Chapter 468: Should I be persuaded to retreat?
"Director Ma, I have always respected you very much, but now you also know that there is a shortage of people everywhere, very much!"

Xu Hongmei frowned and said:
"Everyone knows your intentions behind the scenes, but you have to follow the rules."

They are all state agencies. We can't mess up the publishing house just because Guoying News Agency wants people!
"Uh...yes, yes, yes, I didn't think this through clearly the last few times I came here."

Director Ma pushed up his glasses and said cautiously:

"Editor Xiao Xu, do you think this is okay?"

"Comrade Xiao Lu, let me go, and I will do her work. Is that okay? It won't delay the operation of the publishing house."


Xu Hongmei was speechless, but still waved her hand:

"No, there is no such thing."

Director Ma did not give up and continued to ask:
"Is it really not possible? Can't you be accommodating?"

"You have stayed in the state department longer than me. Don't you know better than me whether you can be accommodating?"

Xu Hongmei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and sighed:
"Director Ma, please don't embarrass me."

"This...hey, okay then."

Director Ma sighed heavily and was too embarrassed to pester him any further.

The old man stood up and bowed deeply to Xu Hongmei:
"Editor Xu, please don't blame me for taking advantage of my age. I've been chatting with you for so long because the situation over there is urgent."

Director Ma is an old senior, how dare Xu Hongmei accept his bow?

He quickly stood up, supported him and said:

"I understand, I understand! When Comrade Xiao Lu completes this period of work, I will assign the person to you."

Director Ma nodded and said seriously:
"Then it's agreed that you can't arrange any other manuscript assignments for her!"


Xu Hongmei nodded helplessly, feeling annoyed and helpless. She really didn't want to let him go, okay?

Director Ma was relieved, patted Xu Hongmei on the shoulder, and left with satisfaction.

The next morning, Lu Miao had just finished taking Marxism-Leninism and closed the textbook.

Then she heard someone calling her at the door of the classroom:
"Xiao Lu, Comrade Xiao Lu!"

Several students in the English class sitting in the front row looked at me.

Director Ma was dressed simply, and the students thought he was a poor relative of Lu Miao's family. They looked at each other and communicated in a vague way.

Only Lu Miao, after being surprised for a moment, quickly stood up and walked over with a smile:

"Director Ma! Why are you here?"

Director Ma said "hehe" with a friendly smile on his face. He and Lu Miao walked a few steps away and stood in a place with few people and spoke:

"Didn't I say that last time? I'll come find you when I have some free time."

Lu Miao nodded.

She remembered Director Ma saying this, but she didn't expect Director Ma to come to school.

Director Ma kindly told Lu Miao the situation at the publishing house:
"I have communicated with Editor Xu over there. When you finish translating the book in hand, we will leave the publishing company alone for the time being."

Lu Miao said "hmm" and nodded again. The good student's face was so vivid.

Director Ma also worked as a people's teacher for nearly ten years when he was young.

Students like Lu Miao, well-behaved and capable, are simply the favorites of all teachers.

"You have to go to class, and I will take you to the Guoying Society to do the registration work. You probably won't be able to spare time."

Director Ma valued talents and liked Lu Miao a little more.

"I saw it when I came here just now."

Director Ma said seriously, waved and walked in front:
"Teacher Tan is here too. Taking advantage of this time between classes, I will take you to meet Teacher Tan first."

Lu Miao followed behind him knowingly. Teacher Tan speaks several languages. He is a course teacher in the School of Foreign Languages. He mainly teaches junior Russian and law students, and occasionally substitutes for sophomore Russian majors.

Even if she is in school, it is difficult to meet students who are not in her class.

Director Ma's visit this time was just a coincidence.

The English major was on the second floor. When he went up to the fourth floor, he met Teacher Tan.

Before coming to see Lu Miao, Director Ma greeted Teacher Tan in advance.

Teacher Tan didn't leave even after class, and stayed in the office for a rare moment.

The desk had been unused for a while and had accumulated a lot of dust.

Teacher Tan found a rag and wiped the dust. As soon as he moved two chairs over, Director Ma took Lu Miao into the office.

"Talking about the teacher."

"Director Ma."

Director Ma smiled and walked forward, and at the same time pushed Lu Miao forward:

"This is the person I just told you about, a student from your Foreign Language School."

Teacher Tan glanced at Lu Miao up and down and asked:

"A new English major too?"

"Yes, this little comrade is not ordinary, but she won't be able to go to the Guoying Society for a while, so she will have to wait."

Director Ma didn't catch the clue, nodded and said with a smile:
"I passed by here today and wanted to tell her something. By the way, I took her nearby to show you first."

The two parties nodded and exchanged greetings.

Lu Miao stood aside, Teacher Tan looked at her, and she calmly looked at Teacher Tan.

Speaking of which, she had been in the Foreign Language School for almost a whole semester, and this was the first time she had a face-to-face interaction with Teacher Tan.

This teacher Tan is dressed very simply.

The upper body is in a loose dark blue gown, the lower body is in light gray trousers, and she has short, ear-length hair like Sister Ma. She is very capable.

He looks kind-hearted, but I don't know why.

Lu Miao met her eyes inadvertently, and felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

This Teacher Tan doesn't seem to like her very much.

To say I don't like it may not be appropriate.

Lu Miao couldn't describe it.

Anyway, it’s just a very strange feeling, the kind that means I’m not very optimistic about it or don’t like it.

Teacher Tan nodded to Lu Miao, glanced at the clock on the wall of the office, and said:
"Class starts in two minutes, you go first."

After the interview, Director Ma nodded, indicating that she could go back first.

Lu Miao leaned forward slightly, bowed to the two of them, and walked out of the office in a sensible manner.

Outside the office door, Lu Miao looked back again before leaving.

In the office, Teacher Tan poured water for Director Ma and chatted casually when he sat down:

"You seem to be very fond of this group of English majors."

"That's not impossible."

Director Ma smiled and said:
"English is not as good as Russian. This is the only professional class. Young students can only choose from here."

There was nothing wrong with what he said, and Teacher Tan could not find a reason to refute it.

"Okay, you recommended her, so I'll give her a chance."

After letting out a shallow breath, Teacher Tan compromised and said:
"But I have told you in advance that I can give her a chance, but if she makes a mistake, or fails to perform or show her advantages within a certain period of time, and it is time to persuade her to quit, I will still persuade her to quit."

Director Ma smiled, took a sip of hot water, and said confidently:
"Don't worry, once you have used this person, you will be reluctant to let go if others want to take him from you."

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