Chapter 465: Are you willing to join Guoying Society?

"Director Ma, you are here today..."

Lu Miao sat down at the table.

She didn't need to say anything more. Director Ma waved his hand and went straight to the topic with a worried expression:

"Xiao Lu, let me ask you, what is the reason why you refuse to go to the National Kumon English Society?"


Lu Miao was stunned, blinked, and in a blink of an eye, her eyes widened.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Miao suddenly realized something.

National Public Service Agency...

Is it possible that...

That letter of recommendation was not written to the People's Literature Publishing House?
But the National Public Service Company?

Lu Miao couldn't believe it.

Kokumon Eisha is no ordinary place.

When she first inquired about it, she said that they needed people there, but she didn't think her skills were up to par, so she didn't go.

Seeing Director Ma's serious expression, she felt like she couldn't believe it.

She didn't speak for a long time, and Director Ma asked:

"Do you think the treatment of Guoyingshe is not good? Xiao Lu, you are young and don't know the twists and turns here."

Director Ma took a deep breath, patted the table gently with a serious expression, and explained emphatically:

"Guoying News Agency is a state department. Compared with other translation jobs, its salary is less, but with other welfare policies, the calculation is the same."

"If you go in and gain qualifications, you will get a lot of benefits in the future."

On the surface, these things are actually too profitable, but the place is really short of people.

Ordinary talents cannot be accommodated yet.

This is a good time to catch up with this solid Miaomiao, and Director Ma doesn't want to give up.

Lu Miao blushed at what Director Ma said.

Dabao and Erbao raised their thighs to call their mother, and Lu Miao pushed.

Fu Jingyou happened to come in with a roll of dark cloth, and Lu Miao waved to him.

Fu Jingyou understood, put down the cloth, and drew his bow from left to right, holding one in his arms and gently pressing the other with his knees.

Take the three little ones out for a walk, freeing up space for her to do errands.

This matter has gone through so many twists and turns, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

"Guoying News Agency is a state department, so I can't be the one to dislike it. Director Ma, I really didn't expect this..."

Lu Miao smiled helplessly and sighed to reveal everything:

"When I first settled down in school, I also said I wanted to go. At that time, Teacher Tan was not at school, so I thought about waiting for Teacher Tan to come back after a while."

"But you saw it when you came here today. There are many children at home, and they are young and don't know much."

"I didn't keep that recommendation letter, and it was yelled at by two kids. Later when I met Teacher Tan, I didn't have the letter in my hand, so I couldn't talk about it anymore."

Director Ma listened carefully to Lu Miao's explanation.

After hearing this, his tightly knitted eyebrows gradually relaxed:
"Because you lost the letter, you felt it was hard to find Teacher Tan again, so you found another job in a publishing house. Is that what you mean?"

Lu Miao could only nod.

Director Ma breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly laughed again:
"Everything takes its time, and it's okay to have twists and turns in the middle, as long as you don't want to go."

"It's easy to talk about letters of recommendation. Let me ask you, if I ask you to go to the Guoying Society again, will you go?"

Lu Miao quickly replied: "I must go."

State-owned industries and state departments are two different things.

Lu Miao could still tell the difference.

As Director Ma said just now, if she went to the Guoying News Agency, the money she would get for translating manuscripts might not be as much as outside newspapers and publishing houses, but there would be internal benefits within the country.

For example, children going to daycare and so on. Rural production teams have red-nurturing classes, and if you give them some money or some food, you can send your children there.

In cities, especially in places like the capital, it is not possible to get a spot with just a little money and food.

That must be the kind of treatment only available to military personnel, government agencies or workers in state-owned enterprises.

Workers in many state-sector units still have to look at their seniority before they can win.

If she can join the Guoying Society, and once she has gained some stability, her children can be sent to an educational nursery.

My aunt at home can also take it easy.

The idea was quite good, but when he thought of something, Lu Miao was in trouble again:

"Director Ma, although I have the intention to join the Guoying Society and contribute, I'm afraid I won't be able to go there in a short time."

"Why is this again?"

Director Ma smacked his lips impatiently and said seriously:

"Just give me one sentence. As long as you are sure you want to go, everything else is not a problem. I will arrange it for you."

"It's nothing else..."

Lu Miao hissed, took a breath, and summarized the language explanation:

"I just signed a long-term contract at the publishing house yesterday, and I have a manuscript in hand that needs to be completed."

It's okay to say that it's a small manuscript assignment, this time it's a whole book.

No matter how hard she worked overtime, she couldn't finish it in a short time.

After hearing this, Director Ma thought deeply and asked her to take out the book and take a look.

When he saw the book that was more than one finger thick, Director Ma's eyes blurred and his voice became sharp:

"How long will it take for this translation to be completed!?"

They were all people who had been there. Director Ma could tell at a glance that the content of the book, even if it did not have 300,000 words, would still be 250,000 to 280,000 words.

The publishing house stipulates that 8,000 words should be written in half a month.

Calculated at 16,000 words a month, this work would be endless if you were not even a year old.

"No, no, it's too long. I have to think about this again."

Director Ma waved his hands repeatedly and asked Lu Miao: "Who is the editor in charge of you?"

Lu Miao told the truth, it was Xu Hongmei.

Director Ma nodded with a complicated expression. His eyes moved back and forth as if he was thinking about something. After a while, he stood up and walked out:

"I will go back today. You should be busy as usual for now. I will definitely come to see you again when I am free these days."

"Ah good."

Lu Miao stood up to see him off.

Director Ma walked out for a few steps, then turned around and said:
"Also, apart from the manuscript on hand, you are only waiting for news from me. If someone comes to tell you anything else, don't agree. Do you hear me?"

Director Ma was really convinced.

If there is a good seedling, anyone can get involved.

What used to be a good thing is now making people very anxious.

After telling Lu Miao several times, Director Ma finally left with peace of mind.

Lu Miao turned back to the main room and sat down to drink some water.

Under the old locust tree outside the hospital, Fu Jingyou came in with her child in her arms when she saw Director Ma leaving.

Putting Erbao on the ground, patting his head and letting the three little ones play with him, Fu Jingyou asked:


"Director Ma from the translation office at Chongwenmen. It was through him that I first started doing translation work."

Lu Miao explained the whole story clearly in a few words.

Tang Mei washed the apples and put them on the table, and asked: "What is this director here for? I just listened to you guys for a long time and didn't understand anything."

Tang Mei guarded one-third of an acre of land in the small courtyard every day. Director Ma was talking about newspapers, publishing houses, and some kind of national society. She felt a headache after hearing this.

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