Lu Yuanzheng drove here.

The car is parked at the end of the alley.

Lu Miao made an excuse to send him to the car. When he was leaving, he mentioned the education red class to be on the safe side.

Lu Yuanzheng immediately stopped and stood at the bottom of the steps to look at his daughter.

"You want me to get along and send the child in?"

"No... I just asked to see if this is really the case. If it can be settled with money, I can spend more money."

Lu Yuanzheng frowned and was silent for a long time, then said:
"What you just said is true. Now we need to look at the indicators. If there are no indicators, we can't get in."


Lu Miao was speechless.

She didn't say anything, but Lu Yuanzheng could roughly guess her thoughts and plans.

"I don't object to you taking him in. A child can't eat much. He can also make arrangements for him to marry and have children when he grows up."

Lu Yuanzheng frowned and looked at her, and said seriously:
"But have you ever thought about something like this that requires indicators? What about the first and second treasures?"

"In half a month, the two children will be three years old. They will go to school in these two years."

"This time I opened my mouth to Shi An. What will happen to the Dabao and the second treasure in the future?"

"Your dad has some face, but every time your dad has to risk his face to do things, doesn't it sound a little bit ugly? Doesn't it look good?"

Lu Miao suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

When she opened her mouth today, she was really just asking for information.

But should I say it or not?
In her heart, she always regarded her father as a trump card.

At this stage, resources are limited, and you can go to the Yuhong Class only if you have quotas, but this will not always be the case in the future.

By the time Dabao and Erbao are born, the indicators will no longer be a mandatory requirement.

But she couldn't say these words to Lu Yuanzheng.

Lu Yuanzheng's words also put an end to her subsequent thoughts of asking.

"I know, I'm just asking about it."

Lu Miao followed her down the stairs, but Lu Yuanzheng didn't want to say more to her. He held a heavy bag in one hand and waved it with the other.

Lu Yuanzheng said: "Go in, there's no need to send it off."

After saying that, the not-so-mighty figure disappeared into the dim alley.

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, but the palms and backs of the hands are also thick and thin.

Lu Yuanzheng doesn't mind raising an orphan, but he will definitely choose to give priority to his own children.

This is human nature.

Lu Miao knew that he couldn't be blamed for this.

The eldest child and the second child are lucky to have a grandpa like him.

...Look at the situation and think of other ways.

Lu Miao stood at the door and did not go in.

There was a light on the electric pole. Lu Yuanzheng got in the car and turned around. He tilted his head inadvertently and saw that she was still standing at the door.

He hit double-dodge and drove away slowly.

Lu Miao saw it and turned around and entered the courtyard.

In the room, Tang Mei put away the table, dishes, and chopsticks, and the two little ones ran back and forth behind Zhou Shi'an.

What is Shi An doing?

The little man grabbed a big broom and was sweeping out from the rooms on both sides.

A painful little guy.

Lu Miao felt soft in her chest when she saw it.

After letting out a gentle breath, Lu Miao went to the kitchen and took out a kitchen knife.

I picked a mango at the table in the main room, cut it open, made a few cuts in the middle, and turned it over with my fingers on the skin.

The yellow pulp immediately turned into a hedgehog.

Lu Miao called the children over and took turns, you take a bite and I take a bite.

Tang Mei came in with hot water to give the children a bath. Seeing this scene, she sighed again:

"How can I eat the meal I just had and eat this again?"

Lu Miao didn't believe it: "Just cut one, why can't you eat it?" What was the result?
What the elders say is not entirely correct, but it is not entirely wrong either.

The final result was that the mango was too big and half of it was uneatable.

Tang Mei was afraid of wasting it, so she worked hard to help share the burden.

Of course, another round of nagging is inevitable.

Lu Miao rarely spoke.

Because I thought of the child’s father again.

If the child's father was there, where would it be her turn to be beaten?

How could there be anything left to eat?

Been out for so long...

Don’t know what you are doing now?
Ever miss home?
Lu Miao felt exhausted. She took a shower and went back to the house to lie down. She did not bring her second child to sleep at night.

Tang Mei guessed something, so she acted calmly and didn't bother her again.


Lu Miao resumed her daily translation work.

When I focus on my work, my worries and longing for my child's father are relieved.

Director Ma came over for a visit.

Not only did he carry fruits, he also sealed small red envelopes for the three children in the family.

He is older and still an elder.

I asked him to come over again and again, but he didn't give me a gift in return. How could this be so good?
Lu Miao was thinking, holding on to time.

There are about a dozen pages left in the manuscript, and the subsequent translation will be less than 10,000 words.

I also took some time to buy some fruit.

I went to a department store and weighed two kilograms of White Rabbit toffees.

I took the bus and went to Chongwenmen Guoguang Translation Center.

I originally wanted to stop by and tell Director Ma that the manuscript was almost finished being translated.

When we arrived at the translation office, Director Ma was not there.

Lu Miao put down the fruit and gave some of the White Rabbit toffee to each of the students in the junior class of the Translation Library.

Having met several times before, many of these junior class students were familiar with Lu Miao.

Director Ma must have mentioned her in private. When these students saw her, they called her "Senior Sister Xiao Lu" in a very affectionate manner.

Lu Miao was amused and greeted them gently:
"Director Ma is not here, so I will go back today. When Director Ma comes back, you can bring a message for me, saying that I have visited him."

"Don't worry, Senior Sister Xiao Lu, we will definitely deliver the message!"

Lu Miao nodded and walked slowly towards the side door of the courtyard.

A girl with double braids followed her:
"Senior Sister Xiao Lu!"

Lu Miao turned around, "Huh? What's wrong?"

"I, I'm new here, and I'm going to the military area university when school starts soon..."

The girl hesitated, looked at Lu Miao cautiously, and finally plucked up the courage to say:

"My name is Chen Xiaoyan. The comrades in the translation office say that you are very powerful. I, I think... when I enter the Military Region University in the future, if I have any study problems, can I go to you?"

Lu Miao was stunned for a moment, looked at her fifteen or sixteen-year-old childish face, and nodded gently:
"Of course, if the time is right, I'd be happy to help you."

Chen Xiaoyan's eyes were bright and she bowed deeply and respectfully:
"Thank you, Senior Sister Xiao Lu! I will definitely look for you!"

Lu Miao patted her on the shoulder and left with a smile.

Go home and continue working on the translation.

Lu Miao was so focused and serious that she didn't even know Lu Yuanzheng was coming.

She has been sitting down for several hours recently and is extremely busy.

Tang Mei did not disturb her, so Lu Yuanzheng stood in the courtyard and glanced in through the window.

His always spoiled girl seemed to have really grown up.

Sitting at the table with concentration, his expression was serious and serious, and he looked a bit like an adult.

Lu Yuanzheng nodded silently, put down his things and left without staying in the courtyard longer.

But when he left, he left an extra 100 yuan for Tang Mei:
"Both adults and children need to be nutritious. Buy some meat every now and then, and don't run out of milk powder for the children." (End of Chapter)

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