Chapter 481 Fire

Catch the mud puddles, lower the ground cages, and the few beehives that were placed in the mountains before going to Beijing.

Fu Jingyou also went to see it.

A few abandoned their nests, but some still had bees.

Fu Jingyou sent the child back, asked Chen Guifen for an unused soup can, and brought back a large can of honey.

Wrap the honey block in fine gauze and squeeze out most of the honey. Fu Jingyou wants to throw away the beeswax in the fine sand.

Lu Miao watched from the side, her eyes flashing and she didn't know what she was thinking of. She pulled him and refused to throw him away, saying that she would take him back to the capital.

Fu Jingyou wrapped it in several layers of oil paper and packed it up.

Afterwards, in the afternoon I went to pick up ground cages again, including eels, small crucian carp, yellow croakers and crabs.

There are a lot of messes.

Just didn't see any turtles.

Fu Jingyou was still talking about it when he took the floor cage back to He's courtyard to clean it up.

In the past few days since they came back, He Hongjin didn't go to the ground much.

I just stay at home and watch over the kids, sometimes wandering around and doing some random things.

Hearing Fu Jingyou's words, He Hongjin rubbed the back of his head and joked with a smile:

"There are turtles too. I'm afraid they'll all be eaten to death."


Fu Jingyou looked puzzled.

He Hongjin smoked a dry cigarette and explained:

"No one in the village ate this stuff before. Last time when our two babies were one year old, didn't that stubborn girl suggest how to do it?"

"It's free, no money required, and no tickets required. Everyone tried it and thought it was delicious, so they all went to grab it."

"We catch them every day, catch them every day, you catch me and I catch them, how can there be any turtles?"

There are still some, but not as much as before.

In the past, when I walked on the bank of the channel early in the morning, all the bastards lined up to roll into the water.

You don’t see that kind of scene very much now.

One is that there is less.

The second is to always catch, always catch. These bastards have also been trained and are very good at it.

"It can still be like this."

Fu Jingyou threw a few small crucian carp into the bucket.

The three children were lying next to the bucket with their heads raised, looking at it.

"People in the countryside don't understand. This food is good. It was said to be eaten by dignitaries in the past. Everyone in the city knows it."

Speaking of the soft-shelled turtle, Fu Jingyou recounted his experiences at the Beijing Seafood Market:

"I went to the market with Miaomiao that time. A turtle costs eight or nine yuan."


He Hongjin's eyes widened and he stopped smoking, "How much?"

"Eighty cents a pound is more expensive than pork."

"Good guy, this, this..."

He Hongjin rubbed his head and asked:

"Did you buy it?"

Fu Jingyou shook his head: "Miaomiao didn't let me go. She said she wanted to eat it and catch it when she came back."

He Hongjin knocked the cigarette rod, nodded and said:

"That's the truth. How can you buy it when it's so expensive? Why not buy more meat to eat? Isn't it good for the body? It's still affordable."

Fu Jingyou laughed but said nothing.

After taking out all the things in the ground cage, he stacked the ground cages together and placed them in the corner of the yard, then carried them back to the well in the backyard to clean them up.

The children ran behind.

Erbao passed by the gate and saw his grandfather sitting on the threshold with smoke coming from his mouth.

The little girl frowned and covered her grandfather's mouth with her fleshy little hands:

"Dad, Dad, grandpa is on fire!"

Dabao and Minjie were stomping and making trouble in the backyard, but Fu Jingyou didn't hear his daughter's cry.

"It's not a fire, grandpa is smoking!"

He Hongjin quickly put out his cigarette, put the cigarette rod aside, stood up and swayed around with Erbao in his arms.

"What a fat girl! She's so heavy!"

A solid fat girl, well raised.

There is no trace of the faults from past births.

It makes people like it when they look at it. "Grandpa smokes and smoke comes out of his mouth."

"Haha, it's..."

Under the children's words, the old and the young in the courtyard burst into laughter.

That evening, the house had just been smoked with mugwort, and the dinner on the He family table was particularly sumptuous.

There are steamed crabs and braised eels.

Stewed chicken soup and pan-fried small crucian carp.

There are also several portions of stir-fried seasonal vegetables and brown sugar tomatoes specially mixed for children.

Of course, Lu Miao is also involved.

The children sat at the small table and muttered something in childish language while eating.

Minjie was a few years older than his eldest daughter and his second son. The three little ones sat together and were able to chat without any hindrance.

The adults at the table were eating, chatting occasionally, and their eyes were on the children.

Not sure if it was because the food was delicious or because he was in a really good mood these two days, He Hongjin asked cheerfully:

"When are you leaving? I'll find someone to kill the pigs in advance. When the time comes, bring more meat with you and give some to your aunt and father."

What kind of pig should be killed at this time?

It was just caught and raised for half a year. Once the contents of the belly were removed, did it weigh fifty kilograms?
Lu Miao raised her head, but before she could speak, Fu Jingyou said first:
"Why kill a pig at this time? It's so hot and the road will stink."

Chen Guifen said: "You can put more salt on it, right? Take it and eat it as soon as possible, the same thing."

"The pigs are still small right now and don't have much meat. It's not worth killing them. We'll talk about it when we come back at the end of the year."

Lu Miao directly stopped the topic:

"It's so hot, it's really not worth covering up."

Fu Jingyou nodded and catered to his wife's words:

"You can buy everything over there, don't worry about it."

He Hongjin scratched the back of his head with his black hands and said "uh" without saying anything.

Chen Guifen then said, "Then let me catch a few chickens for you to take with you? Make a small cage and carry them. If you want to eat eggs, just keep them and lay them. If you want meat, just kill them directly."

Lu Miao's head shook with a double image:

"No, I have eggs at home. I just need to cook a few more to eat in the next few days. As for the two children, there are so many things that I can't carry."

This topic has been discussed before.

Chen Guifen might be worried about Lu Miao, so she turned to look at Fu Jingyou.

Fu Jingyou took two mouthfuls of crispy rice porridge and said vaguely:

"I listen to Miaomiao."

He Hongjin glanced at him strangely and said angrily:

"It's worthless."

Fu Jingyou didn't take it seriously and concentrated on eating.

Why do you need so much income?

Just want a wife.

Chen Guifen sighed slightly and said nothing more as she picked up the food and ate, but she couldn't help but think a little more in her heart.

It is said that raising children to protect them from old age is really not as good as raising children at home.

Especially the eldest family, don’t even think about buying them something during the holidays.

It would be nice if you don’t empty out your house every time you come back.

These two things are good, just give them over and don’t want them anymore.

You really can't compare people with each other.

Thinking about these things carefully, Chen Guifen felt as if she was holding back her breath.

Everything was a bit uncomfortable and panicked.

The children were not allowed to kill pigs, so Chen Guifen killed two more chickens the next day.

There are some for making soup and some for frying tender chicken.

The fragrance of lotus flowers in the countryside is the peak season for lotus pods to mature.

Fu Jingyou carried the basket and dismantled a courtyard door of the He family.

After walking around in the mountains, we took the children to play in the lake.

Dabao and Erbao sat on the door panel and played in the shallow water with Minjie.

Lu Miao, wearing a lotus leaf hat on his head, stared from the side.

Fu Jingyou went for a swim in the lake and picked most of the basket of tender lotus pods.

I sat beside my wife, staring at the child while peeling a few lotus pods to eat.

After watching the children get tired from playing, he lifted the door panel and took his wife and children home.

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