
"There is a saying: 'Men's gas stations, women's beauty salons', which refers to oysters."

Fu Jingyou vaguely understood.

This sea oyster is also good for the body.

If it can complement men and women, it is a good thing.

“I’ll buy it next time.”

Fu Jingyou made the decision.


"It's okay, let's buy it if it tastes good. Next time, just say I want to buy it and my aunt won't say anything."


That’s okay.

"Have you lost all the oyster shells?"

Lu Miao pecked her head and said:
“If I sell it again next time, I’ll see if I can crush the shells and use them as fermentation fertilizer or feed them to chickens.”

"Okay, I'll remember it all."

Fu Jingyou blew on the kerosene lamp and groped towards his wife:

"Let's not talk about the oysters and sea oysters for now. Miaomiao, my wife, I want to tell you something special."

"Huh? What..."

Before she said the word "thing", Lu Miao blushed and held the hand holding Taozi on her chest.

"You are so shameless!"

"If I don't do it this time, I will sleep with you in my arms."

His lower back was so hard that Lu Miao didn't believe his lies.

But the usually impatient man was surprisingly honest this time.

He actually held it back.

Lu Miao felt strange for a while.

I thought maybe I was tired from the busy schedule during the day.

She didn't pay much attention to it, she was held in his arms and squeezed and coaxed, and she slept on the kang next to the window, which was not too hot.

He fell into a deep sleep.

I spent one night waiting for the sound of crickets to pass, and the next day I woke up to the noise of cicadas.

Lu Miao turned over and touched it. He felt that there was nothing next to him, and then he opened his eyes.

On the third day of the holiday, you don’t have to go out, so you don’t have to pack so neatly.

Lu Miao casually combed her hair into a low ponytail and went out to wash up.

The young voices in the courtyard suddenly burst out:


"Good morning, aunt."

"Good morning."

Lu Miao greeted her warmly, and after washing and having a simple breakfast, Tang Mei cleaned up the house and took care of the children.

After two days of laziness and grinding, she made up her mind to sort out the remaining manuscripts today and send them over when she had time on the weekend.

As a result, I hadn't been busy for long when the faint sound of voices could be heard in the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Mei shouted:
"Xiaobao, Xiaobao, come out quickly, the school teacher is here!"

Lu Miao was stunned for a moment, inserted a homemade bookmark into the book, got up and walked out.

During this period, I glanced through the window.

Not a school teacher?
Three came.

Li Jiancheng, her father.

There was another person who looked strange, yet seemed familiar, having seen him somewhere.

Lu Miao is not sure.

"Dad, Teacher Li."

Lu Miao invited someone into the room, and another person he didn't recognize also called "Teacher."

Inviting people to sit down first, Tang Mei brought a clean enamel jar, and Lu Miao quickly filled it with water.

I have already finished drinking the astringent scented tea at home.

But I bought a tin box of tea a while ago, and it’s quite good to drink at home.

Lu Miao took it out and brewed three servings.

The adults sat down to talk, while she, a "little person", could only stand on the side and listen to instructions.

Lu Yuanzheng nodded at the table and introduced to her:

"This is the current President Chen of Beijing North Military Region University, you are Mr. Chen."

Lu Miao also knew that it must be the school that had the results.

But she didn't expect that this teacher who looked familiar yet familiar was not a teacher. It was Chen Rivet, the current president of Beijing North Military Region University.

There is a big picture of him hanging in every college building on campus. Doesn’t it look familiar to him?

Lu Yuanzheng's "Chen Dada" when introducing him is enough to show that the relationship between the two of them is of no small importance.

Lu Miao felt that it was not good to be too intimate.

But her father told her, so she had no choice but to call him "Daddy Chen."

Who cares.

At home anyway.

You can call me whatever you want, but if you meet her at school, just call her the principal in a polite manner.

Neither Chen Rivet nor Li Jiancheng came empty-handed.

Chen Rivet brought two cans of malted milk and two pounds of brown sugar.

Li Jiancheng carried two kilograms of brown sugar.

According to Chen Rivet, malted milk was brought to the two children.

Brown sugar was given by him as the principal to express condolences to the students.

Li Jiancheng's brown sugar is like this.

"Xiaobao, I'm here today. I just want to talk about the follow-up treatment of the school. The other thing is to have a casual meal. We are all our own people, so don't be restrained."

Lu Miao nodded.

Chen Rivet talked about the school’s handling of the situation, and the general idea was:

The school noted serious offenses against the three female students majoring in Russian and temporarily suspended them from school.

In June and July this year, the second college entrance examination will be held nationwide.

In the second half of the year, the three female students will retake their majors with the freshmen.

To put things into perspective, Lu Miao had thought about this when she came back, and it was impossible to reach the point of dropping out of school.

But having said that, in addition to temporarily suspending school, she did not expect that they would be asked to repeat a grade and retake it.

The reason why this matter can be concluded so quickly is probably because of her father's dignity.

Otherwise, it might not be like this if it were someone else.

Regardless of whether you are satisfied or not, this is the result.

Chen Rivets would come to the house with Lu Yuanzheng, obviously he had passed the news beforehand.

Since her father nodded, it means that the verdict is reasonable.

Lu Miao had nothing to say and stood aside without saying a word.

She and Li Jiancheng, one is the victim student and the other is the student's class teacher.

But around the edge of the table, they are all foils.

The only ones who have the right to speak are Lu Yuanzheng and Chen Rivet.

But neither of the two elders are talkative.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

Fortunately, there are still children at home.

Dabao Erbao climbed up on his grandfather's body on tiptoes. When he found that he couldn't climb up, his little face turned red from holding back:

"Hug, grandpa, hug, grandpa hug!"

Lu Yuanzheng's face tensed up, and finally he couldn't hold it any longer, so he sat with one on his lap.

Zhou Shi'an stood on the edge without moving. Lu Miao got close to him, smiled and touched his head.

The two elders at the table chatted again about the child.

The two children looked so cute, Li Jiancheng couldn't help but ask:

"Classmate Lu, are these two your children?"

Lu Miao nodded calmly, "Yes, they are twins. They will be three years old in two months."

"Twins!" Li Jiancheng was slightly surprised, "No wonder they look alike."

Lu Miao smiled warmly.

Li Jiancheng asked the man standing next to her legs:
"What about this?"

Zhou Shi'an hated the looking eyes of strangers, so he tightened his grip on Lu Miao's trouser legs and hid them behind her.

Lu Miao'an stroked his head, smiled and looked as usual:
"He is the child of a relative and a friend. His father is busy with work, so he is usually kept here, just to keep company with my two little ones."

Li Jiancheng nodded, feeling more at ease.

Tang Mei quickly prepared the meal, and the three of them finished their meal here.

When Chen Rivet and Li Jiancheng left, they reminded Lu Miao to arrive at school on time tomorrow.

Lu Miao nodded.

Lu Yuanzheng patted Chen Rivet Ding and said businesslike:

"Privately, I am the principal, and publicly I am the principal. I punish whoever has problems, and do whatever I want. Some things cannot be messed up." (End of Chapter)

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