"Useless stuff, give it to me, give it to me, let's go! It's in the way!"

He Hongjin took the hoe and drove the people away.

People often say that a father's love is like a mountain, but he cannot express it directly.

This point is embodied concretely in He Hongjin.

He drove Fu Jingyou away not really because of dislike.

The children have been away from home for more than half a year. Firstly, I miss them, and secondly, I think that the children are not tolerated outside.

It was a rare trip back and I couldn't stay for a few days, so I really couldn't bear to have a few children suffer.

How could Fu Jingyou not know him?
Not as he expected, Fu Jingyou took the hoe back again:

"Why not?"

Fu Jingyou went down with the hoe and dug up a long stretch of weeds:
"Uncle, take a closer look to see if I've regressed?"

"You kid..."

He Hongjin shook his head helplessly.

"The school also has compulsory classes for working in the countryside, and I do these jobs occasionally."

Fu Jingyou said with a smile.

He Hongjin is a rough and authentic farm boy with conservative ideas and unable to express his emotions intuitively.

Fu Jingyou knew something about it, so he took the initiative to chat and put into practice what he had learned from his wife:
"You came back after being away for so long, and you didn't even say you missed me?"

"……Go! Go! Go."

He Hongjin blushed in embarrassment, and his rough face looked even darker:

"I haven't seen anyone learn anything well when I go out. What kind of disgusting words are these? It's okay to say it!"

Fu Jingyou laughed and kept holding the hoe in his hand. He was very good at talking, saying one sentence after another:
"What's so gross? I miss you so much."

He Hongjin "tsk" and said disgusting and disgusting words.

In fact, he turned his back and squatted down to mow the grass. Pretending to wipe his sweat, he raised his sleeves and wiped his eyes.

In the backyard, the two of them are having fun.

Earlier, Lu Miao asked Minjie to keep an eye on Dabao and Erbao.

He rolled up his sleeves, took out the washbasin and took it to the backyard.

Asking Fu Jingyou to fill up the water, she and Chen Guifen took off the sacks covering the bed, tables and chairs, and cleaned and wiped them inside and out.

It took a few people to clean up for more than two hours before the house seemed a little tidy.

We rest here at night and eat at He's house.

After everything was tidied up here, the whole family went to the He family again.

He Hongjin and Chen Guifen walked at the end.

Looking at the young couple holding Dabao and Erbao in front of them, and holding Minjie in their hands.

There are huge groups of them wherever you go.

The old couple secretly lamented that their home had not been so lively for a long time.

Ouch, that's great.

All are back.


After dinner at He's house in the evening, Fu Jingyou and Lu Miao were in no hurry to go home.

Lu Miao took the children to play small games in the courtyard. Under the kerosene lamp in the room, Fu Jingyou held the radio and chatted head to head with He Hongjin:

"This is for adjusting the volume, this is for changing the channel... these buttons, if you press them back and forth a few times, you can still record."

"Recording? What is recording?"

"Come here Dabao."

Fu Jingyou waved, and Dabao, who was having a good time in the yard, immediately ran over, lay on his lap and shouted:

Erbao also followed, followed closely by Minjie.

Lu Miao was so sweaty that she went into the room and took a small bench to sit down. She fanned herself twice with a cattail leaf fan, then turned her hand in another direction to fan several children from all the way away.

Fu Jingyou coaxed the three children to call them grandparents and said auspicious words such as longevity and longevity.

Finally, after pressing the radio a few times, the voice from before immediately came out again:

"Dabao calls grandpa."


"Erbao Minjie also shouted, saying that grandpa will live a long life."

The radio immediately became noisy, and the three children started making noise like they were scrambling for the words. He Hongjin looked on, rubbed his head and laughed:
"How long will this sound last?"

"If you don't delete it, it will always be there."

"Why did you let it go?"

"Just these two buttons, press them in reverse to play the recording."

Fu Jingyou taught patiently, while He Hongjin squinted and looked at it seriously.

Lu Miao only talked about it in the afternoon.

This time, Fu Jingyou explained the use of the radio to He Hongjin in detail, then stood up, said hello, and took his wife and children home.

It was already dark, and it was dimly lit outside.

Mingxia was a little scared, her little face pressed against her mother, and she hugged her neck tightly:
"Mom, why doesn't brother Shi An come with us?"

"Brother Shi'an is from the north, and his grandparents are also from the north. If he doesn't come here...does Xia Xia miss brother Shi'an?"

"Well, Xia Xia thinks."

Ming Xia nodded seriously.

Lu Miao kissed her tender little face, "Stay a few more days, and you'll be able to see him when you go back. Then you can play with Brother Shi An again, okay?"


Lu Miao kissed her daughter again.

Over in Beijing, there are also the sounds of crickets and grasshoppers during this season.

But at night in the countryside, it was obviously much more lively than in the capital city.

After washing and lying on the bed, the two little ones refused to sleep.

After a while, I asked what the name of this little bug was.

After a while, he asked what the name of the little bug was.

It was babbling, and I was so excited that I fell asleep for a long time.

The two adults were tired from riding in the car. They were tired long ago. After coaxing the children, they fell asleep.

Fu Jingyou got up early the next day and rode his bicycle to the town to buy a few kilograms of meat.

Many melons and fruits were ripe during this season. He bought watermelons and peaches along the way, and weighed two kilograms of tender white chestnuts.

The peach is juicy and crisp, and when you take one bite, it is sweet and crisp.

Lu Miao felt it was delicious, so she peeled the peach and cut it into long strips for the two children to eat.

Fu Jingyou peeled chestnuts for her.

She didn't know that chestnuts could be eaten raw, and she thought Fu Jingyou was teasing her, so she turned her head and refused to eat.

Later, she saw Fu Jingyou throwing the chestnut into his mouth and chewing it until it was crunchy. She became curious again and asked Fu Jingyou to peel another one for her.

White-skinned chestnut, the little sweater inside is also white, and will fall off as soon as you pick it up.

Lu Miao tasted it and found it tasted pretty good.

Tender chestnuts are crispy, slightly sweet, and have an indescribable fragrance.

If I give it ten points, it would be seven points.

When eating it, it feels like opening a blind box, because a few chestnuts have more juice and taste sweeter.

Without Fu Jingyou's help, Lu Miao peeled the chestnuts and ate them one after another.

Thinking about eating the next sweet thing, I stopped eating.

As a result, I ate a lot of chestnut skins and didn't catch any sweet ones.

She didn't give up, frowning and wanting to keep trying, Fu Jingyou held her hand halfway:
"My stomach will feel uncomfortable if I eat any more."

Lu Miao pursed her lips and had no choice but to give up.

He Hongjin wouldn't let Fu Jingyou work in the fields, and Fu Jingyou was like a giant monkey that escaped from the zoo.

Running all over the mountains and fields with three children.

He was measured, so Lu Miao didn't stop him.

It’s good for the children to walk around and see more.

Rural areas are larger than cities. There should always be a place that can inspire their innocence and have a beautiful childhood.

Especially Minjie, who is still in his mid-teens and can usually go out to play. The family is afraid of getting into trouble and won't let him play wildly.

This time, with his uncle leading the team, Minjie was extremely happy.

In He Hongjin's words, in the past few days since Fu Jingyou came back, Minjie's mouth was full of smiles. (End of chapter)

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