"Taboos should be prepared in advance, so as not to feel uncomfortable and disobedient again, eh?"

"I know! You are almost turning into a mother-in-law!"

Fu Jingyou laughed helplessly.

He just nags his wife.

He has no patience to care about others.


Time passed slowly and slowly until Saturday.

The appointment with Teacher Tan was to meet at Guoyingshe at ten o'clock.

Guoying News Agency Lu Miao has never been there, but she asked someone about the route beforehand.

Afraid that something unexpected might happen, Lu Miao got up early on Saturday morning.

Lu Miao left home one o'clock in advance and arrived at Guoyingshe at 9:30 in the morning.

Half an hour earlier than the appointed time.

If Teacher Tan or someone from the Guoying Society saw that her family members, relatives and friends were accompanying her, their first impression might be greatly compromised.


Guoyingshe is not an ordinary place.

The distance from Qingta Hutong to Guoyingshe is not far, there are only a few stops in total, but you have to take two buses.

"You really don't need me to accompany you?"

After tidying up and having breakfast at home, Fu Jingyou accompanied her to the bus station.

Just then the bus was coming.

"I'll go over and check out the situation first. Once I've stabilized my footing, you won't have to worry about taking me to work or picking me up from get off work."

Lu Miao glanced at the bus and put a tick in his palm without telling anyone else.


When he looked over, she curved her lips and smiled, took the bag and waved to him, and trotted into the car.

"it is good."

The wait time for the bus is longer.


Fu Jingyou nodded and said "Yes".

The four-story building of Guoyingshe occupies a large area when viewed from the front.

Fu Jingyou waved and watched the bus drive away.

"Go back and see what Shi An has learned recently and how he is doing. If there is anyone who has fallen behind a lot, hurry up and teach him. Don't let him fall back and fail to keep up. The children in the class don't like to play with him."

"No, he's not a child anymore."

When Lu Miao got out of the car and came from the side, she knew that there was still a large area behind that was not visible to her eyes.

This kind of place has a reception and waiting area.

Lu Miao is not that kind of person.

Instead of waiting outside, she went directly into the lobby of the Guoying Society.

Guoying News Agency is not an ordinary department. It handles business here, and it is not aimed at ordinary people.

Most people won't come here.

And once someone comes over, it means there is "business".

As soon as Lu Miao entered, a young comrade with a flat head came over immediately:
"Comrade, are you looking for someone?"

Lu Miao was generous and told frankly:
"I'm a student at Peking University. I made an appointment with Teacher Tan at ten o'clock. I arrived a little early. Can I wait here?"

Here at Guoying News Agency, everyone calls Teacher Tan Director Tan.

Although Lu Miao said "Teacher Tan," the young man who received her knew who she was talking about.

The young man with a flat head took Lu Miao to sit down in the rest area on one side of the hall.

"Comrade, please sit down here and wait."

"OK, thanks."

Lu Miao nodded and thanked her, then sat down.

The Guoyingshe building is a remnant of the previous era. The building has a strong western flavor and the interior decoration is like this.

However, the equipment, such as the tables and chairs in the waiting area, are all in Chinese red paint and mahogany style.

Lu Miao looked at her calmly. The comrade who had just received her quickly left and returned to bring her tea.

"Thank you."

Lu Miao took it with both hands.

It has to be a specialized department. Where else would you get such treatment?
Once it is established, there is no guarantee that there will be some "capitalism" hanging around your neck.

The tea was a little hot, so Lu Miao took a small sip and took a few sips before putting the cup down.

She arrived half an hour early, but she didn't wait long.

At about 9:45, there was movement at the door.

Lu Miao raised his eyes, paused slightly, stood up and walked over:

"Talking about the teacher."

Teacher Tan and Li Yue arrived together.

Seeing Lu Miao, Teacher Tan was startled and asked with a smile:

"When did you come? Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Lu Miao shook his head and replied with a slight smile:
"I just came. The comrade at the door saw that I was waiting for someone, so he asked me to come in and wait."

Teacher Tan nodded in understanding, nodded to Li Yue who was stunned and said:

"Go and do your work first. I'll call you later if something happens."

As she spoke, Teacher Tan raised her chin towards Lu Miao and motioned for Lu Miao to follow her upstairs.

Lu Miao nodded knowingly and followed suit.

The two of them walked towards the stairs one after another.

On the same spot, Li Yue was still stunned.

Li Yue clenched her hands and bit her lower lip tightly, trembling inexplicably.

After the previous translation incident, Li Yue was worried that Lu Miao would join Guoying News Agency, thereby overshadowing her halo.

But that incident seemed like she had misunderstood.

For a long time afterwards, I didn't see any movement about Lu Miao.

Li Yue thought Lu Miao would not come.

She had spent two months at Guoyingshe during the summer vacation and had completely adapted to it, and she had already concluded that Lu Miao would definitely not come.

But why?
Why is Lu Miao still here? !

Li Yue's whole body felt cold, and she felt uneasy for no reason.

However, before she could think about it, Wang Ming, a young man with a flat head holding the box, called her from the distance:

"Li Yue, wash the cups in the rest area and put them back. I'm going upstairs to deliver the documents."

Li Yue twitched her lips and replied dryly:

Li Yue walked towards the rest area stiffly, almost with hands and feet.

The mention of the word "go upstairs" made her feel even more uneasy.

What does Teacher Tan mean when he calls Lu Miao to come upstairs?
Are you going to keep Lu Miao on errands?
No, not possible!
As Teacher Tan said, newcomers should start from the first floor!
Li Yue had something on her mind and was distracted all morning.

Wang Ming finished delivering things to the upper floors.

When I came back, I saw people walking around in the hall, but no one greeted me.

He went up and pulled her around, and when he went to the tea room to pour tea, he couldn't help but say a few words to Li Yue:
"The people here are not ordinary people. They all have serious business. I'm sure there will be a big leader early... If you are smarter, how can you make the leader wait?"

Li Yue was immersed in her own thoughts and ignored Wang Ming at all.

Wang Ming was a little angry.

But I remembered that I heard someone say before that this Li Yue was brought in by Director Tan.

Is it to confine his disciples, or something else.

Wang Ming couldn't say much, so he had to dig out the tray, make four cups of tea and quickly serve it out.

Let’s talk about the other side.

Teacher Tan took Lu Miao directly to his office on the third floor.

He opened the door and said, "Put the things aside first."

"it is good."

Lu Miao casually placed the canvas bag on the chair at the entrance.

Teacher Tan was tidying up at the table.

Only one night passed, and there was another pile of manuscript paper piled on the desk.

Do a little tidying up, put important urgent documents on the surface, and prepare to deal with them first in a while.

Teacher Tan rummaged through the pile of manuscripts on the side of his desk.

He pulled out a few discarded handwritten manuscripts that were related to the national situation but were not sensitive and handed them to Lu Miao:

"Last time I saw that your translation skills are good and your speed is also good. There is a pen and paper on the table. Take a few sheets and show me the contents of these sheets today." (End of Chapter)

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