Chapter 470 Progress
Li Yue couldn't figure out why Teacher Tan asked Lu Miao at this time.

She obviously has very little time in school, and she leaves immediately after every class...

Li Yue's expression became ferocious for a moment, then she quickly swallowed her saliva and calmed down again.

"I guess the teacher needs to sort out the results list in order to find people for the Guoying Society."

With his mind running rapidly, Li Yue tried his best to explain:
"Although Ms. Lu has excellent grades, she is married and seems to have children... She is also doing other translation work to support her family."

"I think she is not able to spare time, and I am worried that it will disturb her normal life, so I made the decision privately and did not fill in her name."

After all, Guoyingshe is not an ordinary department.

As long as you go in, you can clearly feel the working status inside, which is very different from all the work that can be seen outside.

Li Yue is very troublesome in school, but is surprisingly honest in Guoying Club.

She is not very smart, but the impression she left on Teacher Tan is that she can endure hardships.

"Just now you said that Mr. Lu was translating manuscripts to support his family. Do you know where you received the manuscript? Is it also Chongwen Translation Library?"

Push the few manuscripts that I just wrote and drew from the middle of the table along the table to the edge of the table.


"Not everyone has the opportunity you have."

Teacher Tan nodded slightly, and the matter of grades was temporarily settled.

"I know, Teacher Tan."

If she had known that the salary for translation was so high, she would have followed suit long ago.

At the moment, Li Yue is reserved and nervous, and appears to be cautious.

"You have translated manuscripts before and studied at the Guoying Society for a period of time. Take these two manuscripts back."

Li Yue swallowed her saliva, and before she could take a breath, Teacher Tan asked again:

Li Yue's scalp exploded, and he could only free his hands to pick it up.

Teacher Tan seriously told her:
"But can you really hold this opportunity in your hands in the end? Li Yue, you should be more careful."

"Translate the English version into Chinese and the Chinese into English version. Bring it to me in the next two days and I'll see your progress."

Li Yue really didn't know.

"Well, let's go have dinner, and then go back to class and build a good relationship with Mr. Lu. Maybe we will work together in the future."

Teacher Tan took a long breath and leaned on the back of his chair to think about it for a while.


Li Yue nodded as if pounding garlic.

Li Yue shook her head: "Well...I don't know very well about Teacher."

Although the statement is a bit strange, it is not incomprehensible if you put it into perspective.

Teacher Tan stared at her for a long time and believed most of her.

Picking up the pencil on the table and inserting it back into the pen holder on the next table, Teacher Tan looked away and focused on picking up the table:
"She has excellent grades. You are far behind her at this stage. You can always improve a little by following her."


Li Yue had no idea about translating the manuscript.

This sentence "Maybe we will work together in the future" directly made Li Yue's scalp numb and his heart went cold.

Li Yue smiled reluctantly, trying to act well-behaved and sensible, nodded and said "yes".

After bowing, he went to the office with the manuscript given by Teacher Tan.

Originally quite hungry, Li Yue was anxious to eat, but now she suddenly lost her appetite.

Holding the handle of the enamel bowl in one hand and holding the manuscript in the other, Li Yue slowly walked back to the classroom, her teeth chattering and trembling.

The phrase "Maybe we'll work together in the future" continues to linger in my mind and I can't get rid of it for a long time.

She doesn't understand, why?

Why is Lu Miao so lucky?

Even if I don’t have any letters of recommendation, can I still be selected into the Guoying Society? must……

It must be because of the relationship!
What on earth do people like them have?

You don’t have to do anything from beginning to end and you can get everything!

Li Yue was so angry that her teeth itched, but she had no energy to think about it.

She doesn't have a good family background like Lu Miao, nor does she have parents as good as Lu Miao to have connections with.

She can only rely on herself now!

Yep! Teacher Tan is also her support!

No matter what, she can't let Teacher Tan be disappointed in her!

Quickly returning to the classroom, Li Yue put away the bowl, sat at the desk, held the pages of the manuscript, and read carefully with wide eyes.

On the other side, turn and go downstairs across a few walls.

A small forest on the side of the Foreign Languages ​​Institute.

Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou sat side by side for dinner, and talked about how Director Ma came over in the morning and took her to meet the teacher.

"I really wanted to go, but now I'm starting to hesitate."

"That Teacher Tan doesn't seem like a bad person, but it feels weird."

"I have a bad temper, and it was Director Ma who introduced me... You said that if something happens in the future, I really can't hold it in any longer, so I suddenly go all out. How bad will it make Director Ma's face?"

He knows his wife's temperament best.

Although Lu Miao has a delicate temper, he is very calm when it comes to big things.

In serious matters, she never loses her temper.

"If you want to go, let's work hard. How can we give up just because of this little thing?"

Fu Jingyou smiled and comforted her:
"Besides, Director Ma and Teacher Tan have a media relationship at most. If you actually join the National Society, you may not be working under her."

This one is...

Lu Miao nodded, feeling much better, smiled, pushed Fu Jingyou, and corrected:
"National Society of Public Information, referred to as National Society of English, what kind of national society?"

"It's all the same, it's all the same."

Fu Jingyou stroked the back of his head, and his handsome face smiled with all the features flying around, especially cheerful:

"I took a look when I came here. The watermelon by the well was ripe. I pressed the water from the well to calm it down. When you get back from school in the afternoon, we can eat it together."


Lu Miao became happy for a second, her eyebrows slightly raised, the corners of her lips curled up, she was smiling, and her rice tasted even more delicious.


Li Yue has never done any translation work before.

Li Yue studied and studied the few pages of Teacher Tan's manuscripts without sleep or food.

I tried my best to finish most of it in a concise manner. If I was unsure, I wrote it down on a piece of paper and asked the English teacher.

Just like that, a week later, Li Yue finally finished sorting out the manuscript and handed it to Teacher Tan.

Teacher Tan lowered his head and glanced at the translation roughly, and there was no fluctuation in his tone:
"A week's work?"


Li Yue nodded hesitantly. After a while, he felt that this answer was not good enough, so he changed his words in time:
"No... I have been working on it for three or four days. I wanted to give it to the teacher two days ago, but the teacher was not there."

Teacher Tan nodded, "Let's go back to class first. Don't be late for Guoying Club on weekends."


Li Yue nodded and walked out of the office, looking back three times.

At the desk in the office, Teacher Tan briefly read the translation draft made by Li Yue, then came back to take a closer look.

Trying hard to find Li Yue's strengths, but it doesn't seem to work.

What is this all about?

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