

Lu Yuanzheng nodded and raised his chin towards the house:

"Balance work and rest, don't let her sit for long periods of time, and only occasionally shout and spin around."

Tang Mei nodded and said:
"You have to tell her if she is willing to listen."

Lu Yuanzheng shook his head, turned around and walked out.

Tang Mei collected the money and gave it to him:

"There is a house in the yard. When will you come back to live here? The two children at home asked several times."

"Let's see next year."


After seeing Lu Yuanzheng off, Tang Mei came back to look at the things Lu Yuanzheng brought on the table.

There are two bundles of ten pencils.

Then there is the field book and the arithmetic book.

"Who is this for? Little Fu Xiaobao doesn't need it either."

Tang Mei held the small bag and was confused.

After turning around, he saw Zhou Shi'an standing at the door guarding the second and third treasures.

Tang Mei seemed to understand something.

In the room, Lu Miao heard that Lu Yuanzheng bought a pen and notebook for Zhou Shi'an, and even came out to take a look.

After confirming that they were all for children, Lu Miao touched Shi An's furry little head and suddenly felt a little emotional.

Her father, apart from the hard target issues, is also a person who is easily soft-hearted at other times.

"Come on, baby Shi'an."

Lu Miao knelt down and handed two thick stacks of notebooks and pencils to Zhou Shi'an.

She hugged the little guy and smiled and said:
"Look, grandpa encourages you to go to school and has bought stationery for you. After a while, aunt will send you to school, okay?"

There wasn't much of a smile on Shi An's face. He looked at the person in front of him lifelessly and shook his head gently:
"I don't want to go to school. I want to help my aunt and grandma at home."

Going to school costs a lot of money.

And he cannot go to school in the capital.

These words were all said by his father when he first came to the capital.

Dad told him not to worry, and he would find a way for him if he waited a little longer...

Zhou Shi'an knew that it would not be easy for him to go to school.

If dad is running around, he can wait slowly.

But if it is the uncle and aunt of the Fu family, then he does not want to go to school.

They gave him food to eat and made him new clothes, but he didn't want them to spend more money.


Lu Miao tapped the tip of his nose:
"You are so young, what kind of work can you do?"

"You have to go to school and study hard. Auntie is still waiting for baby Shi An to get into a good university, get a good job, and buy a big house for her to live in in the future."

Zhou Shian blinked blankly.

It was as if my aunt could do a face-changing trick. She would be angry for a while and then laugh again.

However, what he said seemed to make sense.

If you study hard, you can have a good job.

Dad has said before that Uncle Fu is a capable person and will soar into the sky after graduation.

If he goes to school, can he be like Uncle Fu?

Zhou Shian weighed it carefully.

Her little head couldn't hold too much, so Xiao An scratched her ears and was easily fooled into nodding.

"Okay, I, I'll study hard."

In the future, I will earn money to buy a big house for my uncles and aunts, as well as for my grandma and younger brothers and sisters.

Grandpa bought stationery for him, and I want to buy it for him too.

When I was young, An lowered her head and hugged the pencil book tightly in her arms, frowning slightly and looking at it with her little face.

He looked very serious and somewhat radiant.

Lu Miao smiled happily and touched the soft, stubbled back of his head again. The manuscript of several thousand words took two days to finish.

Lu Miao collected all the manuscripts and sent them to the publishing house.

Xu Hongmei hugged her again and again:

"A manuscript worth more than 200,000 yuan was completed in less than three months. This is really the first time I have seen someone as efficient as you."

Xu Hongmei sighed and felt sorry again.

Completing the last issue of manuscripts means that her cooperation with Lu Miao will also come to an end.

"Tsk... I'm so weird that I can't bear to leave you."

"When I have time in the future, I will definitely come to visit Sister Xu. Then Sister Xu, please don't bother me."


After chatting and joking for a while, Lu Miao was in no hurry to leave.

Taking advantage of the situation, I asked Xu Hongmei about the Yuhong Class.

Lu Miao gave an overview of the situation and asked:

"Does this have to be a quota? People like us who come from out of town, not to mention come here to study. We have just joined the factory and have no working experience, so we can't send our children to school?"

"Not necessarily. This can also be done by the leader or relevant departments."

Xu Hongmei thought about it, opened her desk drawer, pulled out two slips of paper and started writing.

"I don't know much about this, but I know a friend who is in charge of this. You can go to him at this address and take my note to ask."

Lu Miao quickly took the note and said, "Thank you, Sister Xu!"

"Why are you so polite? How much help have you given me these days?"

Xu Hongmei smiled and said seriously:

"The poetry collections and biographies of the authors that you helped translate before have all been printed. The copy factory has sent over a dozen sets of finished products. Can I get you one set?"

"Is this good?"

"What's wrong? It's always been like this. If the participating translators want it, they can get it..."

Xu Hongmei stood up and led her over to get the book, explaining as she walked:
"When the book you translated is printed and published later, not only will the physical copy be mailed to you, but your translator's name will also be marked on it!"

Lu Miao nodded, understanding the situation clearly and not panicking anymore.

She had done small parts before.

I am only responsible for the translation of biographies.

The book I got this time was a collection of all the poems of the translated characters, a total of sixteen volumes, all of which were more than a finger thick.

These Chinese-translated books will be available in bookstores soon. There are so many books, and it would be quite expensive to buy them in the past.

Lu Miao felt inexplicably very profitable.

"Thank you, Sister Xu!"

"You're welcome, come sit down when you have time."


Farewell to Xu Hongmei, Lu Miao received the royalties for the last issue of more than 70,000 words.

After carefully pocketing the money and the introduction note, Lu Miao quickly went home.

Excluding fast-moving products intermittently these days, I have more than 400 yuan in my hand.

Lu Miao kept three hundred yuan in his hand, and handed over another hundred yuan to Tang Mei, saying it was for food expenses for the following period.

Tang Mei shied away and said she still had what she gave last time and refused to take it.

Lu Miao didn't have time to argue with her this time, so he just stuffed the money over:

"Take it if it's given to you. You need to use it for household expenses. You can buy something yourself. Don't point to us to buy it for you. You are so arrogant and only care about yourself..."

Tang Mei wanted to say something else, but Lu Miao had already turned around:
"I'm going out."

I am afraid that I will make the same mistake as the previous letter of recommendation.

Lu Miao was careful this time and locked the two notes given by Xu Hongmei into the small desk that was usually busy before pocketing some money and going out.

There is not much time left before the start of school, and many Yuhong classes, primary schools, and middle schools have already started to register.

Zhou Shian's schooling is imminent.

If I don’t run down here as soon as possible, it will be even more difficult when the university starts and I won’t have the time or opportunity to run away.

Lu Miao patted her face, picked up her spirits and walked out of the yard. (End of chapter)

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