Teacher Tan stared at Lu Miao quietly for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said:
"Okay, just this Saturday."

After thinking about it, Teacher Tan said again:

"I'll go to the Guoying Society on Saturday to check on you first. I have your class's schedule. If it's OK, in the future, free classes, compulsory classes and school holidays will be closed. If you need to come over, I will go and talk to your professional classes in person. The class teacher explained..."

Lu Miao nodded, "Okay, Teacher Tan."

Teacher Tan nodded slightly, turned around and went upstairs with Lu Miao.

The difference is that one is going back to class.

One is going to the office.

Taking advantage of Li Jiancheng's presence, Teacher Tan said hello in advance.

Li Jiancheng was surprised for a while when he heard her say that Lu Miao might be involved in free and compulsory classes in the future.

But when I think about it carefully, I think it is reasonable.

If you can support yourself so well, your salary must not be low!
Several classmates in the class were extremely envious.

Li Yue briefly mentioned the matter of Guoying Society.

On the other side, when Lu Miao entered the classroom, several female classmates were surrounding Li Yue.

Teacher Tan smiled faintly, with a capable aura all over his body:
"Then I won't be polite."

Just now, Teacher Tan came over to speak, and several students heard it.

It was this glance that was captured by Liu Xiaofang next to Li Yue.

How could Li Yue be so fair and look so much better if she wasn't given a salary?


Several female classmates felt that this matter instantly reached another level.

She spoke so vaguely that none of the female classmates knew what Guoyingshe did.

But when he heard that it was Teacher Tan who was taking care of junior students, he personally took Li Yue there.

It seemed puzzling at the time, but this time Li Jiancheng nodded neatly:
"If you are good, talk to the teacher. If there is anything that needs to be adjusted in the future, please communicate at any time."

Liu Xiaofang did not bring her children here this semester, and her relationship with a classmate in a dormitory has been restored a lot.

Many people asked what happened to Li Yue afterwards.

If you have real skills, all parties will offer you olive branches.

"They say grades determine everything, but I don't think so. Luck is the most important thing!"

This is what a true doer is like.

Lu Miao entered the classroom and vaguely heard them mention the words "Guoyingshe". Her eyelashes trembled and she raised her eyelids to take a look out of curiosity.

Liu Xiaofang expressed her anxiety when she realized that Li Yue was favored by the school's senior class teacher.

For a moment, everyone gathered around Li Yue and complimented him continuously:
"Li Yue, it seems to me that you have become much fairer. I heard that you didn't go home during the summer vacation. Could it be that you were at the Guoying Society? Are you going to give money there? You should be able to give it, right?"

This semester, I also have time to mess around with Li Yue.

Meeting Lu Miao's appraising gaze, Liu Xiaofang snorted and mocked:

"Like some people, no matter how good their grades are, they are still not selected by the teacher?"

Li Yue raised her chin.

To be honest, Li Yue felt very happy after hearing this.

But the punishment I received last semester has not come back yet.

Li Yue did not dare to cause trouble openly, so she made a show of trying to persuade them to make peace:
"Xiaofang, don't say that~"

"That's what it is."

Liu Xiaofang snorted in front and continued to surround Li Yue with a smile on her face.

They thought that the incident would be over as soon as they sang.

But can Lu Miao let them end so smoothly?
"Then first I wish you always have such good luck."

Lu Miao smiled lightly, first looked at Li Yue, with watery eyes, and then looked at Liu Xiaofang with contempt and teasing:
"My friends, I will introduce them to good places. Like Wang Mian, although he is a student now, he can earn a minimum salary of more than 40 yuan a month. What about you?"

Looking back at Li Yue again, Lu Miao raised her lips and asked:

"What? You are doing so well now, why don't you think about motivating your friends around you? Are you really good friends?"

Li Yue was stunned for a moment.

Liu Xiaofang was also stunned for a moment, and then her eager eyes turned to Li Yue.

yes! Didn't she cling to her and hold her just to take advantage of her?
Lu Miao was just a written translator, so he could introduce Wang Mian to such a high-paying job.

Li Yue, this "Guoyingshe", sounds so awesome. If I could introduce her to him, my salary would definitely be higher!

"Li Yue!"

Those classmates all grabbed Li Yue's hand and shook it in a begging gesture.

Li Yue's heartbeat was beating like a drum, sweat broke out on his forehead, and he said dryly:

"Don't worry, I haven't gained a foothold yet... I'll definitely give you a chance after a while!"

"Really? Thank you, Li Yue, you are really our friend!"



Lu Miao sneered and looked away.

Don't even think about shitting her.

Wherever she threw the shit, she would take it back!

This Li Yue is also ridiculous.

Still fighting for a chance...

Do you really think Guoyingshe is a wet market?

Can anyone be brought in?

Lu Miao sat back at the desk and slowly made preparations for lunch break.

A voice suddenly came from the classroom door:

"Classmate Xiaolu!"

Wang Mian walked in with sweat on his forehead, holding half a load of watermelon in his hand.

Wang Mian sat back on the desk next to Lu Miao, opened the bag and dug through it.

The watermelon looks half-cooked from the outside.

In fact, Wang Mian had already had it cut when he bought it, but the bottom part was not completely cut off.

Wang Mian divided the watermelon into pieces and handed one piece to Lu Miao with a smile:

Lu Miao took it and said, "Thank you."

Wang Mian waved his hand, pulled off another piece and handed it out with a smile:

"Yeah, you bought watermelon! Did you get rich?"


Wang Mian took another two pieces and gave them to two other classmates he was friends with.

There wasn't much of a half-drawn watermelon to begin with, so five or six people shared one portion, and when it was his turn, only the last small piece was left.

He bit the watermelon, squinted his eyes, smiled and said frankly:
"The royalties from the past two weeks have been paid out. Seeing that the weather was hot, I went out and bought half a dozen at noon for everyone to try together."

"good man!"

Guan Yangyang smiled, took out the fruit peel from the table, and shared it with his friends who played well.

Lu Miao and the others were laughing and making trouble.

The people in the back seats of the class looked on dryly.

Whether it's studying or other things, everyone is doing their own thing most of the time.

Quite unexpected...

The classmates can actually get along with each other like sisters.

Their bearing and other things seemed to be very different from when they were fussing about this or calculating that.

how to say?

It seems that from beginning to end, the class is polarized, with groups in different circles.


I'm quite envious.

Seeing Lu Miao’s eyebrows flying when she eats watermelon, it’s like she’s tasting a fairy product.

Guan Yangyang asked jokingly:
"How long has it been since you had watermelon? Why do you enjoy it so much? You can't afford watermelon anymore? I don't believe it!" (End of Chapter)

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