Chapter 458 Little Fu likes to be taken advantage of
Children are pitiful. Taking care of one is taking care of them, and taking care of two is taking care of them. They are all things that happen by the way.

The Fu family are all honest and good people.

After hearing this, Zhou Hong felt at ease. He thanked her repeatedly and stopped being polite to Tang Mei. Afterwards, his relationship with the Fu family became even closer.

This is about Zhou Shian.

Let’s talk about the young couple.

After the courtyard was tidied up, Fu Jingyou usually stayed at the mechanical and electrical factory or the library even if he had no classes in the afternoon.

This time, I made an appointment with my wife to go to the seafood market. Fu Jingyou came back early from work at the ice factory.

After having lunch at home, the couple got on their bicycles and set off.

The cold storage of the seafood market requires a lot of ice, so it is not far from Qingta Hutong.

There are only three or four miles to go.

The future seafood market will have convenient transportation, and most of the fresh goods will be delivered at night or early in the morning.

So go there early and you can always buy good and fresh stuff.

The current stage is different, and many world-famous roads in later generations have not yet been built.

Road transportation is tortuous, and the fresh food transportation chain is even more imperfect.

The goods that can be transported from coastal areas at great cost are either frozen goods or relatively durable goods that can withstand the torment.

Such as crustaceans, shellfish, etc.

Fortunately, the seafood market at this time did not have to rush in early or late.

Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou left home at around one o'clock and arrived at the place at two o'clock. All the stalls were still open.

It is said to be a seafood market, but in fact there are only a dozen stalls.

Half of the stalls sell fresh river aquatic products, including field snails and soft-shell turtles.

No one ate the turtles in my hometown at first.

Fu Jingyou saw some for sale, and the skirt shell was as big as a plate. It looked really big.

When he saw the fresh ones, he went up and asked how much they cost. A can was eighty cents per pound, which was more expensive than pork.

He turned to look at Lu Miao, his deep peach blossom eyes slightly widened, surprised and suspicious.

He pushed the bicycle, tilted his head and whispered to Lu Miao:

"This thing is so expensive, does anyone really buy it?"

Lu Miao knew that there was something he didn't say clearly in his heart: if it is so expensive, whoever buys it will be taken advantage of.

Lu Miao suppressed a smile and said, "Everyone in the city knows that this food is nutritious and can be made delicious. Haven't you eaten it before?"

Fu Jingyou thought so too.

In the past, I only thought that my daughter-in-law was good at cooking and could make delicious meals out of things that no one wanted to eat.

Now I know that it is really a good supplement.

After understanding that this thing was a tonic, Fu Jingyou's mentality immediately changed. He took his wife and walked to the stall with the armored fish basin:

"Then buy one and take it home. Such a big one can feed a whole family."

"We are here to see seafood. What kind of turtle should we buy? It is so expensive..."

Lu Miao stopped and refused. This time it was her turn to say that she had been taken advantage of:

"If you want to eat them, you can go down to the cage and catch a few when you return to your hometown later."

"That was then, and now is now, can it be the same? Just buy one and go back."

"Do you listen to me? Do you want me to twist your ears in front of outsiders?"


Fu Jingyou choked, "Okay, okay, okay, okay, if you don't want to buy it, don't buy it. You are really..."

"You are the real one."

Lu Miao rolled her eyes at him angrily and walked in front.

Fu Jingyou shook his head, and the tall man pushed his bicycle and followed him obediently.

There are not many types of seafood sold in the market, but for this era, it is pretty good.

Lu Miao didn't dare to buy too much because it was too hot.

We weighed three kilograms of oysters and three kilograms of scallops, bought a piece of frozen hairtail, and also bought some dry seaweed and wakame.

All kinds of things cost three and a half yuan.

There are also large lobsters sold at the stall, and the price is calculated per piece, the smaller ones are sold for 4 yuan, and the larger ones are sold for 6 to 8 yuan.

It’s almost more than three yuan a pound. Prices are low, and this price is no longer cheap.

Lu Miao glanced at Ganxi and told Fu Jingyou to come back and buy it next time.

I bought a lot this time, I’ll talk about it after I go back and finish it.

Save yourself the waste of buying too much.

Fu Jingyou nodded and kept it in mind.

My wife wants to eat lobster, so this must be bought.

As for the highly nutritious turtle, he would have to get one back sooner or later.

Once the idea is settled, the man is stubborn as hell.

I have forgotten who just thought that whoever bought the turtle was taken advantage of.

On the way home, I went to the market behind the alley.

Lu Miao picked and bought a large bag of garlic.

Although Fu Jingyou waited patiently, his face was full of confusion:
"Do you need that much?"

"It's more or less the same. If you don't use it, you can use it slowly in the future. It won't break in a short time."

"it is good."


After Lu Miao paid for the garlic, he stood up and said:
"Go around again and see which one has fresh onions."

"it is good."

After buying all the things I needed, it was just past three o'clock when I got home.

Although the time was good, Lu Miao was actively preparing.

Fu Jingyou was assigned to open oyster shells.

The edge of the oyster shell was very sharp, and he didn't take any precautions when he first came into contact with it.

When I opened the shell with a kitchen knife, a cut was made under my index finger, which bled a lot.

Tang Mei saw her and helped peel the garlic while staring at Lu Miao and nagging:

"Tell me, what should I eat?"

"I insist on eating this weird food. I'm bleeding so much before I even put it in my mouth..."

"How much refined food does it take to feed it back?"

Lu Miao went over to look at Fu Jingyou's wounds and felt relieved after making sure there was no major problem.

Lu Miao also listened to Tang Mei's words, pouted and muttered:

"I know, why not buy it next time?"

Tang Mei sighed on the side and said nothing more. She took a pair of scissors and went to the well to help open the oyster shells.

In the kitchen, Lu Miao pouted.

I originally wanted to buy something fresh and bring it back so that everyone could eat it together happily. But before it even started, the good mood was gone.

Beside the well, Fu Jingyou spoke for her:

"This is what I want to eat. I haven't seen anything like this in the south, so I bought it because it looked strange."

Tang Mei glanced at him, "I don't know who you are or what she is?"

Fu Jingyou muttered, but still chose to defend his wife:
"Auntie knows what she is like and why does she still say what she does? She does whatever she likes and always says what she does."

Tang Mei choked on him.

It's a good thing that my uncle loves their little baby, but is this too pampering?

Forget it.

Let young people figure out their own affairs!

Tang Mei didn't care.

Lu Miao soaked two handfuls of vermicelli.

After mincing the garlic and green onions, she picked small red peppers in the yard and chopped them into fine pieces for later use.

There were several children in the family, so I didn’t plan to make it too spicy, so I cut a chili for garnish.

Light a fire in the stove, pour oil into the pot, and when the oil is warm, pour a large handful of minced garlic on the chopping board into the pot and stir-fry until fragrant.

Then pour in the minced chili pepper, add salt, soy sauce, and two tablespoons of sugar as usual, and continue to stir-fry.

After waiting for the soy sauce to spread evenly and take on color, Lu Miao took some minced garlic with chopsticks and tasted it.

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