Chapter 467 Robbery
Lu Miao calmed down and treated the matter with Guoyingshe calmly.

However, she didn't like the interpersonal communication atmosphere in the school, and she wasn't keen on it either.

After all, in all her free time, except for occasionally spending time with her family and children, her heart was basically devoted to that famous book.

The translation time has increased and Lu Miao's work efficiency has been significantly improved.

In the past, Lu Yuanzheng made fun of Lu Miao, saying that she was a great writer.

Now the door to the master bedroom in the courtyard is often closed.

Without the trouble of the children, Lu Miao would sometimes put the thick manuscript paper on the kang at will.

Sometimes it is placed on the corner of the small table.

She accidentally came across it while flipping through the book, and it scattered everywhere on the ground.

It does have the look of a great writer in a sloppy way.

Lu Miao started translating books, initially to make money and to share the pressure on her children's father.

As time went by, I gradually became involved in it.

She forgot about food and sleep, and occasionally felt a sense of fun. The slightest movement around her could not attract her attention.

The manuscript papers scattered everywhere were usually seen by Fu Jingyou who came in midway.

Picking them up one by one, and sorting them out for her page by page according to the code number she wrote on the lower right corner of the manuscript paper.

Place it next to her where she can't easily reach it when moving.

Fu Jingyou paused and watched for a while, then stood behind Lu Miao with her hand pressed against the British book of war she was reading.

"Would you like to rest for a while? It's getting hot, and there are a few more fruit stalls in the market. Why don't you go out for a walk?"

Lu Miao was like a clock holding the second hand between her fingertips, unable to move forward.

She tilted her neck back to look at Fu Jingyou, but all she could see was Victor Henry floating in mid-air.

Lu Miao lowered his head and rubbed his eyes vigorously with the back of his hand.

"You're too tired these days... let's take a break first, eh?"

Fu Jingyou gently massaged her temples and around her eyes, with a gentle and caring voice:

"What should I do if my eyes get damaged if I always stare at the densely packed books?"

This is what she told him before.

Lu Miao smiled helplessly and nodded lightly:


I have to go to class and participate in voluntary school work. From Monday to Friday, I really don’t have much time.

She translated 18,000 words, which is about 11,000 words when converted into Chinese. She tried her best.

To be honest, she had never been so focused on work in her entire life.

Lu Miao was really tired.

Excessive eye fatigue may lead to myopia.

Lu Miao gave up when he saw the opportunity.

She stood up and braided the low ponytail scattered over her shoulders into a braid.

She said hello to Tang Mei, and went to the market with Fu Jingyou and her children.

The second big treasure, she and Fu Jingyou were holding one in each other's arms.

Zhou Shi'an was older, so he held his little hand and walked beside him.

There are several more fruit stalls in the market. In addition to bananas, apples and pineapples, there are also sizable mangoes.

Fu Jingyou weighed two kilograms of bananas.

The apples were a bit hard. Last time Director Ma brought them over, the children felt they were hard to bite after two bites, so they refused to eat them.

Buy some bananas and go back, the kids will bite them easily.

Eating more fruits can also add some nutrients that he can't explain.

Lu Miao picked up some mangoes without black spots and asked for three kilograms.

Fu Jingyou paid the money and asked while walking elsewhere:

"The skin of this thing looks thick. Can it be delicious?"

They were the only ones buying it in the market, and no one else was seen buying it. "It's delicious. I've seen it. They're all cooked. You can eat them when you get home soon."


If my wife says it tastes good, then it must be delicious.

Fu Jingyou patted the side of Zhou Shian who was following him and said:
"Go back and wait for your aunt to cut the mangoes and eat them. I will help you guys learn English letters so that you can learn English easily in the future."


Lu Miao scolded him, "What kind of English letters? I've explained it to you before, it's vitamin ABCD! Don't teach your children blindly!"

Fu Jingyou's peach blossom eyes flickered slightly, and he said with a smile:
"Okay, okay, it's vitamin ABCD, it's vitamin ABCD."

Lu Miao rolled her eyes at him and complained squeamishly:

"You know about motors and motors every day, but you haven't learned anything about it, right? What a different kind of rough guy!"

"A big boss is also lucky. If I weren't a big boss, I might not be able to marry such a capable wife."

Fu Jingyou was laughing and joking with a handsome face, rarely showing an awkward posture.

Lu Miao glared at him angrily.

Walking back with the child in my arms, I met Meizi in the alley.

Lu Miao put down her second treasure. The mangoes were quite big, weighing only four pounds each. It was a bit tight for her family to eat.

Lu Miao didn't take the mango, but broke off two bananas and handed them to Mei Zi.

Meizi pushed and was embarrassed to borrow it.

Lu Miao smiled and said: "Take it, I'm busy right now and can't take care of the baby at home. When you have time, go over and help my aunt and watch the kids together."

Meizi nodded with a red face, took the banana and hesitated:

"Thank you, little sister-in-law Fu."

Lu Miao waved her hands, picked up Erbao, chatted with the child and the child's father and walked home.

Several young wives in the alley stretched their heads and looked at Meizi with weird expressions on their faces whether they wanted to smile or not.

Meizi shrank, ignored them, and ran away with the banana.

Life in the Fu family courtyard continued. On the other side, Director Ma ran around and ran to the People's Literature Publishing House several times without waiting for the result.

Director Ma made another trip today, but before he reached the publishing house, he was caught and stopped by Liu Shouyi on the way.

"Teacher, why are you here again? Is it because of Comrade Xiao Lu?"

Liu Shouyi understood the train and said with joy, "Are you willing to help me transfer Comrade Xiao Lu here?!!"


Director Ma was already very annoyed, but after Liu Shouyi finished speaking, he immediately stopped.

Liu Shouyi's face was tanned a lot in summer, and his eyes were bright:
"Teacher, I'll go with you!"

Director Ma looked at Liu Shouyi with a complicated and puzzled expression.

Why does he hate it so much?
I really want to slap him!

After giving Liu Shouyi, a former student, a scolding in the street, Director Ma felt a little better, wiped away the hot sweat, and entered the publishing house again.

Liu Shouyi died unjustly, so he finally came to his senses.

As a teacher, he was not here to allocate manpower to him at all.

They came here to steal people from him!


As for the publishing house, Director Ma found Xu Hongmei again this time.

Compared with the previous times, Xu Hongmei was more polite.

This time Director Ma came again, and Xu Hongmei didn't look good either.

Xu Hongmei essentially didn't want to let her go.

But Director Ma is an old man who retired from his job and became a national logistics worker, so he still has to give him the face he deserves.

Xu Hongmei had already relented a few times before, saying that she would release Lu Miao after she completed this period of work.

Who would have known that not even two days have passed, but Director Ma is here again today.

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