Chapter 461 Suffocation
"I still know this, don't worry!"

Chen Rivet raised his head and laughed "haha", and walked out side by side with Li Jiancheng.

At the entrance of the yard, I happened to bump into Fu Jingyou who was getting off his bicycle.



Lu Yuanzheng nodded slightly.

Chen Rivet glanced at the young man at the foot of the steps, then turned around and asked Lu Yuanzheng:

"Is this your son-in-law? He is a very talented person. Is he a student?"

Lu Yuanzheng nodded his chin and said:
"I'm a student, majoring in mechanical and electrical engineering at Renmin University."

"Oh, that's really amazing! Lao Lu, you are so lucky!"

Chen Rivet punched Lu Yuanzheng on the shoulder and nodded to Fu Jingyou:

"Well done, little comrade, study hard and strive to become a pillar of the country in the future!"

Fu Jingyou looked at Lu Yuanzheng, who nodded his chin inaudibly:
"This is the principal of Xiaobao's campus. Please call me Mr. Chen."

Fu Jingyou was humble and polite, bowing slightly:

"Dad Chen."

Chen Rivets smiled and patted Lu Yuanzheng on the shoulder.

The daughter is promising, the son-in-law is also promising, and he has a pair of lovely grandsons and granddaughters.

Who would have thought?
Among them, Lu Yuanzheng, who had the weirdest and most stubborn temper, was now the luckiest one.

Life seems to always be so unpredictable.

Some are sad, some are envious.

In the end, with just a sigh of relief, Chen Rivet walked in front and left.

Hearing that the young man at the door was his student's husband, Li Jiancheng couldn't help but take a look.

The young man was born extremely strong, handsome, and physically strong.

Being admitted to Renmin University is enough to show that your academic qualifications are not low and your future prospects are immeasurable.

Taking everything into account, Li Jiancheng nodded calmly as he recalled Lu Miao's conditions.

Still a good match.

Li Jiancheng smiled gently, nodded friendly to Fu Jingyou, and followed Chen Rivet back to school quickly.

The two left one after another, and Fu Jingyou entered the yard with his bicycle.

"Dad, what did Miaomiao School say?"

"Ask her, there's still something to do at school, so I'll go back first."


After watching his father-in-law leave, Fu Jingyou went into the house to look for his wife.

He was sweating. Lu Miao sat on the edge of the kang, fanned him with a cattail leaf fan, and briefly explained the matter.

Fu Jingyou was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then he touched her bright white face with his palm:
"If you are wronged at school in the future, if you come back and say it, we are not afraid of making things worse."

Lu Miao nodded with a smile, knowing that he cared about her, so she didn't push away his sweaty hand for the first time.

"There is some food left in the pot for you, go ahead and eat! I will be busy for a while in the afternoon, and starting tomorrow, I will resume school."


Fu Jingyou nodded and went to the well in the courtyard to wash himself before serving bowls of rice.

There is plenty of time after dinner.

The daughter-in-law was flipping through books and reading manuscripts in the house.

He took turns holding three little babies in the main room, making the whole yard laugh.

On the side of the house, the neighbor covered his forehead with a fan and trotted away from the scorching sunshine in the alley.

Listening to the children's joyful laughter, I couldn't help but glance sideways, trying to find out what the fun was about.

It's a pity that the two or three meter high courtyard wall blocks all external sight lines.

The neighbor Xingxing withdrew his gaze and quickly ran to the old locust tree not far from the door of Fu's house:

"Oh, it's cool here, where are you? We're out chatting and playing leaf cards..."


The school rumors were put to rest and Lu Miao returned to school. She has good grades and a high level of understanding, so the few days she missed had little impact on her.

Take a look at the circled knowledge points from the textbooks of Guan Yangyang and Wang Mian, and you will basically understand them.

However, because of previous rumors that Lu Yuanzheng had visited the school, teachers from various majors in the School of Foreign Languages ​​called Lu Yuanzheng "principal", which spread like wildfire.

In addition, almost everyone in English 1 class saw Lu Miao driving a car with her father.

No one dares to spread gossip anymore, but it can't stop things from becoming subtle.

At this stage, private sales of cars are not allowed on the market.

Cars are a privilege only available to government agencies, enterprises and institutions, and they are purchased according to quotas.

Lu Miao is not only excellent, but also has the best food and clothing expenses in the class.

In the past, people in the class thought she was from a working-class family. After this experience, they finally realized that there was an unusual person hiding in their class.

Former squad leader, no, former squad leader!

Lu Miao's father is an important official!

People who had offended Lu Miao were panicked.

He had never provoked Lu Miao before and wanted to establish a friendly relationship.

I am also afraid of appearing too swaying and losing the demeanor of a scholar.

All of them could only remain "aloof" and looked at Lu Miao with unbearable itch.

I don't dare to step forward, and I feel itchy when I see others taking action.

The atmosphere in English Class 1 is tense, but the other majors in the School of Foreign Languages ​​are different.

Knowing that there is such a capable person in the courtyard, many people come to inquire and fawn over him every day.

Things are out of Lu Miao's control, and the relationships between the surrounding characters gradually develop towards the way they were before the time travel.

Lu Miao felt an unspeakable sense of suffocation.

Too many abnormal people around you will really affect the magnetic field and make people feel that the world is sick.

Fortunately, there are always a few normal ones among the abnormal crowd.

Lu Miao felt a lot better with Wang Mian and Guan Yangyang by her side who were constantly helping and driving them around.

However, Lu Miao later mentioned the school matter to Lu Yuanzheng in private.

Lu Yuanzheng negotiated with Chen Rivet on the phone, and in the later stage, teachers from various majors provided assistance to remind and restrain him.

The number of people who came to disturb Lu Miao's life gradually decreased.

It was considered a back door through her father.

But there is nothing we can do.

The school is holding back the fire that cannot be let out, and it is impossible for her to go home over time and bring disaster to her own people.

Life really calmed down, and I participated in another school voluntary activity of harvesting wheat in the countryside.

Lu Miao finally took the time to sort out all the manuscripts and send them to the publishing house over the weekend.

The first few times she came here, she was either waiting in the lobby on the first floor or in the corridor outside the editorial office upstairs.

This time, Xu Hongmei was much more enthusiastic towards her.

Lead her directly to the editorial department.

A separate chair was moved for her next to the desk.

Xu Hongmei asked her to sit down and drink. After waiting for a while, she opened the paper document bag and browsed it carefully.

Several editors in the department came together:
"Give it to me in two pages, give it to me in two pages! Give it to me too!"

Several editors in charge are involved in English, but the English books seem really obscure.

Even if they have resources in their hands, they don’t like to dig through them.

Every time a translation comes out, the department always rushes to get it, and it has to be sated first before serious review.

The water in Lu Miao's hand was almost knocked over. After seeing many editors huddled together as if fighting, Lu Miao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Xu Hongmei smiled and comforted her:

"It's always been like this, you have to adapt."

Lu Miao nodded.

She tried her best.

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