Chapter 464 Director Ma comes to visit

"Wherever there is a big gap, people will be sent there. It's not that I can't understand..."

Director Ma stepped firmly step by step and walked forward slowly.

Liu Shouyi followed him, walking sideways like a crab:

"But there are quite a few master translators at the People's Publishing House, so they can't just grab them all!"

"This is not fair!"

Liu Shouyi spoke harshly and continued to howl at the top of his lungs:

"Teacher, do you think this will work? Just say something and ask the publishing house to arrange help for me. If that doesn't work, just return Comrade Xiao Lu to me!"


Director Ma stopped and looked at Liu Shouyi seriously.

Liu Shouyi knew that his demands were too high, so he could only settle for the next best thing:
"Then next time, next time too, if you have someone over there, please arrange it with me, okay?"

Director Ma did not reply to whether he could do it. Instead, he frowned and asked seriously:
"You just said publishing house? People's Publishing House? What does this matter have to do with publishing house?"

Liu Shouyi was a little confused and said truthfully:

"Isn't the letter of recommendation you wrote to Comrade Xiao Lu for the People's Literature Publishing House? She didn't like Sitong Newspaper and went to the Literature Publishing House instead..."


Under the bright sun, Director Ma felt dizzy.

Liu Shouyi quickly helped him stand in the shade under the eaves of the roadside:

"Teacher, what are you doing?"

Liu Shouyi also began to be suspicious.

Could it be that that letter of recommendation was not written to the People's Literature Publishing House?
That is……?
Director Ma didn't say anything and asked Liu Shouyi to go back to Sitong News Agency first and discuss the matter later.

Director Ma went directly to the People's Literature Publishing House first.

I originally wanted to ask Lu Miao, but unfortunately Lu Miao had already left by car.

Director Ma didn't know Lu Miao's address after moving, so he could only go to the publishing house to find out.

There is always a shortage of translators, but the circle involved is really not that small.

Among them, the big shots who are in charge basically know each other.

Director Ma found out the address of Lu Miao's home without any effort.

While writing an address note at the publishing house, Director Ma ran around and finished his work at the newspaper office. The next day, Sunday, he bought two kilograms of apples at the fruit stall.

Director Ma set off from Dongcheng and sat on the bus for two unsteady hours. Finally, before lunch time, he knocked on the door of Fu's courtyard.

Zhou Shi'an heard the noise and ran over to open the door on tiptoe:

"Who are you looking for, Grandpa?"

Director Ma just looked into the courtyard and didn't see Zhou Shi'an, who was little Douding at first.

He didn't notice until he heard the movement.

Director Ma quickly bent down and touched Zhou Shian's little head kindly:

"Is this the Lu family? I'm looking for Comrade Xiao Lu."

Zhou Shian rolled his eyes, considered and said:

"This is the Fu family, but my aunt's surname is Lu."

"That shouldn't be wrong. Did your aunt move here from Chongwenmen?"

Director Ma continued to confirm with Zhou Shian.

Zhou Shi'an scratched his ears, his little brain couldn't wrap his head around it, and he didn't know how to answer.

Zhou Shi'an hesitated and entered the room to call Tang Mei over. Before he could turn around, his body was pushed and pressed against the side of the door.

Dabao and Dabao gathered around, lying on the crack of the door and looking out:

"Dad is back?"

"Not dad."

"That's mom!"

"It's not mom, brother, it's a grandpa I don't know."

Erbao blinked his round eyes, squeezed into the crack of the door and smiled sweetly:
"Hello grandpa~" "Hey, hey, good!"

Director Ma nodded in response. Looking at Er Bao's appearance, Director Ma always felt that he had seen it somewhere.

Just as I was thinking about it, an adult's voice came from the courtyard:

"What are you doing here? Shi'an, please don't open the door indiscriminately. You have to go out and play until the sun gets smaller in the afternoon."

Lu Miao had previously warned that children who are too young are prone to accidents and must be followed wherever they go.

Just as Tang Mei was collecting shoe soles in the main room, several children were playing in the courtyard.

There had been a lot of noise and laughter before, but suddenly there was silence. Tang Mei was worried and came out to take a look.

At this glance, he saw Zhou Shi'an holding the door, and the two younger ones were trying to get out.

Tang Mei was really afraid that the child would not know the importance of the child and would turn around and run out and have someone abduct him. What should he do?
Still about to scold him, Zhou Shian turned around:

"Grandma, a grandfather asked if our family moved from Chongwenmen. He seemed to be looking for his aunt."

Tang Mei was stunned for a moment, then quickly put it in her pocket, stepped forward and pulled the children away, and then opened the courtyard door:

"This... old comrade, who are you?"

Director Ma smiled, confirmed again and asked, "Is this the home of Lu Miao and Comrade Lu?"

"Yes Yes!"

Tang Mei gave way to the door.

When Director Ma learned that this was Lu Miao's home, he was not polite and entered the house carrying fruits:

"I am Director Ma from the Chongwenmen Guoguang Translation Library. I came here today to see Comrade Xiao Lu for some business. Where is Comrade Xiao Lu? Are you at home?"

Guoguang Translation Library......

It sounded familiar to Tang Mei, and when she thought about it carefully, wasn't it the same place where their Xiaobao worked before?
Tang Mei did not dare to look down upon him, so she quickly asked Director Ma to sit down and made hot tea.

"It's no coincidence, Director Ma, the child is not at home now. If you are not in a hurry, you can sit down and wait."

"They went out to buy things. It's been a while and they should be back soon."

Director Ma nodded repeatedly and told Tang Mei not to be busy. He would just sit down and wait for a while.

Three children were lying at the door of the main room, looking in, two white and one black, looking cute and energetic.

Director Ma smiled kindly, beckoned to several children, took the apples from the bag on the table, and gave one to each of them.

Director Ma touched the little heads of Zhou Shian, Dabao and Erbao one by one, and said with a smile:
"Wash before eating."

"Thank you grandpa!"

Three "Thank you, Grandpa" sounded at the same time, and the three little ones, holding apples, went to the kitchen "Grandma" and "Grandma" all the way.

Tang Mei was helpless. The guests had not even left before they started fussing over the things they had brought.

Tang Mei washed an apple and tried to divide it equally with a knife, but she still cut it into large and small pieces.

Fortunately, the three children were all sensible. The younger one said that his brother should eat the bigger piece, while the older one said that he should give it to his younger sister.

After dividing the apples, Tang Mei poured some cold boiled water. After coaxing the children to drink the water, she thought about sitting down and chatting with Director Ma.

Before anyone could enter the main room, the courtyard door was knocked.

"Aunt, aunt? Open the door quickly, it's so hot!"

Isn’t this coming back?

Tang Mei hurried to open the door and saw Lu Miao said:
"Director Ma from the translation office over at Chongwenmen came over and said he has something to do with you. He is waiting in the room."


Lu Miao was leaning on Tang Mei's body, not in a straight position.

Upon hearing this, Lu Miao quickly stood up straight and walked into the house:
"Director Ma, why are you here?"

I just saw it yesterday...

He said he would come over to see her when he had time. Wasn't the time too short?

"Comrade Xiao Lu!"

Director Ma stood up, looking inexplicably excited, "Sit down, sit down first, sit down and talk."


The author has something to say:
I got sick! Take a day off on the 8th! If it's better tomorrow, I'll update it in the afternoon!

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