Chapter 484 Tuogu
People in their fifties and sixties are no longer young.

He is a person who loses sight of himself every time he meets him.

Cherish every time we meet.

I originally planned to stay for a while when I came back this time, but unexpectedly something else suddenly happened.

Fu Jingyou was in a depressed mood.

Lu Miao has calmed down from her initial worries.

She could understand Fu Jingyou's mood, but sometimes words of comfort were useless.

She hugged Fu Jingyou's arm and pressed her face against him, accompanying him silently.

The two children followed suit, one hugged their mother's arm, and the other lay down on his father's lap.

With his wife and children by his side, Fu Jingyou's mood relaxed a lot.

His big hand stroked Erbao's soft hair on his lap, and he held his wife's hand with his other hand.

"Go home."

Lu Miao smiled gently and nodded lightly:

"Well, I'm home."


After more than 20 hours of twists and turns, he returned to the small courtyard in Beijing. Zhou Shian cried when he saw Fu Jingyou and Lu Miao.

"Uncle, aunt, my father is dead..."

Lu Miao put down her second treasure, then carried Zhou Shi'an into the house.

Before Fu Jingyou had time to understand anything, Tang Mei told him the address of the hospital and asked him to go there quickly.

Zhou Shi'an struggled to get out of Lu Miao's arms, pulled Fu Jingyou's trouser legs, and said he wanted to go to the hospital.

Tang Mei pulled him back:

"The hospital is in a mess. What are you going to do? Add to the chaos!"

Lu Miao glanced at Tang Mei.

Although I don't know what the situation is, since everyone is urging Fu Jingyou to go to the hospital, Zhou Hong's condition must be good.

Even if it's really bad, Zhou Hong is Zhou Shi'an's biological father after all, so the child should be allowed to see his father no matter what.

What if the last meeting or something...

Lu Miao sat at the table and straightened her back. Tang Mei knew what she was going to say, so she waved her hand and quickly stopped her:

"You don't understand, don't try to persuade me!"

Lest Zhou Shi'an hears it and becomes more stubborn to follow.

Lu Miao was stunned for a moment, vaguely realized something, and coaxed Zhou Shi'an with Tang Mei:
"Let your uncle Fu go check on the situation first, and I'll take you with him next time, okay?"

Tang Mei couldn't coax Zhou Shi'an. Zhou Shi'an started crying since Zhou Hong's accident.

Until now, I haven't slept much for two days and two nights.

But Zhou Shian could still listen to what Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou said.

The little guy's eyes were swollen like walnuts and full of hesitation.

He loosened Fu Jingyou's trouser legs and firmly grasped the hem of Lu Miao's clothes.

For fear of being abandoned.

Lu Miao looked at it and felt heavy in her heart. She picked up Zhou Shi'an and called Dabao and Dabao together into the house.

Seeing the situation, Fu Jingyou quickly pushed his bicycle to the hospital.

What happened to Zhou Hong?
When the weather is hot, the ice warehouse of the ice factory is open for work, and the ice bricks near the door will melt into water.

Water flows everywhere and sometimes new ice forms on the ground.

Workers are prone to slipping when walking back and forth, so clean them frequently.

All the kids who live nearby know this, and they often come over and wait to pick up ice cubes.

Besides, the ice factory has to prepare ice at the seafood market in the morning, and also prepares to transport popsicles, soda and other products to various parts of the city.

The workers get up and work at three or four o'clock.

There is no light in the icehouse, so everyone uses carbide lamps to work.

It was the kind of lamp that was first used in coal mines.

A small round pot, put a few carbide stones in it and add some water to make it.

Wear it on your head as a headlamp.

Two days ago, a group of children squatted at the back door to grab ice, and two children ran into the ice factory.

What the specific situation is, no one knows.

In short, they knocked over the carbide buckets in the ice factory and blew up three large tile-roofed buildings behind the ice factory. Three children died on the spot, two workers on the night shift at the ice factory, and one other person, Zhou Hong, was seriously injured.

This matter originally had nothing to do with Zhou Hong.

It was a coincidence that day. When I went out in the morning, Zhou Shian said he wanted to eat watermelon.

Zhou Hong remembered this and after delivering the last load in the afternoon, he thought about getting an ice brick.

When the time comes, half of the ice bricks and watermelon will be given to the Fu family courtyard.

They took back half of it.

There are ice cubes chilling the watermelon, which makes it refreshing to eat on a hot day.

I didn't expect to catch up with something like this.

Fu Jingyou didn't quite understand why Tang Mei didn't let Zhou Shi'an follow her to the hospital.

I didn't understand until I saw Zhou Hong's situation at the place.

Zhou Hong entered from the front room of the ice factory. He had no injuries on his body, but a fragment of a beam was inserted into his face between his eyebrows.

The two-finger-wide piece of wood sank so deep and was in such an awkward position that it couldn't be moved in the hospital.

To move is to die.

When Fu Jingyou arrived, Zhou Hong still had the piece of wood stuck in his head. His face was blue and black, his mouth was white, and he almost lost his breath after leaving.

"Brother Zhou!"

Fu Jingyou was horrified and walked quickly to the bed, not daring to touch Zhou Hong.

Zhou Hong could no longer open his eyes. When he heard the familiar voice he had been waiting for, he raised his chin as if he was nodding in greeting.

Xu Shi shook the wood between his eyebrows, and Zhou Hong opened his eyes with indescribable pain in his throat.

Zhou Hong moved his mouth and moved his hand on the bedside, trying to hold Fu Jingyou, but he really didn't have the strength.

Fu Jingyou understood, took the initiative to hold his hand, and whispered:
"Brother Zhou?"

"Xiao Fu..."

Zhou Hong was full of energy and his weak voice was dry and hoarse, like a traveler who had walked in the desert for several days without drinking water.

"The factory, the factory will pay two thousand yuan...the money, the money, you keep it."

Zhou Hong held Fu Jingyou's hand as hard as possible:
"Give peace of mind, peace of mind, a bite, food to eat..."

"Brother Zhou, don't say such things, it will be fine!"

Zhou Hong opened his mouth and kept his eyes closed. He shook his head slightly and continued:


"If I die, just find a place to bury me...don't send any message back to the Northeast."

"His aunt, his aunt wants money, no people..."

If they knew that he was dead and the factory had lost money, they would definitely come to take advantage of his son.

Zhou Hong was most worried about Zhou Shi'an.

Too small, too small...

Zhou Hong knew Fu Jingyou's character, and Zhou Hong knew even more about the situation in Fu's courtyard.

Apart from Fu Jingyou, Zhou Hong could not find anyone else he could trust.

"Xiao Fu, promise me, promise me...!"

At the end of his life, Zhou Hong had no choice but to grab this brother and do a very unethical thing:
A person who had little strength just now will have surprisingly strong hands now.

Zhou Hong kept chanting Zhou Shian's name.

"Shi'an, Shi'an..."

Every bit of the past relationship reappeared in front of him. Zhou Hong was about to die, and Fu Jingyou couldn't refuse.

"I promise you!"

The Adam's apple rolled, Fu Jingyou's eyes turned red, and he promised in a deep voice:

"Shi'an will be my son from now on... He will be whatever Mingyi and Mingxia are in the future. Brother Zhou, go ahead with peace of mind!"

Zhou Hong seemed to be waiting for his words and laughed hoarsely twice.

Holding Fu Jingyou's hand, he gradually relaxed.

Fu Jingyou's Adam's apple rolled and his voice choked: "Brother Zhou!"

The two nurses outside the door had expected it. They pushed Fu Jingyou out of the way, removed the needle from Zhou Hong's body with a few moves, and neatly covered it with white cloth.

"Comrade, please go through the discharge procedures downstairs and pick me up quickly. No one can park here."


Everyone was great in the past two days, so let’s guess who this poor little guy is today!

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