Chapter 495: Not working again
Working in the education industry, it is not easy to give money and drinks.

Lu Miao bought some fruit and two boxes of tea that cost more than ten yuan in a department store.

The next day, go to the address written on the note.

Xu Hongmei is the head editor of the publishing house, and her recommendation notes are very useful.

Lu Miao went to the place to tell people about the situation and repeatedly showed that the child was very smart and obedient.

Very easy to discipline and so on.

The teacher I talked to, Mr. Chen, was very easy to talk to.

Once he heard that Xu Hongmei introduced him, Teacher Chen became more talkative.

After confiscating Lu Miao's things, Teacher Chen directly told him to take time out in the next two days to send the child over to register.

I didn't expect things to happen so easily.

Lu Miao was overjoyed, thanked Xu Hongmei in her heart, and thanked Teacher Chen again and again.

I asked clearly what was needed for registration and did not give Teacher Chen a chance to decline.

Lu Miao ran very fast, but still left the things for Teacher Chen.

This matter is a sure thing and there is no way to escape.

Lu Miao couldn't hide her joy. When she returned home, it was Shi An who opened the door.

She picked up the little guy and said "bop" twice.

"Auntie will sew a small schoolbag for you and send it to you to register tomorrow. She will send you to school as soon as next week. Then you can play with other children. Are you happy?"

"When auntie is happy, Shi'an is happy."


Lu Miao smiled and kissed him again, then carried him into the house.

After a lot of fussing with the children, I was busy drawing the layout of the small school bag in the afternoon.

Lu Miao had already started cutting the fabric in the evening.

It’s better to do things sooner rather than later.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Lu Miao set off with Zhou Shi'an in her arms and a canvas bag.

I brought my household registration book and everything with me, and went to the place to pat Zhou Shian's little head, and coaxed the little guy to shout "Hello, teacher".

Lu Miao smiled and took out his ID.

I also brought a lot of money with me, and I was waiting for Teacher Chen to finish the process before proceeding to the next step.

As a result, what was a sure thing yesterday suddenly failed today.

"This, this is not possible, Comrade Lu!"


Lu Miao was a little confused and walked over with a smile:
"What's the problem? Or am I missing something?"

"That's not what happened."

Teacher Chen looked at the two household registrations:

"Is this child from your relative's family? You need a guardian or a family member to sign up."

"You didn't mention this situation yesterday. I thought it was your own child."

It is clearly shown on the two household registration pages.

One's surname is Zhou, and the other's husband's surname is Fu.

It is true that applications can be approved if there is a letter of introduction, but the policy in this regard is also very strict.

These two surnames are not even close to each other. To put it politely, they may be related.

But if you say something unpleasant.

Going back to the higher-ups for approval, they might still wonder if there is any reselling of quotas in the process.


Lu Miao's face became solemn, she patted Shi An's head and asked Shi An to wait for her outside the door.

Lu Miao lowered her voice and briefly explained the reason:
"He is adopted by my family, and I am his guardian now, isn't that okay?"

“Relevant procedures must also be verified for adoption.”

"I didn't bring him back from that kind of institution or orphanage. We met his father. His father was injured at work and died, so now..."

"Do other relatives in his family not care about him? If not, they have to write a note saying that they have abandoned him and cannot afford to support him." "..."

People in the Northeast don’t know about this now.

If the other side knew about it, could Zhou Shian still stay here?

Lu Miao was silent for a long time, then calmly asked with difficulty:
"Teacher Chen, do you really need these things? Is it really impossible if you don't have them?"

"This is necessary. It's okay if the authorities didn't check it. Once it is checked and exposed, a lot of people will die."


At this point, it’s basically clear what it means.

Lu Miao exhaled, rubbed her face and took a breath and said:
"Okay, thank you, Teacher Chen. I'll think of a solution when I get back."

"You're welcome, Comrade Lu, this is what you brought over yesterday..."

"No, Teacher Chen, keep it!"

"That won't work, that won't work."

Teacher Chen waved his hand and forced the two boxes of tea leaves back to Lu Miao:

"I'll accept the fruit and treat it as if we have known each other. If anything happens later, we can discuss it easily. This tea is precious and I really can't have it!"


Things were sent out and stuffed back again, so the matter was basically a mess.

Lu Miao had no choice but to carry Zhou Shi'an back.

She was in a bad mood and was seen by Zhou Shian again while pulling the car.

Zhou Shi'an saw something, and hugged her neck tightly with his little hands on the way:

"Auntie, it's okay if I don't go to school. I like to be at home with my brothers and sisters."

Lu Miao pecked his little face and tried her best to smile brightly:

"It's not okay not to go to school. My younger brothers and sisters will all go to school in the future. If you don't go to school, you won't even be able to talk to them in the future. How can this be okay?"

Zhou Shi'an's pale brows knitted together tightly, his face tightened in a serious manner, and he said nothing.

"It's okay. If this one doesn't work, then try another one."

Lu Miao sighed in his heart, but the smile on his face remained:
"Auntie, no matter how hard you work these two days, our Shi'an is so obedient and sensible, there will definitely be a school that can accept us. Do you have the confidence to persevere with auntie, eh?"

Zhou Shi'an put his arms around Lu Miao's neck guiltily, said "Hmm" and nodded.


Lu Miao smiled, kissed him, and carried him to the station to wait for the bus.

There are some types of red education classes within units, and there are also public and private elementary schools and red education classes integrated into one.

Places where people write introduction notes are so strict, and places where there are no acquaintances are even more strict.

For two days in a row, Lu Miao ran several red education classes near her home, but all failed.

I had no choice but to run further afield and take a look.

The results are always the same. Most of them hear that there is no indicator and will not listen to her continue talking.

After being rejected many times, Lu Miao gradually lost confidence.

Not only did I lose my confidence, I felt as if I had not suffered as many setbacks as I had in the past few days in my entire life.

Lu Miao was so bored that her appetite was gone. She was afraid of affecting her family and her children, so she suppressed her emotions and didn't let them out.

After dinner that night, she washed up and went back to her room to rest.

Turning on the light and staring at the moonlight slanting in from the edge of the curtain in the darkness, Lu Miao tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

I'm thinking in my mind that we'll discuss it when the child's father comes back in the next few days.

If that doesn't work, I'll take a trip to the Northeast before the university starts.

Spend some money to buy out this relationship...

Shi'an's wife didn't know that Zhou Hong had workers' compensation compensation.

Even if I know, I don’t know exactly how much it is…

Lu Miao frowned and turned over, hugging the pillow and worriedly thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

She had been too tired during the past few days. Before long, her eyelashes trembled, closed slowly, and fell into a deep sleep.

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