Chapter 466 National Translator

"It's not a matter of belief yet."

A letter of recommendation, not to mention that Director Ma was so upset, Lu Miao was so embarrassed that her toes were on the ground.

"Then what does it mean now? Although the old gentleman wrote the letter of recommendation with good intentions, we can't blame him for not going, right?"

Even if you write a letter of recommendation, you still have a choice, right?
"Oh, it's not what you think, you don't understand!"

Lu Miao bulged his mouth and lay on the table drinking water like a lazy snake. He was thinking about the whole incident and had no patience to explain.

Tang Mei was worried at the side.

Fu Jingyou is tall and tall, and he doesn't seem to be patient, but he is the most attentive in the family.

"I'm not blaming you. Wasn't the previous letter torn?"

Passing an apple to Tang Mei, Fu Jingyou patiently reassured:

"I guess Miaomiao didn't follow what she told the director and brought the letter. She came here this time to ask about the situation."

Lu Miao nodded: "That letter is a recommendation letter. It is for the person who takes over the job. I don't know what it is written. Without the letter, it is difficult to find a teacher..."

"Yesterday when I went to the publishing house, I met Director Ma. I took it seriously and went around in a big circle. I thought the place recommended in the letter was the publishing house. Who knew it was Guoying News Agency."

Tang Mei looked at Lu Miao, then turned to look at Fu Jingyou.

The female overlord in the family was so spoiled by her son-in-law that Tang Mei decided not to get involved with the female overlord. If she didn't understand, she would find her son-in-law.

Fu Jingyou shook his head helplessly and amusedly, and asked Tang Mei and his own curiosity:
"What does Guoyingshe do?"

Fu Jingyou had seen the publishing house and Sitong Newspaper before, and they didn't look like places where ordinary people worked.

Could this Guoyingshe be even more unusual?
"Guoying News Agency is the national news agency. It benchmarks national news dissemination and connects with the world. It is an important bridge for information exchange between our country and the world."

The fields covered are also very wide, such as newsfeed business, newspaper business, television business, economic information business, etc.

In the future, when we enter the Internet era, there will also be Internet and new media businesses, etc.

The businesses involved are extensive and require a wider range of translators, which are not limited to English.

Probably because it was too official, Fu Jingyou sat at the table and touched the back of his head, pouring water into the enamel jar to hide his embarrassment at not understanding.

Lu Miao looked amused, poked him and said:
"Renmin University has a Broadcasting and Information Hall, right? The TV inside often broadcasts the content of past meetings of national leaders. In some scenes with foreigners, the leader will be accompanied by a person responsible for language communication."

Fu Jingyou looked slightly surprised.

Lu Miao knew he understood and said with a smile:
"That's the national translator. At this stage, he is also recruited from the National English Society."

Fu Jingyou's deep brows were raised, and he was visibly excited.

However, he still remained rational and did not get carried away by joy and excitement:
"That Director Ma came here to ask you to go to Guoyingshe? Isn't he the director of the translation library? Is he so capable?"

Tang Mei also realized something.

If a department has access to national leaders, can it be a place where ordinary people work?

It’s amazing, their little treasure is more capable than Lao Lu!

Fu Jingyou's head was dizzy and he didn't drink water. A pair of big hands with long knuckles wrapped around Lu Miao's hand.

The mood is so overwhelming that it is difficult to describe it in words.

"Can you please stop being so excited..."

Lu Miao sighed helplessly.

"I just gave you an example. Those who can meet the big leaders must be high-level personnel. Even when I really entered the Guoying Society, I started from the bottom."

Fu Jingyou nodded quickly, "Okay, not excited, not excited, I'm not excited at all."


Lu Miao looked at his wide open mouth, sighed, and was speechless for a moment.

Most people in this era have a heart full of red power. Like Lu Miao, she wanted to join the Guoying Society more out of practical considerations.

But Fu Jingyou and Tang Mei are different.

In their hearts, serving the country and the people is glorious.

National leaders have many things to deal with every day.

After joining the Guoying Society, even if they cannot meet the big leaders, in their hearts, they are standing on a higher and larger platform, providing services and assistance to the country and leaders at a close distance.

It's a top-notch existence.

It's decent, it's glorious, it's the ultimate honor.

Fu Jingyou couldn't hide his excitement. Being chosen was a testament to the excellence of his wife.

But having said that, he calmed down and asked Lu Miao seriously:
"Miaomiao, do you want to go?"

Tang Mei spoke first: "Go, definitely go, what a great thing!"

It would be unthinkable to put it on others.

Tang Mei grinned, thinking of other people congratulating the Lu family and praising their little treasure for his abilities.

Lu Miao looked at Tang Mei with a smile on her face.

Fu Jingyou put his hand on her face and pushed her face back:
"Don't worry about it, little aunt. If you want to do this, let's go. If you don't want to, just find something you like to do."

Tang Mei took a breath, stepped forward and patted Fu Jingyou on the shoulder:

"What did you say? How could you not go for such a good thing? Don't coax her into talking nonsense. She really won't go back later."

Fu Jingyou frowned, and with a "tsk" sound, he looked serious and unhappy to the naked eye:

"Little aunt, don't worry about this. She's not a child. Let her make her own choice."

Tang Mei wanted to talk, but Fu Jingyou was afraid that she would disturb Lu Miao, so he directly pulled Lu Miao into the room.

Don't forget to bolt the door.

Lu Miao sat on the kang, really touched by his firm and respectful attitude towards her wishes.

Before the man could ask, Lu Miao leaned over to him, hugged his waist, and nuzzled him in his arms.

"I want to go."

With a shallow breath, Lu Miao enjoyed a brief moment of peace, straightened up from his arms, and mentioned the long-term contract with the publishing house.

"It's summer vacation in another half month. I've done the math. I'll hurry up during the vacation and I should be able to finish it in about two months."

"But this time period is not short. It's hard to say what will happen in the end."

Fu Jingyou touched the cattail leaf fan and fanned her gently, his voice was low and slowed down, and it was so gentle in the summer afternoon:
"What did Director Ma say?"

"Director Ma said that as long as I say a word, he can solve everything else, but after all, this matter has been signed and stamped, so I don't think I can rely entirely on him."

Director Ma can at best play a role as an intermediary, and if things are done according to the regulations, the procedures must be followed in a formal manner.


Fu Jingyou responded softly, thought for a while, continued to fan her, and comforted her:

"Don't worry about this now, let's live our own lives normally."

It's useless to be anxious. It disrupts your life routine and makes you even more anxious.

"Others, take it one step at a time."


Lu Miao nodded slightly.

That's all it can do for now.

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