"I went there before and asked him to come back and live there, and I could help wash clothes and other things, but he didn't want to because he thought it was troublesome to go back and forth."

Lu Miao nodded, having a rough idea.

I didn’t mention it again for the time being.

Tang Mei pressed the chopping board to cut peppers and asked her:

"It's you, why didn't you go to class today? Did you come back with your dad?"

"I just felt a little uncomfortable. I told the teacher to call my father and take me back to rest for two days."

Afraid that Tang Mei would be worried, the father and daughter colluded with each other on the way back.

Lu Miao answered vaguely, originally wanting to brush off the topic.

The results of it?
The topic was over, but Tang Mei became alert, looked at her seriously and asked:

"You, what's wrong with you? Are you pregnant again?"

Lu Miao almost bit the tip of her tongue:

"Auntie, what are you talking about!"

"What did you say?"

Tang Mei pulled Lu Miao away as if facing a formidable enemy.

"I asked you what's wrong with you!"

This directly made Lu Miao embarrassed and speechless:

"It's not pregnancy...! Oh, I didn't tell you about me, I, I went inside to drink water!"

"You kid!"


At noon, I stewed a large pot of spicy rabbit meat.

The children chose the meat part and made it in small portions, which was not spicy.

After frying separately, when the rice is simmering, put it in a bowl and embed it on the edge of the rice to simmer it together.

A meal, no matter whether it is an adult or a child, it is so delicious that the corners of the mouth are watery.

Lu Yuanzheng had lunch here. Lu Miao and Tang Mei picked some cucumbers and tomatoes, washed them and brought them to him.

Let him take it back and play with it as fruit.

Lu Yuanzheng nodded and told Lu Miao to find him again if he had anything to do, and then drove away with his things.

I met my daughter, my grandson and granddaughter, and had a satisfying meal.

Lu Yuanzheng was in a good mood.

However, the good mood did not last long. After returning to school and entering the office, Lu Yuanzheng sat down and took a bite of cucumber.

Before my butt was even hot, there was a knock on the office door.

His son-in-law skipped the elective classes at school and hit him with a grenade bomb as soon as he walked in the door.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Lu Yuanzheng covered his mouth and coughed, almost spitting out the unfinished cucumber.

"What did you say? Say it again?"

"The engines of cars and airplanes have different properties. I read in the newspaper that the imported engines purchased by the country are called Spey turbines."

Fu Jingyou was not sloppy at all and took out the notebook from the bag he was carrying.

He flipped through a few pages, put the notebook on the table, pointed at it and asked his father-in-law to read:

"I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I just can't figure out how this turbine absorbs air to generate power."


Fu Jingyou hopes to land an expedition.

"You must know where you can see airplanes up close. If you take me to see them, I'll see them. Maybe I'll know."


Lu Yuanzheng frowned and widened his eyes.

He looked at Fu Jingyou as if he had seen a ghost.

What do you mean?
Isn’t it enough to tighten the screws on his car before?

Now you want to screw screws on a plane?

Lu Yuanzheng remained silent, while Fu Jingyou urged:
"Dad, speak!"


say what?
Lu Yuanzheng glared at him sideways and waved his hand to chase him away:

"Let's go, let's go, I'm not that capable! Let's go quickly. Don't run here again if you have nothing to do!"

"I have something to do now."

Fu Jingyou also frowned, looking at his father-in-law seriously with his dark eyes. But the father-in-law was obviously in a bad mood and kept waving his hands to chase people away.

"There is no plane. If you say there won't be one, there won't be one. Leave now!"

Fu Jingyou's expression became serious.

Seeing an airplane up close is no small thing.

When he came, he never thought that he would be able to convince his father-in-law just once.

He will come again.

But this visit cannot be in vain.

Close the book and put it in your bag as a treasure.

Fu Jingyou slipped away the tomatoes and cucumbers on his father-in-law's table with his hand:
"Thank you, dad. I'll take it back and eat it with my classmates."


Damn me you...

You and I brought it all the way back here to make you a wedding dress? ?

What a bastard!

Lu Yuanzheng sat at his desk, watching his son-in-law leave the office, his expression tense as if he was depressed.


After skipping the last elective class, Fu Jingyou left his father-in-law's side and went directly to the ice factory.

After finishing my work at the ice-making factory, I went home as usual and washed myself with water at the well. I thought about going into the house and picking up a lunch box to deliver to my wife.

Tang Mei heard the noise and hurriedly came out of the kitchen holding a spatula:

"It's incredible, Xiao Fu!"

"what happened?"

"I'm afraid Xiaobao is pregnant again. How long will you have class in the afternoon? I'm not worried. You'd better take her to the hospital for a checkup!"

"how come?"

"Why not! You were complaining that you felt unwell in the morning, and the school called your dad to pick him up..."

Fu Jingyou's scalp exploded. Before Tang Mei could finish her words, he wiped his face and went into the house.

Fu Jingyou actually didn't believe that she would be pregnant, but Tang Mei spoke firmly and said that Lu Miao came back unwell, and he suddenly felt a little unsure.

I've been doing it a lot recently, and although I've taken measures every time, I don't know if such a small condom is really 100% effective.

In the room, Lu Miao was sitting at the sewing machine studying!
Fu Jingyou was very anxious. He went up and squatted next to his wife, and with his wet hands trembling slightly, he touched his wife's belly through his clothes.

Lu Miao had her back turned to him, engrossed in thinking about cutting fabrics. She was completely unprepared and was frightened by him.

"What are you doing! Scared me!"

She turned around and patted Fu Jingyou.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sleepy? Do you feel like vomiting?"

Fu Jingyou let her little hands beat on his body, his eyebrows slightly condensed, and his deep peach blossom eyes were a little wet.


Lu Miao was speechless for a while, and suddenly understood what was going on.

She tapped his raised eyebrows with her fingertips and explained helplessly:

"Don't listen to auntie's nonsense, it's not about pregnancy..."

If school matters can be hidden from Tang Mei, they certainly cannot be hidden from Fu Jingyou.

Lu Miao leaned forward slightly and spoke briefly close to his ear.

Fu Jingyou looked up at her, his brows furrowed deeper:

"Then what should we say about this now?"

"Now I'll rest at home for two days and wait for the news. I definitely can't bear this injustice... Besides, dad is here!"

Fu Jingyou felt slightly relieved, but also blamed himself:

"Next time I bring you food, let's find a shady place to eat outside the school."

"The problem is with those people and not with us, so why go outside the school?"

How normal is it for family members to send meals to school students?
If the cafeteria wasn't overcrowded at noon, she would have taken him to find a seat in the cafeteria.

She pouted, obviously a little unhappy at his words.

Fu Jingyou carefully touched her belly with his hand, fearing that she would be angry with him.

He wanted to say something, but she slapped her hand away and beat him to it:

"You said you're not pregnant...! Why are you touching me?" (End of Chapter)

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