A soft-waisted educated youth has sex with a loyal dog and a rough guy in the 1960s

Chapter 459: Raise from an early age, don’t break the rules

Eating raw garlic can easily leave a taste in your mouth, and eating too much can burn your stomach.

The minced garlic was still a little spicy, so Lu Miao continued to stir-fry for a while.

When it feels like it's almost done, I sprinkle in the chopped green onion, stir it up a few times, then scoop it out and put it in a bowl for later use.

Half a palm-sized oyster weighs only about ten oysters at three kilograms.

Fu Jingyou gradually mastered the skills and drove faster later.

Lu Miao cleaned the pot, added water and put it on the reed steaming plate. After placing the oysters one by one, he used a small spoon to pour the oily garlic sauce on top. Finally, he covered the pot and steamed it.

The secretly prepared garlic sauce is fragrant and fragrant.

There were four heads, one big, three small, and four at the door of the kitchen. They came over early to look at it.

Not only was there someone walking past the door of Fu's kitchen, but also on the side of the house. You could also hear startled chatter outside:
"Who in the alley cooks breakfast like that? The smell is so delicious."

Although the food has not yet been eaten, Lu Miao's craftsmanship is still worthy of recognition based on the feedback from people around him on the aroma.

Lu Miao snickered twice and told the child's father:
"Watch the fire and the water will boil for three minutes before you can eat it."

Fu Jingyou nodded and sat at the stove with Erbao in his arms.

Erbao was obedient at first, but the fire broke out the sweat on his forehead. He twisted down and ran away, refusing to stay in the kitchen anymore.

Lu Miao was not idle while waiting for the oysters to be ready.

Take out the soaked vermicelli, wash it and cut it randomly with scissors, and set aside. The oysters are just coming out of the pot.

Fu Jingyou picked up the oysters and put them on the plate, and then she poured the washed scallops into the pot and onto the reed steaming tray.

The water underneath is boiling, and it only takes two minutes to close the lid of the pot, and the scallops will be steamed open.

Lu Miao used the spatula to scoop out the scallops again.

Part of it is mixed with vinegar and other sauces and eaten fresh, and part of it is taken out of half of the shell, placed on the reed steaming plate, topped with vermicelli, and poured with a little secret garlic sauce to continue steaming.

Tang Mei looked at the side and shook her head:
"You really don't mind the trouble."

Lu Miao pursed her lips, "You don't have to do this every day. After one time, is it enough to satisfy your cravings?"

"Okay, why not?"

Tang Mei laughed helplessly and pushed her out, "Go and eat. They are all waiting for you in the main room."

Only now did Lu Miao realize that the plate of oysters that had been brought out had not yet been started.

She pulled Tang Mei along:
"Auntie, let's have a taste together."

I didn’t buy a lot this time. Based on the number of people, one person could get three.

It was the first time for several adults in the courtyard to eat this stuff, not to mention a few children who were swallowing their saliva.

Lu Miao was the first to demonstrate. He sucked up the moist and shiny soup in one gulp, and then used chopsticks to pick off the shell pillars. With a single pull of the chopsticks, a large piece of oyster meat went into his mouth.

The taste is tender and smooth, with a moderate salty taste and a hint of sweetness that can make people lose their eyebrows.

good to eat!

Lu Miao ate one, her face full of satisfaction.

Seeing her satisfied expression as she licked her lips, Tang Mei swallowed uncontrollably.

Lu Miao put down the oyster shell and said with a smile:

"That's all."

I originally wanted to eat another one, but the three little ones next to me couldn't bear it anymore, and their mouths were open and they were salivating.

Like a little bird waiting for food in a bird's nest.

Lu Miao let Tang Mei and Fu Jingyou eat by themselves while she took care of the children first.

Originally, they were told to come one by one from oldest to youngest, but Xiao An shook her head and pushed Er Bao forward:
"Auntie, sister first."

Dabao is such a glutton that he "sucks" the saliva that is growing rapidly. He speaks slurredly and says that he wants his sister first.

Children have small mouths, and the meat is too big to eat in one bite, and it can get stuck easily.

Lu Miao called Er Bao in front of him, picked a small piece of meat with juicy soup and brought it to Er Bao's mouth.

Guide Erbao's little mouth to suck up the soup first, "Is it spicy?"

Erbao shook his head, stamped his feet and let out a long sigh of relief.

The delicious taste made the little guy pay no attention to anything else. He raised his head and opened his mouth, waiting for his mother to put the meat into his mouth.

Fu Jingyou followed suit and fed one to his son neatly, and then fed another to Zhou Shi'an.

The three little ones stood in a row, with the same expression, chewing hard with their little mouths puffed out in contentment. "Mom, you are so fragrant. I still want it."

Erbao stood on tiptoes and climbed onto his mother's legs, his beautiful round eyes opened and his little mouth opened anxiously.

"Mom, I want it too!"

Dabao followed him closer, grunting like a clinging little piglet.

Zhou Shi'an stood there with his thin lips in his mouth and did not move.

Fu Jingyou held his head with his big palm, carried him over first, and fed him one.

The oysters I chose were the largest and one filled my whole mouth.

Zhou Shian covered his mouth with his little hands, fearing that it would fall out and be wasted if he couldn't hold it in.

The three little ones each fed three, but it seemed that they hadn't eaten enough. Fu Jingyou hadn't eaten yet, so he took one and wanted to feed it to the child.

Lu Miao stopped him in time:
"Children should be nurtured from an early age. Don't break the rules."

There was something for everyone, and besides, there were scallops at the back.

Fu Jingyou could only nod.

Speaking of scallops, Lu Miao quickly went to the kitchen again.

Three pounds of oysters, the weight mainly lies in the shell.

The scallops are relatively cost-effective, with three pounds coming in two and a half plates.

There is no need to feed the scallops dipped in vinegar. The children just grab them with their little hands and the scallop meat will fall out.

With minced garlic and vermicelli added, there is soup inside.

Afraid of spilling it and spreading it everywhere, Lu Miao still used chopsticks to help feed the child.

The three little ones had their little mouths full of oil, and they opened their mouths one after another to wait, showing that they liked it.

Tang Mei tasted a few and couldn't help but sigh:
"No wonder it took so much effort to make it, it tastes so good."

Lu Miao smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Let's try it this time. If you want to buy it next time, just buy it and pack it away."

Tang Mei nodded, rarely nagging her.

Children have small appetites.

After eating three oysters, I mumbled in four or five garlic vermicelli, then I touched my belly and shook my head and said I couldn't eat any more.

All three adults ate some of the remaining scallops with garlic vermicelli.

There are still ten left, which will fill two lunch boxes.

Let Fu Jingyou ride a bicycle to the school.

Send it to Lu Yuanzheng to try.

I had a meal in the middle of the afternoon, cooked some staple food in the evening, cooked a hairtail and had another meal.

When sleeping at night, Lu Miao asked Fu Jingyou if it tasted good.

Fu Jingyou naturally could only nod.

Lu Miao snorted angrily.

Fu Jingyou stood up and said, "It's really delicious. Can I still lie to you?"


Lu Miao curled her lips.

Of course he wouldn't lie to her over such a trivial matter.

But she also noticed that he was the most troublesome person.

I never liked eating crabs before.

Nowadays, the hairtail fish has many bones and no matter how good it tastes, he didn't even touch a few chopsticks during dinner.

Hey, I’d better buy something easy to pack and easy to eat in the future.

Several pounds of oysters and scallops, spent the entire afternoon cooking.

Lu Miao had just washed and dried her hair. She combed her hair and lazily climbed onto the kang to lie down.

Fu Jingyou leaned against her and said, "I think that oyster is the most delicious."

Lu Miao laughed and said, "You are quite good at eating." (End of Chapter)

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