"The child is not suitable for class in this state, Xiao Li..."

Lu Yuanzheng nodded, beckoned Lu Miao to stand behind him, and stood with the girl unconditionally:

"Teacher Li, please give me a note of leave and let the child go back to rest for two days."

The learning atmosphere is important.

If the current campus atmosphere of the Military Region University has become like this.

Lu Yuanzheng felt that it might be a better choice for the girl to drop out of school and transfer to another school.

The three female students couldn't shed tears, and their eyes widened.

He looked at the Lu family and his daughter as if they had seen a ghost.

I think this father and daughter are seriously ill!

Military Region University is a famous school!

How many people want to squeeze in?
How many people wouldn’t even dare to think about it?

Because of this incident and the strictest punishment to be given to them, they actually preferred to drop out of school! ?

"Principal Lu, although Mr. Lu has excellent grades, this semester is coming to an end, and now is an important time. Please take leave now..."

Li Jiancheng became anxious.

There are not many good seedlings in hand, but this one is the best.

It just so happens that my father is the president of the Renmin University next door.

He was really afraid that if the other party was unhappy, he would go through the transfer procedures and directly take this good prospect away.

Lu Yuanzheng had already made up his mind and raised his hand to stop Li Jiancheng from continuing:
"Please take three days off first. Three days is enough for Lao Chen to figure out the whole story and make a conclusion."

What Lao Chen is talking about is Chen Rivet, the principal of the Military Region University.

For this reason, Li Jiancheng couldn't say anything, so he had to issue a leave approval note first.

Lu Yuanzheng took Lu Miao out of the office just in time for the school bell to ring.

Many students from the School of Foreign Languages ​​came to the classroom to watch the excitement from a distance.

Lu Yuanzheng turned a blind eye and patted the girl on the shoulder:

"Is there anything you want to get from the classroom?"

Lu Miao shook his head and shook the handbag on his elbow:
"It's all here."

She went from home to classroom without having time to put down her things.

Lu Yuanzheng nodded, "Okay, Dad will take you home first. It's a good time to rest these days."

Lu Miao nodded, rarely showing some real kindness in front of his father.

Everyone looked forward to it and watched and looked at it all the way.

I saw with my own eyes that Lu Miao followed Lu Yuanzheng, got into a car and drove away.

"The former squad leader's family is really not ordinary! His father drives a car."

"So what if she drives a car? You see, she didn't even come to class. She must have been punished and went home. There is probably something wrong with her character..."

There were many different opinions in the English class, and the discussion was crazy.

Wang Mian and Guan Yangyang didn't dare to say anything, but they were really worried about Lu Miao.

I thought about asking the class teacher, but I never found anyone.

Li Jiancheng is busy!
Lu Yuanzheng took Lu Miao away, and Li Jiancheng asked several female students majoring in Russian to go back and wait for news.

He then went to the principal Chen Rivet to report the matter.

There are particularities in this era.

As Lu Miao said, dropping out of school is about your future, but losing your reputation can cost your life.

School-level leaders attach great importance to it.

Starting at noon that day, two or three small meetings were held.

Li Jiancheng was busy coming out before school in the afternoon.

Li Jiancheng had just come out of the principal's office and went directly back to English Class 1.

He called all his classmates and asked about the rumors. One code is passed in school, and another code is passed in class.

Li Jiancheng asked sternly, asking who encouraged the gossip in the class.

After a few words, Li Yue was asked.

In response to the rumors circulating in the school, school leaders made emergency plans.

It was only a matter of time before several students majoring in Russian were expelled.

Although Li Yue did not participate in the outside world, she was the one who got involved in the affairs in the class.

Naturally, her punishment is inevitable.

Li Jiancheng scolded Li Yue sharply and dismissed Li Yue's squad leader.

In Li Yue's student status file, there were notes about recording major demerits and continuing to observe.

Penalty if student status exceeds the limit is related to job placement after graduation.

In the next few semesters, if Li Yue cannot make up for his mistakes.

Even if her grades are excellent, she will not be able to get a good job in an orthodox state-owned enterprise after graduation.

"Things like this can only be big, not small! Everyone in the class can sit in the seat today because they have gone through a lot of hardships."

Li Jiancheng pounded the podium and shouted a stern warning:
"Teacher, I hope you keep your mind on the right path and don't make fun of your future!"

"Whoever's turn it is to be kicked out of school in the future, there's no use crying then!"

Everyone was sitting on their seats, only Li Yue was standing.

I heard Li Jiancheng mention "dropping out" frequently.

Li Yue was shaking like a sieve, and her courage was almost shattered.

Standing on the chair and quarreling with Guan Yangyang at that time, he was so proud, but now he is so embarrassed.

For fear of being kicked out of school, Li Yue became completely honest after this experience.


Lu Miao doesn't know about the school's affairs for the time being.

However, Lu Yuanzheng's support and support in this incident obviously further eased the relationship between father and daughter.

Lu Miao was willing to get close to him. When she got out of the car and went home, she called him to go back to the courtyard to have dinner with her.

As soon as he entered the yard, Lu Miao hugged Erbao, took a sip of incense, and blew his father's rainbow coin high:

"Xia Xia, grandpa is the best grandpa, do you know? The best in the world!"

Xiao Mingxia was kissed several times by her mother, she giggled happily, and shouted in a childish voice:
"Grandpa is the best in the world!"


After kissing his daughter, Lu Miao put the little guy down, turned to Lu Yuanzheng and said:
"I haven't eaten meat at home for a long time. Can Dad help me kill a rabbit? I'll cook."

Fu Jingyou is usually responsible for killing rabbits.

Lu Miao can't do it.

Lu Yuanzheng also expected that she wouldn't be able to do it, so he didn't say anything. He went into the house and took off his Chinese tunic jacket. He and Tang Mei got a kitchen knife and asked Lu Miao to point to the rabbit before taking action.

He rolled up his shirt sleeves and worked on the side of the well reservoir while Lu Miao and her children watched.

Lu Yuanzheng said: "You are not afraid of the strong sun, and your children are not afraid of it? Go in the house, go in the house."

Lu Miao pursed her lips and led the three little ones towards the main room.

After walking only a few steps, he turned back and stared at Lu Yuanzheng's collar.

I had never noticed it before, but now I realized that her father not only lived a rough life, but he was also very frugal.

The collar and hem of the shirt have been washed to remove the fine burrs, but they are still worn.

I don’t know what life is like living in the school dormitory...

Let the three little ones play by themselves in the main room, while Lu Miao peels garlic next to Tang Mei in the kitchen.

Her eyes flickered, and she asked awkwardly and casually:
"How is the environment in Dad's dormitory? There is an empty room in the courtyard, but I haven't heard from him that he is willing to come and live together?"

Tang Mei looked at her several times with a smile and said truthfully:
"It's nice over there. It has a big balcony, good sunshine, and a separate bathroom, which is very convenient." (End of Chapter)

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