Chapter 456 It’s my uncle

Fu Jingyou scratched his head and confirmed with her repeatedly:

"really not?"

Lu Miao scolded the monster with a rosy face and nodded.

Fu Jingyou breathed a sigh of relief.

The matter of the twin brothers and sisters left a big shadow on him.

Fu Jingyou was really scared.

What if I get pregnant again...

"Then you can rest at home these two days, and don't think about school in advance."

He stood up and sat on the kang, holding her soft hand with one hand and squeezing it, and touched the side of her head with one hand:

"Last time I asked about snow frogs, I learned that there is a seafood market over there in the Ma Family Courtyard. I don't have classes tomorrow afternoon, so I'll go with you to take a look?"


Hearing the words "seafood market", Lu Miao's eyes lit up.

All kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas, seafood is one of her favorites.

You can actually imagine what kind of things are sold and how many types there are in the seafood market of this era.

But Lu Miao is still looking forward to it.

no way.

She was almost exhausted from shopping in department stores that others rarely visited.

You can only find freshness elsewhere.

It’s good to go out for a walk~
"Then you come back early after class tomorrow! Let's go see it together!"



Lu Miao curled her lips and looked at him with a smile.

There is no need to deliver food to her today, so Fu Jingyou has more time.

Lu Miao asked him to take a rest after eating, but he couldn't rest.

After tricking the two little ones into following Zhou Shi'an to play in the main room, Fu Jingyou took out his notebook from his bag, sat on the edge of the Kang and moved all the way to his wife's side.

"Please help me, what do these English words mean?"

Lu Miao tilted her head, considered it, and said:
"This should be 'piston', this means 'jet'."

Lu Miao was not sensitive to circuits, let alone various equipment parts.

This time Fu Jingyou asked her about things translated into English, such as turbines, fan blades, and compressors. She felt bored just thinking about it.

Although they are not interested, as husband and wife, they should support each other regardless of their hobbies and careers.

Lu Miao still asked a few questions with concern:
"Seeing as you have been studying this recently, have you encountered any difficulties in the professional courses?"

"No." Fu Jingyou shook his head, "They are all things outside the textbooks. I am interested in them and I just read them blindly."

"I don't understand this aspect either, so I can't help you with anything, um..."

Lu Miao thought for a while and suggested:
"If it's a technical question, you can ask the factory's masters. As for the principles... try asking the school's physics teacher."

The operating principles of machinery cannot be separated from physics.

Fu Jingyou was slightly startled.

He majored in mechanical and electrical. When he went to study in a large factory, he would ask the master for advice on the spot.

Physics is a side subject. When you go to the classroom, the teacher usually leaves content on the blackboard, and you rarely see the teacher himself.

All kinds of things, he really didn’t expect to find a physics teacher.


Fu Jingyou was thoughtful and nodded:
"I'll remember this and ask if I don't understand anything next time."


Lu Miao nodded slightly.

If you don’t understand something, I’ll ask you next time, what’s the actual situation?
After collecting the notebook and stuffing it into her bag, Fu Jingyou mumbled "Go to school" and walked out in a hurry.

I forgot to take the military kettle that had just been filled with water at the kang head.

Lu Miao noticed it in time, followed him with it, and handed it over to him before he could pedal away the bicycle.

"Be careful on the road, don't worry, safety comes first."

"Okay, got it."

Fu Jingyou waved to her, smiled with his white teeth, and slipped away.

Lu Miao shook his head with a soft face and closed the courtyard door with his backhand. The young man has a sharp and handsome face, the sleeves of his coat are tied around his waist, and outside the black work vest, his strong shoulders and arms are bulging, and they are slightly warm and shiny from the sun.

Bicycles clanked past in the alley, and the young wives walking around blushed and looked back quietly.

"It's really strong..."

"In other words, how do you look like that? He's nothing like the boys in the alley..."

Several young daughters-in-law discussed quietly.


After skipping elective classes in the morning, Fu Jingyou skipped lunch break in the afternoon.

When he was supposed to be taking a lunch break, he groped around and knocked at a certain room on the third floor of the teachers' dormitory building at an inappropriate time.

"Knock Knock-"

"Knock Knock Knock-"

The summer wind is hot, and during the lunch break, which was originally only filled with the noisy chirping of cicadas, the "knock, knock, knock" knocking on the door is particularly loud.

The 306 teachers’ dormitory is not open.

Next door, 309 made two clicks and unscrewed the door lock from the inside.

Lu Yuanzheng opened the door and took a look. When he saw a familiar figure, he became angry.

"Why are you here!"


The father-in-law's voice suddenly rang out. Fu Jingyou was not prepared mentally, and with a quick wit, Tian Ling Gai almost flipped over.

"Dad, I'm not looking for..."

"I'm not looking for you." Before he could say the words, the door in front of him was suddenly pushed open.

Fu Jingyou was pushed back by the door panel.

The door of 306 was pushed open, and physics teacher Zhuang Baocheng poked his head out of the room.


After looking back and forth, Zhuang Baocheng stared at Lu Yuanzheng and said suspiciously:
"Principal Lu, this, this classmate is your son?"





The two sons-in-law, one nodded with a stiff smile, and the other shook his head decisively, their voices collided, and both of them fell silent.

No wonder Fu Jingyou denied it, he still remembered his father-in-law's previous instructions.

There was a brief silence.

Lu Yuanzheng twitched the corners of his mouth and broke the deadlock with a smile:

"It's my uncle."

Zhuang Baocheng's eyes widened and he looked at Fu Jingyou in shock.

On Fu Jingyou's side, because of his father-in-law's "uncle", he was able to get on the line with Physics Teacher Zhuang without any hindrance.

On the other side, Lu Miao was not idle at home either.

At one time, I was tinkering with the sewing machine, and at the other time, I was translating a few paragraphs of manuscripts.

She has learned how to use a sewing machine, but she still can't master how to make clothes.

Tang Mei was good at needlework. She would catch her up quickly by giving her a few words from time to time.

Draw a plan view of a stand-up collar shirt on paper.

Before the official start, I noticed that there was a hole in the pocket of Zhou Shian's coat.

At noon, while the children were taking a nap, Lu Miao brought Zhou Shian's little jacket over.

She was ingenious and tinkered around, taking the dark rags she had left before and tying them together with light-colored thread a few times.

The self-taught person got a Q version of a small cat head that does not suit this era.

The hole in the pocket is as small as a coin, and the little cat's head nailed is half the size of an adult's hand.

Lu Miao placed the jacket on the sewing machine and adjusted its position so that it covered the entire pocket.

Afterwards, she took off her clothes, shook them and looked at them. Tang Mei also praised her for her cleverness.

Regardless of adults or children, everyone does not like compliments and compliments.

Lu Miao happily put the clothes back.

In the afternoon, when the children took a nap, she was sitting in the room reading a book, but she couldn't help but crane her neck to look at the noise.

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