Chapter 508 Easily
It doesn't matter whether you are acting arrogant or unreasonable. You have to pay attention to the place when you have an attack.

Lu Miao regards Guoyingshe as a serious job.

Therefore, in front of Teacher Tan and a group of future colleagues, I deliberately weakened my own emotions.

But Li Yue is not within the scope of her self-restraint.

The one who flirts first is cheap.

Li Yue repeatedly got into trouble with her, so of course she would not have anything nice to say to her, so she said straight away:

"If you want to change your destiny against fate, just do your duty and do your best, and avoid provoking others, especially me."

Seeing Li Yue's sudden breach of defense, Lu Miao's eyes were cold and he sneered and said "Humph".

The aura of pampering and looking down on everything from a superior person seemed to be born with him.

"You probably have good luck, but sorry, I have better luck than you."

It doesn't matter.

It’s just a twist in the middle.

Li Yue could even imagine that within three days, Lu Miao would definitely give up.

Lu Miao's words were not polite, but they were all truthful.

"Serving tea and water? Isn't that your job?"

Lu Miao's eyes flashed, and he crossed his shoulders with his hands and suddenly gave a dazzling and evil smile:
"Ah, did I forget to tell you just now? I'm in the translation team on the second floor."

The results are the same.

Lu Miao has a pampered and arrogant temperament and has always set her sights higher than her own.

"It's just the second floor."

Lu Miao's litchi eyes curled up, and her smile was even more beautiful than a flower.


Li Yue chuckled.

"And don't think that just having luck will make everything go smoothly. In the law of survival, strength and luck are indispensable."

Li Yue clenched her hands at her sides, looking at Lu Miao as if she were the enemy who killed his father, and mocked him:
"Don't tell me that you are very powerful and great. So what if you join the Guoying Society? You have to start by serving tea and pouring water!"

"Yes, it's exactly what you think."

Lu Miao will still leave by then.

Li Yue's voice broke instantly and her eyes widened:

Li Yue thought so, the smile on her face widened, became more real, and she was very proud.

But obviously, Li Yue couldn't listen.

But her smile didn't last long, and Lu Miao poured a basin of cold water on her, chilling her heart.

Serving tea and pouring water, doing your best, looking at people's faces everywhere.

Used another hand to carry the bag.

In the spirit of making others angry, you cannot make yourself angry.

Lu Miao idly lowered his head and rubbed his nails twice. When he raised his eyes again, his eyes were full of provocation and said:
"As long as I think about the location on the third or fourth floor, the future will be easy for me. But what about you?"

She put her five fingers together and turned her slender and beautiful palm over. She smiled brightly, but her eyes were meaningful:
"Just be careful."

Who doesn’t know how to cause trouble for others?

She is the best at yin and yang.


"Instead of focusing on others, it's better to think about how to improve yourself. Li Yue, don't you want to stay in the tea room your whole life?"

No more arguing with Li Yue.

Lu Miao snorted, slowly withdrew her peripheral vision, and walked toward the door.

Li Yue's face was red, her neck was thick, her eyes were as wide as copper bells, and she was so angry that she stamped her feet and screamed.

I still want to catch up with Lu Miao and continue to pull.

There was a noise at the door.

Wang Ming came back holding an empty cardboard box.

"Comrade Li Yue, don't sit in the tea room all the time. You should pay more attention to the situation outside..."

Unexpectedly, there was someone else in the tea room. Wang Ming stopped his voice in embarrassment and scratched his head with his hands:
"Hello, comrade."

Lu Miao smiled, glanced at Li Yue, then looked back at Wang Ming, and asked:
"Hello comrade, are you also in charge of the tea room?"

Wang Ming nodded, "Yes..."

Lu Miao smiled and said:
"I'm a new helper on the second floor. The seniors don't have time to familiarize me with the environment. Director Tan asked me to come here. Comrade Li Yue is too busy to leave. If possible, can you show me around?"

Li Yue is unreliable, and she can only familiarize herself with the environment. "Ah, okay, no problem, just wait!"

You can go up to the second floor as soon as you arrive. Regardless of whether you are a formal employee or a temporary internship, you are still quite powerful.

Wang Ming did not dare to look down upon him, so he quickly put down the empty carton, patted his sleeves and led Lu Miao the way.

When leaving the tea room, he did not forget to tactfully urge Li Yue to be smarter.

Wang Ming was very sad and helpless.

There seemed to be two people in the tea room, but it was not as good as when he was alone.

Li Yue will either help or not.

Every time he thought she was following him, she was hiding.

When he didn't expect her, she would always step in.

Going back and forth, his physical strength was almost exhausted, but his heart was very tired.


Wang Ming took Lu Miao away.

In the tea room, Li Yue's chest rose and fell violently, and his whole body was shaking with hatred.

Wang Ming said "second floor" one by one, and "watch and pour tea" one by one. Li Yue was sensitive and couldn't help but make a comparison in her mind.

It was like a sharp knife piercing into the lung tube. Li Yue was scratched all over and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Even my head started to buzz.

She has been serving tea and water here since Saturday and Sunday in the last semester.

I even stayed here for two months during the summer vacation and didn’t even return home!

Even if Teacher Tan wants to test her, that's about it!

But why!
Lu Miao can go to the second floor as soon as he arrives!

And she's still here!

Li Yue laughed angrily, and even the veins on the back of the hand that grabbed the cup bulged.

If it weren't for the fear of making a big fuss, Li Yue would have really wanted to smash this shabby tea room to pieces.


She must ask Teacher Tan for an explanation!


Lu Miao was led by Wang Ming to get a general familiarity with the place, and even went to the canteen.

The cafeteria is at the beginning, next to the doorway that looks like a garage entrance that you saw upstairs.

Just go through it.

I became familiar with the place and got a general idea of ​​the situation.

Lu Miao thanked Wang Ming and went up to the second floor afterwards.

There are six tables in the workroom of Translation Group 6, four of which are occupied.

The other two, one of which has a desktop full of documents and manuscript papers, seems to have an owner even though no one is there.

The other one was empty.

When Lu Miao passed by, the seniors from Group 6 told her to sit there. If she didn't like the place and wanted to lean against the corner or something, she could move it by herself.

Lu Miao acted like a junior and bowed seriously to thank him.

After confirming his "work station", Lu Miao briefly introduced himself again.

Documents assigned to individuals by the club cannot be flipped by others at will.

Lu Miao was reluctant to take the initiative to help, so she told the others in a loud and generous voice that if there was anything they needed from her, just call her.

The seniors in the 6 groups were too busy to raise their heads, but the voices and laughter followed them closely.

All of them were smiling, friendly, and very supportive:
"Don't worry, there's a lot of daily work, and we won't be polite, haha."

"Haha, yes! It seems unfamiliar to call you "comrade" all the time. You are the youngest, can everyone call you "Xiao Lu"?

Lu Miao smiled and nodded:

"of course."

There was a brief commotion among the 6 groups, and everyone introduced themselves one after another.

46-year-old Chen Mei.

42-year-old Xu Chang.

He Huan, 40 years old.

There is also the 36-year-old deputy leader of Group 6, Wang Liming.

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