Chapter 483 Go back as soon as possible
There are casualties!

Lu Miao shivered, the hairs on his back stood up, and he almost dropped Erbao.

Fu Jingyou quickly caught the child, kept calm and asked Hu Zhiyuan:

"Who's calling? Male or female?"

Hu Zhiyuan said: "It's a female voice. I can tell it's my aunt's voice!"

Hu Zhiyuan and Fu Jingyou were familiar with each other, so the county transferred the call to him.

If it hadn't been for this phone call, Hu Zhiyuan wouldn't have known they were back.

Fu Jingyou's deep brows furrowed.

If it wasn’t Tang Mei, then the one who got into trouble could only be Lu Yuanzheng!
Lu Miao also thought of this, Liu Po ​​lost three souls, grabbed his sleeve, and his voice became dull:

"Brother You, dad, something happened to dad!"

"Don't panic. Pack your things. I'll go to the county to buy tickets later and make a call first. We'll talk about it then."

Fu Jingyou comforted her, pushed her into the house to clean up as an excuse, and then took Hu Zhiyuan out to talk.

"What's going on? Do you have anything else to say?"

"It's gone, it's really gone, that's all! I'm very anxious. There's a lot of noise and crying around me."


Fu Jingyou frowned and was silent for a while, then turned around and entered the house, holding the child in one hand and grabbing random things into the box with the other, helping Lu Miao pack them up.

When Hu Zhiyuan came over, he thought Fu Jingyou was with the He family, so he went to the He family first.

Regarding the situation in Beijing, Hu Zhiyuan said a few hasty words before coming here.

The couple hurriedly packed their things, and the old couple also rushed over.

The children have only been here for a few days, and they are about to leave.

The old couple tied their hands and told Lu Miao not to worry. The word "reluctance" was written all over their faces.

Chen Guifen held the two children's chubby hands all the way to the village entrance, her eyes red and reluctant to let go:

"I'm leaving now..."

You've only been back for a few days?
He Hongjin felt uncomfortable, but urged:

"Okay, let's meet again at the end of the year. It's not like we won't come back!"

It's an emergency and it's too late to clean up, let alone say goodbye and chat?
Chen Guifen had no choice but to let go.

Hu Zhiyuan came here on a bicycle.

Fu Jingyou's original bicycle has been kept at the He family for use.

Rushing to the county this time, Fu Jingyou fixed the luggage on the bicycle, and Lu Miao sat behind him holding Erbao.

He Hongjin saw them off and sat behind Hu Zhiyuan with Dabao in his arms.

Just in time to ride my bike when I got back.

The group waved to Chen Guifen and officially set off.

The two bicycles ran further and further away.

Chen Guifen looked at it from a distance and stood wiping her tears.

What is this all about...

I came back and the bed hasn't even warmed up yet, but I'm gone again...

Minjie, who followed from the side, was also crying hard.

His parents are not at home, and no one usually takes him to play.

He has been very happy these days since his uncle came back.

He hadn't even played for a few days, and he had just gotten acquainted with his younger siblings, and they left...


When I came back this time, considering that I had not contacted my family for so long, Lu Miao always took care of the old couple's emotions.

This time is really a special situation.

I drove slowly and hurriedly all the way, and arrived at the county around nine o'clock.

A group of people went straight to the county office and made a call.

The child was held by Hu Zhiyuan and He Hongjin.

Lu Miao stood aside worriedly.

Fu Jingyou called the phone behind Qingta Hutong and told people the house number.

Ask Tang Mei to come over and answer the phone, then hang up the phone and call back when Tang Mei comes over.

"It doesn't have to be at home. Don't worry about it first. Ask about the situation first."

Fu Jingyou patted Lu Miao and comforted her softly.

Lu Miao nodded, her beautiful face smiling uglier than crying. Involving casualties, and anxiously calling them back, she couldn't think of anything else.

Time passed anxiously minute by minute, and finally, a series of "ding bells" sounded.

Lu Miao stood up first and grabbed the phone:
"Hey, little aunt!"

"Yes, it's me...what's going on? What happened at home?"


Lu Miao held the phone and turned her head to look at Fu Jingyou blankly.

Fu Jingyou understood and took the phone from her hand:


It wasn't Tang Mei on the other end of the phone.

But Zhou Shi'an.

When they came back this time, Zhou Hong went to work normally.

Zhou Shian was still sent to the small courtyard.

Fu Jingyou thought something had really happened at home and Tang Mei was being pestered and couldn't leave, so she asked Zhou Shi'an to come over and answer the phone.

In fact, otherwise...

"Uncle, uncle, dad, my dad is dead!"

Zhou Shian cried on the phone: "Uncle Xiao Fu, my father is dead!"


The call was quickly picked up by Tang Mei.

"Xiao Fu! Come back quickly..."

Tang Mei's tone was anxious, yet stumbling.

It was probably because he was worried that Zhou Shi'an was nearby, so he couldn't say many things directly.

"You and Xiaobao should come back quickly with the children. Xiao Zhou has something to tell you! It's too's too late!"

"... Got it, now go buy a ticket."

Fu Jingyou hung up the phone.

He Hongjin looked at the two of them nervously:

"How's it going? What's going on?"

Lu Miao said: "It's not my family, it's my colleagues."

Fu Jingyou nodded: "It's what I said before, the one who takes good care of me at work. I don't know what the situation is. Now that I'm dying, I have something to explain."

Fu Jingyou took the Dabao, carried the luggage and walked out:

"I have to go back quickly."

He Hongjin nodded, hugged Erbao, followed with Lu Miao, and sent them to the station.

He Hongjin is an honest farm man at heart.

He learned some things about Fu Jingyou's work that day.

His children had been taken care of by others before, but now something happened to them. No matter what, they had to rush back to take care of them.


It was just a coincidence that there happened to be a train leaving at 11:15 am.

After rushing to buy tickets and enter the station, a family of four was about to board the train without waiting.

He Hongjin didn't have time to say anything when he came back. He put the children on the train, and the bell started ringing at the station, saying that the train was about to leave.

He Hongjin wiped his face and stood on the platform looking at the people in the window waving.

Erbao rolled his eyes and asked:
"Mom, why doesn't grandpa go home with us?"

Lu Miao patted her:
"When mom and dad work harder, maybe we can take our grandparents back to our home in Beijing."

Fu Jingyou frowned.

On the one hand, I am worried about things in Beijing.

On the one hand, I looked at the little old man outside the window, whose bones had obviously shrunk a lot, and felt really uncomfortable.

The train started slowly. Fu Jingyou thought of something and quickly lowered the window.

On the platform, He Hongjin thought he had something else to say and ran after the train.

Fu Jingyou took out his pocket, packed up the roll of notes that Lu Miao had tied up with a string last night, and threw them out:
"Take the money to buy some food and clothing with your aunt, don't be reluctant to use it! I will write a letter home when I arrive in Beijing!"


As the train pulled out of the station, Fu Jingyou pushed up the window, sighed and sat back next to Lu Miao.

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