Chapter 482 Lu Family Casualties
Hearing that the couple took their children to play in the lake, He Hongjin stood in the courtyard and cursed all morning.

Chen Guifen didn't stop her this time.

Not only that, Chen Guifen also started talking:

"How can we lead such a small number of people to the water? What should we do if something happens?"

Lu Miao said: "It's okay, I'm watching from the side."

Chen Guifen clicked her tongue, "Aren't you afraid of something happening? Besides, what should I do if such a small person is left hanging?"

The worries of the older generation are not unreasonable, but the younger generation also has their own ideas.

Let’s just say Lu Miao.

She has seen too many things about future generations.

There are so many water parks in summer, how many parents take their children to play there?

Adults just need to be patient and keep an eye on this kind of thing.

They are usually busy with their own affairs and do not have much time to spend with their children.

I came back this time to rest and spend time with my children.

Think of it as a parent-child activity, which can not only connect you emotionally, but also guide your children to get more in touch with nature.

Due to the differences in ideas between the two generations, Lu Miao did not want to assimilate Chen Guifen, so she smiled and nodded:
"Okay, okay, it will definitely not be like this in the future."

Chen Guifen tapped her forehead and said like a scolding child:

After nagging, Chen Guifen mixed some hot water and took the three children and gave them a bath one by one.

The child was regarded as a treasure by the old couple. They had to hold it even if they didn't hold it, and they had to carry it with them even if they didn't hold it. Lu Miao didn't need to worry about it at all.

Lu Miao felt relaxed and happy, eating watermelon and nibbling peaches.

Sit at the big table, read a book, and work on the content of the manuscript, relaxed and comfortable.

Twice, He Hongjin came over to see him with his child in his arms.

Seeing the content in her book, He Hongjin frowned:

"What is this? Are earthworms crawling?"

He Hongjin briefly flipped through the book and said:

"The whole book is full of earthworms?"

Lu Miao thought about finishing the translated sentence before speaking. Seeing that she didn't speak, Fu Jingyou took the initiative to explain:

"That's English, not from our's the language from those American countries mentioned in the newspaper before."

"Is this what the word America looks like?"

He Hongjin scratched his head, feeling like he understood, but also feeling like he didn't.


Fu Jingyou smiled helplessly, "Miaomiao majored in English."

People like Lu Yuanzheng who know English don't understand why Lu Miao chose English as a major.

Not to mention He Hongjin, who knows nothing about English.

"You can at least build a water pump by studying mechanical and electrical engineering. What's the point of learning the word crawling like an earthworm?"

Without letting his wife speak, Fu Jingyou and He Hongjin sat aside and patiently explained this matter.

Fu Jingyou talked about Lu Miao's grades in school, and also said that various translation libraries, newspapers, and publishing houses were competing for people, hoping that Lu Miao would work there.

He Hongjin listened carefully and asked a few questions from time to time, such as "School is in session, but I still have time to go out to work?"

Fu Jingyou nodded: "University is different from middle school and high school. There are not classes all day long. You can find something to do after class."

He Hongjin nodded thoughtfully and asked again:
"How much money can Xiaobao get from writing this word about earthworms crawling? If you can find a job after class, you have to look for it. Don't point at her alone. What does that sound like?"

Fu Jingyou nodded and replied selectively with a smile:
"I also have a job. In the ice factory, I can earn four or five yuan a day in summer."

Four or five yuan, that’s more than a hundred yuan a month.

He Hongjin didn't know the situation outside, but according to the countryside, this income was really incredible.

"In that line of work, the income is high, and you don't have to worry about your wife and children going hungry... But is your job stable?" He Hongjin touched his head, extremely worried:

"How have you arranged your return? Have others assigned your vacancy?"

Fu Jingyou said no, and comforted him for a long time before revealing the matter.

Knowing that Fu Jingyou had a stable and high-paying job, the old couple felt relieved and the smiles on their faces became brighter.

During the lunch break afterwards, Lu Miao smiled and asked Fu Jingyou if the old couple would show off about this.

Fu Jingyou shook his head and said that the old couple were not ostentatious people.

"Why didn't you tell me about my income when I asked?"

Lu Miao said with a smile: "I thought you were afraid that if this matter spread, then all the people who came to your door would be people borrowing money."

"I can't rule out this factor. Having said that, you don't want to take a rest. You work endlessly and your income is frighteningly high."

Fu Jingyou smiled and joked:

"If my uncle and aunt heard that you brought home one, two hundred, or several hundred every time, wouldn't they faint from fear?"

Lu Miao was amused by him and pinched him angrily: "You're so damned."

Gags are gags, Lu Miao counted one hundred and five dollars and came out:

"Give this money to them. They know you have a high income, so maybe they can get it if you give it."

I don't show my filial piety in front of you. If you have some money, just give it some money.

Fu Jingyou nodded and took the money, thinking:

Not to mention so much money, just ten or twenty yuan.

It's not necessary for the old couple to give it to him instead.

"I'll go to see my second brother in town tomorrow."


Lu Miao nodded and pulled away the rolled-up collar at the back of his neck:

"Go to the town first and buy something to take with you. Don't be empty-handed."


After leaving my family, I'll see if I can go see old friends later depending on the situation.

The young couple talked things over and had dinner here in the evening before going back.

Early the next morning, Yuan said we would go as planned.

The Fu family got up and tidied up neatly.

Fu Jingyou shook off his shirt and coat and put it on. He was just about to send his wife and children to He's house when he pushed his bicycle out on the way.

A family of four came out of the room. Before they even left the door, they heard a "clang" at the door, like the sound of a bicycle falling to the ground.

Fu Jingyou thought that He Hongjin came here for some reason and was worried.

Stretching his neck and taking a look, Fu Jingyou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was not He Hongjin.

Although the visitor was not He Hongjin, he was still a rare visitor.

Fu Jingyou weighed his chubby son in his arms, smiled and raised his voice:

"It's such a rare visitor. I said I'd like to see you in the next two days. Where did you get the news? Why did you come here first?"

Hu Zhiyuan was sweating and entered the room and took Dabao directly from his arms.

"Stop being a sparse visitor, hurry up!"

When his eyes met Lu Miao, Hu Zhiyuan nodded. He didn't have time to say hello, so he took Fu Jingyou's arm and walked out:
"If something happens to your family in Jing City, call the county and ask you to go back quickly!"

"What? What did you say?"

Lu Miao was stunned for a moment, holding Erbao in her arms, grabbing Hu Zhiyuan and asking:
"What happened? Is it serious? What did you say on the phone?"

"There was a lot of noise on the phone. They said there were casualties... They didn't say what the situation was. I asked you to go back quickly!"

Guess who is above~

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