Lu Miao's eyes were like waves. He gave her a light look and said casually:

"You don't understand. My son is allergic to watermelon and doesn't usually buy it at home."

"What? Your son?"

Guan Yangyang's eyes widened.

Several other classmates nearby also looked over in shock.

Lu Miao smiled lightly.

She never takes the initiative to mention her family and marital status.

But once someone asks, she never hides:

"Yes, I am married and have three children. I have photos at home. I will show you the photos tomorrow. My three babies are so cute."

It’s amazing to have one child, or three!
Guan Yangyang covered his chest with his hands and opened his mouth wide, unable to regain consciousness for a long time.

"Hey~ Thank you in advance for complimenting me on my youth! My partner often brings me food. When I have the opportunity, I will bring you to meet him and get to know him."

I don't know where I heard that Fu Jingyou was a student of the National People's Congress, and later it started to be spread that he was a great talent of the National People's Congress.

The husband of a talented woman is very talented and handsome.

"I'm laughing so hard. I know quite a few people who are known as 'talents'. Hahaha~ This is the first time I've heard of the talented guy who repaired radios."

Fu Jingyou carefully tightened the screws on the radio casing.

She was like a lazy snake, leaning on the kang and twisting in pleasure:

"It just doesn't feel like it. It's really hard to tell."

She looked at Lu Miao, looked at Lu Miao down, looked at Lu Miao from the left, and looked at Lu Miao from the right.

Several people around them shook their heads simultaneously:



After Lu Miao heard the news, he came home lively and started to learn the language from Fu Jingyou.

Lu Miao actually mentioned it casually.

After everything was assembled, he took the time to sit on the edge of the Kang, pinched her waist and tickled her:
"What's a talent? I still don't like him."

Lu Miao bent her eyes and hummed, smiling like a flower:

But afterward, no one saw her bringing anyone over. Remember what she said, "The partner often brings her food," and a few random people often stayed there secretly.

Even though Fu Jingyou never officially showed up, most students in English Class 1 of the School of Foreign Languages ​​knew about it.

During lunch time, I quietly ran to the side of the Foreign Languages ​​Institute to take a peek at what the "talented woman's husband" looked like.

The people around the table became amused, laughing and talking.

"Why do you look at me like this?"

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it.

"The person who matches a talented woman should be someone like me who is strong, strong and powerful. In ancient times, he had to be a general."

"Uh haha~ don't scratch! Ouch hahaha... don't~ you, you big, reckless man, you damn general!"

Tears of laughter burst out of Lu Miao's eyes. Unable to break away, she scolded him with a smile.

After scolding him, he gave up and apologized:
"I was wrong, I was really wrong, stop scratching me... I, haha, my stomach hurts from laughing!"

There was teasing hidden in Fu Jingyou's eyes, he leaned close to her and kissed those two soft, fragrant, red lips:
"Then tell me, do you love me? Do you love a reckless man like me? Huh?"

"I, I love you to death, I love you to death, okay... um~"

Fu Jingyou lowered his head and locked her lips, swallowing all the soft and sweet sounds from the person in his arms.

They were sweating all over in the room, and it wasn't until Tang Mei called for dinner outside the room that the two of them calmed down.

Fu Jingyou finished class early in the afternoon and killed a big fat rabbit in a cage.

At the dinner table, a large pot of potatoes and rabbit meat was fried, and part of it was divided into stew.

Rabbit meat is sweet in taste and cool in nature. It has the functions of replenishing vital energy, cooling blood and detoxifying, clearing away heat and quenching thirst.

Suitable for all ages and pregnant women.

Stewing soup, especially in summer, has many benefits.

Lu Miao filled a large bowl for each of the children.

The stewed rabbit meat was soft and chewy, so each of them served some to the children. After taking care of the child, Lu Miao took the large pot of rabbit meat and cooked a large bowl of rice.

She prefers spicy food, and so does Fu Jingyou.

The spicy rabbit meat stimulated the taste buds, and Fu Jingyou ate two bowls of rice.

After dinner, it was dark outside and the street lights in the alley were already on.

Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou were a little full from eating, so they took the children out for a walk.

Spend time with your children on the seesaw and swings in a nearby park.

Tang Mei finished cleaning up at home, took a bath early, and took a cattail leaf fan to enjoy the coolness in front of the house.

Chatting with some neighbors I know well.

You can often smell the aroma of meat in the alley.

It happened frequently after the Fu family moved here.

Ordinary people can't stand it. Those who can stand it are not ordinary people.

There were many people in the alley who complimented and envied Tang Mei, and they all said she was so lucky.

The son and daughter-in-law are college students, and the children in the family are also very popular.

It was her own child who was being praised. Tang Mei was impressed by this, but she waved her hand with a cattail leaf fan on her face and said:
"Blessing? What is blessing? Every day I am either around the boiler or the children. Sometimes the noise makes everyone dizzy."


An old woman in the alley answered:

"How obedient and sensible are your three children? I have never seen them cry."

"That's true, the three children don't cry much..."

Good times cannot be said.

If others know that you are living a good life and that everything is going well and you are happy, there is no guarantee that there is a mean person behind your back who is trying to cause trouble.

Tangmei Pu fan slapped his legs to drive away the mosquitoes, smiled and sighed, and muttered like he was spitting out bitterness:
"It's just clingy. You don't know it in this hot weather. You have to be hugged and coaxed all the time. It's also very annoying. You can't do anything serious..."

"Haha, yes, weren't all the grandchildren like this when they were young?"

The neighbors chatting under the tree laughed for a while and comforted Tang Mei:
"That's how it all came about."

Tang Mei also laughed, saying that she had to learn more from the old sister-in-law in the alley.

He yawned and said he was sleepy, so he pulled away and went home.

Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou took the children for a walk until after eight o'clock.

Tang Mei babbled that there were a lot of mosquitoes outside and they should come back early, so she took the little ones and bathed them one by one.

Lu Miao was at the side to help.

The weather is hot, and there are more people sleeping at night, making it even hotter.

Lu Miao thought about bringing Er Bao to sleep in this room.

"The kang over there is three to four meters long. Where is the crowd? Let her sleep there, and my aunt will take good care of her."

Only this little time at night can the two of them stay together peacefully.

How cool would it be to add a small light bulb next to it?

Lu Miao had just brought Erbao over, but he hadn't put him on the kang yet.

Fu Jingyou took the child smoothly and sent it back.

Lu Miao gasped in anger.

Fu Jingyou came back and sat on the kang. She kicked him out of embarrassment:
"Isn't it still your seed?"

"What's wrong? Grandma and I are no longer my descendants?"

"...I'm too lazy to care about you!"

"Then I'll take care of you."

Fu Jingyou's eyebrows were raised, his handsome face was full of smile, he pinched her calf and massaged her:

"Are you having a little time soon? Don't eat cold food for the next few days. I'll ask my aunt to stew snow clams for you tomorrow and bring it to you for lunch later."

"Not so fast...there's still one week, uh, nine days." (End of chapter)

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