Chapter 469 Why is Lu Miao not on the list?

Teacher Tan smiled politely, shook his head and said nothing.

Director Ma is probably really old, and his ability to distinguish is not as good as before.

The one I recommended last time was so hyped in the letter, but what about the result?
Thinking of Li Yue, Teacher Tan felt a severe headache.

Forget it, the words are out anyway.

Bringing one is a belt, and carrying two is also a belt.

If it doesn't work by then, Director Ma won't have anything to say if he wants to persuade him to quit.

Guoyingshe is not a place where you can take things lightly.

The face of an old-timer can be given, but one person who is a headache is enough.

She can try to bring it out slowly.

Just in time, Li Jiancheng, an English major, entered the office to prepare lessons before class.

Li Jiancheng shook his head, walked forward and sat in front of his desk, touching his hands in his arms.

"Hey, Teacher Li."

After drinking tea and chatting for a while, Director Ma stood up and resigned.

"That must be it."

"What did you say?"

After making jokes for a while, Teacher Tan got down to business:

Teacher Tan sent him downstairs.

Li Jiancheng flipped through it and pulled out a thick notebook.

This is a very ambiguous statement.

"Oh, Teacher Tan, you are a rare visitor! You don't come to the office often, why? Come here this time to see if there is any grass growing on your desk?"

Teacher Tan's eyes flickered, and he went up to talk:

"Hey, you still don't believe me after I told you."

One more won't do it.

"Is there a student named Lu in your major? How are his grades?"

If you can get close to Junbei University, you won't be a bad student.

The one with the surname Lu?
There is only one English major named Lu.

Teacher Tan said: "You are the class teacher. You should have a grade book in your hand, right? Can you show it to me?"

He took out a key and opened the drawer in the middle of the desk.

Li Jiancheng raised his eyebrows and gave a thumbs up:

After watching Director Ma walk away under the sun, Teacher Tan turned around and went upstairs again.

At this time, teaching conditions are poor and there are few staff. University teachers also lead classes regularly, basically from freshman to graduation, and then again.

Without special circumstances, there will be no transfers easily.

Li Jiancheng is the class tutor of English Class 1 for freshmen, and as time goes by, he will also be the class tutor for English majors for sophomores and juniors.

This book in his hand will record all the test scores of all students before graduation.

One semester has been recorded so far.

Teacher Tan looked through it.

You don’t know if you don’t see it, but you’re really a little scared when you look at it.

The kind that frightens you.

The first-semester grades for freshmen were read through more than ten pages in a row.

Most of the students named Lu and named Lu Miao ranked first, and occasionally ranked second.

Looking carefully, except for the project courses of physical education, almost all other subjects are top-notch.

It looks like a really good seedling.

However, she didn't know about such a good seedling?
Teacher Tan frowned and leaned against Li Jiancheng's desk, holding the notebook and reading from beginning to end.

After flipping through it, she flipped through it a second time, this time looking at Li Yue's results.

After finishing reading the second time, Teacher Tan handed the grade book back to Li Jiancheng and asked another question:
"How did the classmate named Li Yue and the classmate named Lu perform during recess?" Li Jiansheng took a breath inaudibly, thought for a while and said:
"Recess... In terms of grades, Student Lu's grades are the best, but this kid is like a monk, he has no desires, no demands, and no desire to express himself."

"Classmate Li is just the opposite of her."

As for after class?

Lu Miao always maintained his character, as lazy as a millstone.

Without urging or whipping her around, she would remain lazy without any desire to compete.

Look at Li Yue again?

The incident of running around in class and causing trouble last time is still vivid in my mind.

This is a "family scandal", and Li Jiancheng is really embarrassed to say it.

"Haha" he laughed dryly. Li Jiancheng took the notebook and put it back in the drawer without saying anything else.

Teacher Tan is usually busy and does not have much time in school except leading classes.

Teacher Tan didn't know about the situation in English Class 1. All the information he got was just these few phrases.

Thinking that Li Jiancheng had said everything he could, Teacher Tan nodded, and the weird feeling in his heart faded a little.

The class bell rang. Li Jiancheng nodded to her and got up to go to class.

Teacher Tan had no class in the afternoon, but this time he was in a rare hurry to leave.

I sat down at my desk and borrowed a pencil from the pen holder on the desk next door.

Teacher Tan gathered up a few pieces of paper and started writing and drawing at the table.

Time flies and the school bell rings again.

Teacher Tan already has several pages of handwritten manuscripts in his hands.

The office is also on the second floor, not far from the stairs.

Standing at the door of the office, look in the direction of the English major class.

Teacher Tan had a sharp eye and promptly stopped Li Yue, who was holding an enamel bowl and preparing to go to the cafeteria to eat:

"I'll keep you for a while. Come over here and I'll say a few words to you."

The school English teacher lectured, and even though Li Yue listened very hard, he still found it difficult to understand.

But at Guoyingshe, after meeting Teacher Tan, Li Yue benefited a lot from just a few learning tips.

Facing Teacher Tan, Li Yue was still convinced and respectful.

Li Yue had no other ideas, followed closely with an enamel bowl in hand, and asked earnestly:

"Teacher Tan, what's going on?"

Teacher Tan didn't say anything. He only waited until he returned to the table and sat down before turning his eyes to Li Yue.

During lunch time, there was no one else in the office except the two of them.

Teacher Tan nodded at the table and went directly to the topic:
"When I was at Guoyingshe, I asked you to compile a list of students with good English scores in the English major. Why is there no Lu Miao in the list?"

In the School of Foreign Languages, there used to be Russian, French, etc.

Majors such as French are only available in juniors.

Times are changing, and the number of students enrolling later who are interested in relevant language majors is either too few or none.

In addition, there are few teachers in the school who can teach professional courses. After the freshman and sophomore years, there were no French classes.

The English major was also reorganized and restored after the college entrance examination was restarted.

As Director Ma said, there is a need for talents in this field now, but in this class, there is only one place to pick good talents.

Teacher Tan has the same idea.

Teacher Tan has little time in school. Li Yue went to the Guoying News Agency earlier, and Teacher Tan communicated with Li Yue about the ranking of English majors.

Li Yue also compiled a list at that time. Although the list is now in the office of Guoying News Agency, Teacher Tan remembers it clearly.

There is no Lu Miao on it.

Logically speaking, Lu Miao ranks first in almost all subjects in every exam, and no one should miss her.

Teacher Tan stared at Li Yue.

After all, she is a person who has seen the world. There is no obvious change in expression on her face, but it can make people feel an extremely serious sense of oppression.

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