!
The president of the Military Region University is named Chen!
Li Yue consoled herself that she was overthinking, but she couldn't help but feel worried.

She was afraid that Lu Miao really had a powerful background and would come back to take revenge on her.

In the classroom, Li Yue's heartstrings were tense and she was confused.

On the other side, in the office.

Li Jiancheng has already brought people over from the first-year Russian language professional class.

It was three female students.

The three female students didn't know what was going on at first, but they suddenly realized something was wrong when they saw Lu Miao in the office.

"Li, Teacher Li, this, this is..."

The three female students all looked at Li Jiancheng nervously.

Lu Yuanzheng was in front of him. He was the president of the former military college and the father of the other student.

Li Jiancheng naturally did not dare to let go.

"The rumors in the school during this period have attracted the attention of the school."

Li Jiancheng said businesslikely:

"We have invited the parents of Student Lu today. Before making a decision and reporting it to the school leaders, I still have a few questions to check with you. I hope you will cooperate and tell the truth."

The three female classmates stood side by side, their lips moving, and they swallowed nervously.

You look at me, I look at you, their expressions have changed.

Realizing that things were developing in an uncontrollable direction, they felt frightened. Before being questioned, the three students had already shaken their heads and denied the matter.

"Teacher, I, we also heard about this matter from others. We don't know the specific situation. We don't know what to say..."

Li Jiancheng frowned and raised his voice, revealing a serious tone:

"This matter is not a trivial matter. Didn't you swear to the teacher before that you saw it with your own eyes?"

The three female students cowered and saw their professional teacher standing next to them. One of the female students said with a cry:
"Teacher Liu, you know who we are, and we won't say such things easily... Help us, Teacher Liu!"

This is what I said...

The words didn't come from them, could it be that it was from him?
Li Jiancheng has always been good-tempered, but now he couldn't help but look gloomy.

Teacher Liu, a Russian major, was a little embarrassed when he was called out, but he had to stand up and speak out:
"Teacher believes in you, but teacher also believes in Teacher Li."

"Teacher Li said that you told him personally about this matter, so what's going on?"

The three female classmates looked at each other, glanced at Lu Miao, and explained guiltily:

"We just often see Mr. Lu eating there, always accompanied by a gay man who doesn't look like a student of our school..."

"We only discussed this matter privately, and really didn't say anything else. Those exaggerated words were all made up by others!"

Some people cried anxiously, "Teacher, we didn't expect this!"

When things have developed to this point, no matter whether what these three female classmates said is completely true or not, a complete context can be inferred.

Lu Miao is indeed innocent. According to Li Jiancheng's original intention.

As long as the problem is not with Lu Miao, and the whole story is clarified, and a clarification is made public, this matter can be resolved.

But Lu Miao was obviously dissatisfied with this arrangement.

When faced with the old leader Lu Yuanzheng, Li Jiancheng was a little difficult to make a decision.

Li Jiancheng simply asked Lu Miao's opinion and wanted to hear Lu Miao's thoughts first.

"Classmate Lu, what do you think?"

Lu Miao wanted to speak just now, but another teacher spoke first, so she suppressed her words temporarily.

Now that she was asked to speak, she took a step forward and spoke directly:
"I am the victim. When it was my turn, I was faced with the suspension of study. Now that the truth of the matter is revealed and it is definitely not my problem, then they..."

Lu Miao pointed at the three girls opposite, but glanced at the teachers in the office:

"If we just let it go, do you think it's reasonable? Is it fair?"

No one spoke.

Lu Miao didn't take it seriously, smiled lightly, and suddenly said coldly and decisively:

"They should also face suspension of school, or even drop out of school!"

She was still angry, and her voice was slightly sharp, piercing into the hearts of the three female classmates like a knife.

When they heard that they would be suspended from school or dropped out of school, some of the three female classmates couldn't bear it.

Frightened, he fell to his knees in front of Lu Miao.

"Student Lu, can I apologize to you for this? If I am expelled, my life will be over!"

The other two female classmates followed suit and knelt beside Lu Miao's legs, pulling and crying, apologizing and begging:
"Classmate Lu, you are also a girl. You must understand the difficulties of girls! It is really not easy for us to come from a small place and reach this point!"

"If you are kicked out of school, you really have no other choice in life! Please forgive us, forgive us!"

Lu Miao was silent for a long time, then suddenly laughed and coldly waved away the hands of the three of them.

"I thought you were stupid and ignorant at first, but now it seems that you are not stupid either. Isn't this very smart?"

The three people cried for a moment, not understanding what she meant.

"You want me to feel the same way as a woman, but what about when I am being persecuted? Who would have thought that I am also a lesbian?"

Lu Miao sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm, and he said every word:
"The excessive words may not be spread by you, but this kind of thing can easily be fabricated."

"You are also lesbians. When you talked about these words to the outside world, what impact would it have on me? To say that you were not aware of it at all, do you believe it?"

It’s not that they don’t understand, they understand very well.

Otherwise, the hardships and difficulties of girls would not be repeatedly emphasized here.

When a knife stabs someone, they don't feel the pain.

Then try it on themselves!

"Quiting out of school is only about your future, but losing your reputation can kill people. Any punishment you get is only because you are not cautious and don't cherish your future. You can't blame others."

Lu Miao looked at Li Jiancheng:
"Teacher Li, if the school cannot properly handle this matter and give an explanation to the innocent students, then someone will definitely follow suit in the future."

Lu Miao said and looked at Lu Yuanzheng again.

"And if the results are not in line with my expectations, I would rather not get this place at a prestigious school!"

Lu Miao was expressing his thoughts to Lu Yuanzheng.

He was also expressing his attitude to Li Jiancheng. (End of chapter)

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