The incident happened so suddenly that there was no time for anyone to react.

Fortunately, the ice factory did not ignore it.

After Fu Jingyou left as a family member, the ice factory fully cooperated.

Also because Zhou Hong had said hello in advance, things went smoothly.

After running through all the trivial matters in two days, Fu Jingyou went back to pick up Zhou Shi'an before Zhou Hong nailed the coffin.

I want father and son to see each other one last time.

In the end, I still missed it. On the way back by bicycle, I met a sheepherder leading his sheep across the road.

By the time Fu Jingyou brought Zhou Shi'an from home, Zhou Hong's coffin had been carried into the bed of a Dongfeng pickup truck on the road behind the hospital.

Putting Zhou Shi'an on the ground first, Fu Jingyou didn't have time to set up the bicycle, so he grabbed one of them and asked:
"Didn't you tell me to wait for me to come? Why are your hands so fast?"


The person arranged by the ice factory said:

"We don't want to either, but there is a family waiting behind us... Besides, this trip is to Xiangshan. It's such a long journey, and the leaders are also anxious."

Although the incident was not the fault of the ice factory, several people died at once and the commotion was quite big.

Everyone above wants to settle things quickly.

After dealing with Zhou Hong's matter, there was another one waiting for them to send for burial.

Fu Jingyou lowered his eyebrows, fearing that they would say something else to irritate Zhou Shi'an, so he had to loosen his collar and ignore it.

"Shi'an, come here."

Fu Jingyou softened his voice and squatted down.

Zhou Shian immediately ran over and lay in his arms.

Fu Jingyou stood up with a small ball in his arms, and Zhou Shi'an lay on his shoulder and sobbed softly.

"Dad, Daddy..."

Zhou Shi'an looked at the coffin, opened his mouth, and his vision was blurry.

It's all his fault, it's all his fault!

Why did he say something about eating watermelon!

If it hadn't been said about eating watermelon, Dad wouldn't have even thought about getting ice cubes!
Dad is dead, Dad is really dead!
"Oh, daddy..."

Why wasn't he the one who died?
Why is dad the one who died?
Zhou Shian hated himself.

Zhou Shian cried heartbreakingly.

Fu Jingyou hugged him and got into the car without saying anything to tell him not to cry.

It was his biological father who died.

It is appropriate to cry in mourning for your biological father.


The Dongfeng pickup truck drove along the rural road for more than an hour and finally stopped at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain.

Fu Jingyou found the place by asking someone.

The pits were prepared in advance and dug by others.

Three adults in the car carried the coffin up the quiet hillside.

Zhou Shi'an followed at the end, stumbling and crying "Dad" along the way.

The workers in the ice factory were in a hurry and were in a hurry all the way.

Fu Jingyou patiently talked for a long time before giving Zhou Shi'an time to make up the last handful of soil and kowtow.

The little baby knelt in front of him and cried for three to five minutes, and then he began to urge:
"Hurry up, it's afternoon."

It will take more than an hour to go back, and I will send another person to be buried in the afternoon. By the time we go back, it will be dark.

This thing is inherently unlucky and scary.

Fu Jingyou had no choice but to hold Zhou Shi'an, who was covered in dirt from the grave.

After patting the dirt off Zhou Shi'an's forehead and body, Fu Jingyou pointed to the green maple tree next to the bulge on the grave.

"Remember, at the southwest corner of Xiangshan Mountain, walk up for fifteen minutes, and your father's grave will be under this maple tree that looks like a trident."

"When I grow up, I will want to come here every year to pay homage."

After the explosion, Zhou Hong was sent to the hospital.

Zhou Shian met him once.

Zhou Shi'an always remembered what his father said to him when his face was covered in blood.

He can't survive. When he dies, Uncle Fu will be his new father. He was told to hold on to Uncle Fu's hand.

Zhou Shi'an was very obedient. Xiao Hei rubbed his left eye with his hand, opened his mouth and cried, nodding his head.

The other little black hand tightly grasps the person in front of him.

Afraid of being abandoned.

Zhou Shian thought:

Even if his father didn't ask him.

Besides grabbing the person in front of him, what other choice does he have?
"Uncle, uncle hiccup...uncle, don't let me go!"

"I, I can work, I eat very little, I will be very obedient, don't let me go, don't let me go..."

Fu Jingyou patted his head and hugged him:
"From now on, you will be my uncle's son and the brother of Dabao and Erbao. My uncle will not let you go."

"Do not be afraid."


Zhou Shian's crying stopped for a while.

When being carried down the mountain, he looked at the small grave that was getting further and further away. He trembled his lips, sobbed and cried again.

Follow Dongfeng Xiaoka back to the city, and the two of them in the car have to go to work.

Fu Jingyou found the place where the bicycle was parked, took the key and unlocked the bike.

I took Zhou Shi'an to the ice factory office and wrote Zhou Shi'an's name on the signature place for the compensation payment.

After getting the money and counting it in person, I took Zhou Shian home.


Fu Jingyou entered the hospital with his bicycle, and Zhou Shi'an held his trouser leg and walked slowly beside him.

Tang Mei came out and saw him, called out to Zhou Shi'an, and reached out to hug him.

Zhou Shian retreated behind Fu Jingyou.

He was timid, just like when he first came to the Fu family courtyard.

But at that time, Zhou Shian refused to be touched because he resisted being sent around.

This time, he was worried that people other than Fu Jingyou would not be able to accept him, so he did not dare to let Tang Mei touch him easily.

Fu Jingyou patted his head and said to Tang Mei:
"Let him stay with Miaomiao for two days first. He is probably frightened."

Tang Mei nodded.

The child is pitiful. He has lost his mother since he was a child, and now his biological father also...


"Hurry up and take her in. You should also take a rest."


Fu Jingyou sent Zhou Shian inside and came out in a flash with towels and a washbasin.

I took advantage of the situation and took a shower by the well.

It was so hot that I didn't take a shower for several days, and everyone was almost going rancid.

Not to mention that his wife disliked him, but he himself felt very upset and panicked.

During the two days when Fu Jingyou was running around, Zhou Shian had been staying with Lu Miao.

Fu Jingyou took him into the house.

Lu Miao took advantage of the situation and took the person in his arms, walking around gently and coaxing him.

When Fu Jingyou entered the room again, the little guy was twitching and had already fallen asleep.

Lu Miao sat on the kang and hugged Zhou Shi'an.

Fu Jingyou put down the washbasin gently, took out a thick and heavy document bag from the bag he just brought back, and placed it next to her legs:

"Brother Zhou's compensation is two thousand yuan..."

Lu Miao looked up at him.

Fu Jingyou swallowed, closed the door, sat over and said:
"The job in the ice factory is gone. I will look for a job as soon as possible. Until I find a job... Miaomiao, you should bear more responsibility at home."

"What are you talking about?"

Lu Miao frowned, "Is this your home alone?"

Fu Jingyou shook his head, comforted her and explained:
"At that time, time was urgent and I didn't have time to discuss it with you. I promised Brother Zhou that I would take care of Shi'an's affairs from now on." (End of Chapter)

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