Everyone started chatting and they all said that there is no need to see anyone outside the group, just call me brother or sister.

Lu Miao nodded and called people one by one.

Teacher Tan said that she would go back after getting familiar with the situation today, and asked her to come officially tomorrow.

Lu Miao kept these words in mind, but didn't leave in a hurry.

After staying in Group 6 for a while, I walked around the outside of the second floor to see what departments were on this floor.

After making sure that there was nothing that needed her for the time being, she picked up her things, said hello to everyone, and went downstairs to wait for the bus home.

Senior Chen Mei called out to her:

"Wait a minute, Xiao Lu, take this."


Lu Miao turned around and took the heavy bag:

"After the National Day, there is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there are only a few days in between. This is given by the leaders above. Each person is given two kilograms of biscuits, and mooncakes are distributed according to the family size..."


Lu Miao nodded and smiled purely and brightly:

Chen Mei waved her hands and before she had time to speak, several other people in the workroom laughed and said:
"Take it, if it's not good, the little comrade who just gave me the gift won't give it to me."

"Thank you, Sister Chen."

If Chen Mei hadn't spoken for her, how could she have received this?
"Okay, go back and come early tomorrow."

After witnessing Lu Miao leaving Guoyingshe, Li Yue stayed in the hall for the rest of the afternoon.

Teacher Tan went downstairs to eat and was stunned when Li Yue stopped him:

Li Yue cannot go upstairs unless there are special circumstances.

I just wanted to wait for Teacher Tan to come down and strike up a conversation with Teacher Tan.

"Sister Chen, what is this?"

"Thank you too, leader!"

"You were not here just now, and I don't know how many people are in your family, so I just told you that I brought you five mooncakes. How many less?"

"Thank me for what? Thank you, the leader."

Chen Mei explained with a smile, and said, still a little uneasy:

Lu Miao opened her canvas pocket, and Chen Mei put the things in for her.

This wait was until around six o'clock in the evening when it was time for dinner.

This was given for free, how could Lu Miao say less?
She declined: "Sister Chen, it's only my first day here and I haven't done anything serious yet. I just want to receive the benefits from the company. Isn't it good..."



That seems to make sense.

"Why haven't you returned to school at this time today? It won't be easy to take the bus any later."

"Teacher, I have something to tell you. After I finish speaking, I will go back."

Li Yue was angry, but she didn't dare to be really arrogant in front of Teacher Tan.

Teacher Tan nodded and said as he walked:

"Then let's go to the cafeteria together and talk while eating. It's Saturday and you won't open the fire when you go back to school."

Li Yue actually meant the same thing.

There is no charge for meals at Guoyingshe, and the food is much better than at school.

She has been here for two months during the summer vacation, and her complexion has improved.

Several girls who slept with her said that she had become whiter, looked better, and looked better.

Although she didn't like the job of serving tea and water, she still got some benefits during the two months at Guoyingshe.

Li Yue was thinking about it in her mind and followed Teacher Tan to the cafeteria.

When eating in the community, you can bring your own lunch box. If you don't have a lunch box, there are also plates in the cafeteria.

After preparing the meal, the two sat down facing each other, and Teacher Tan took the initiative to speak:
"Tell me, what is it?"

Li Yue pursed her lips, her eyes wandering and making small movements.

He hesitated and didn't speak for a long time.

Teacher Tan couldn't help frowning when he saw it. I'm just saying something. It's not even a big occasion, yet I'm acting so submissive...

They are both newcomers, but Li Yue has stayed at Guoyingshe for so long.

Teacher Tan couldn't help but compare her with Lu Miao.

But the more they compare, the more Teacher Tan wants to shake his head and sigh.

Li Yue thought she was impatient.

Afraid that Teacher Tan would not listen to her, Li Yue had no choice but to explain everything in a hurry:
"Teacher, Lu Miao said that she was placed on the second floor. I...I have been on the first floor for a long time. Can I also..."

Li Yue pursed her lips, clenched her chopsticks with both hands and stared at Teacher Tan, without continuing.

Teacher Tan understood what she meant.

Li Yue has indeed been in the tea room for a long time.

Teacher Tan nodded peacefully. He asked Lu Miao the same question before, but this time he also asked Li Yue:
"You think you're ready, don't you?"

Li Yue nodded eagerly: "I have been working hard according to the teacher's teachings these past few months. I can really do it, teacher!"

Teacher Tan frowned and did not agree in a hurry.

To be honest, Teacher Tan examined Li Yue several times at different times.

Li Yuezi is really very limited.

In the English major class at Peking University, there were several students whose scores exceeded her by more than half.

Those students may become members of Guoying Society in the future.

But at this stage, why does Teacher Tan only take Li Yue with him alone?
The face of senior director Ma accounts for most of the reason here.

Teacher Tan once thought about whether Li Yue was related to Director Ma in private.

Otherwise, she really couldn't figure out what Director Ma liked about Li Yue...

But then again.

Although Li Yue has been busy in the tea room in the past few months, Teacher Tan has been guiding her during this period and telling her how to improve herself.

After such a period of time, Teacher Tan felt that it was time for Li Yue to grow up.

Li Yue's eyes were burning with anxiety, and Teacher Tan could probably imagine that Lu Miao's arrival must have put a certain amount of pressure on her.

We are all young people and classmates, so there will definitely be some competition in private...

Teacher Tan thought for a moment, nodded calmly, and decided to give Li Yue this chance.


But business matters were business, and Lu Miao had been tested earlier, so it was natural that he would be indispensable when he came to Li Yue.

"You go to my office tomorrow morning and I'll check on your progress."

Li Yue was stunned for a moment, then asked nervously:
"This, this, teacher, do I need to test again?"

Teacher Tan said of course:
"Of course, this is the only way for everyone. I have to look at your specific situation before I can arrange a suitable place for you."

This rule was not something she came up with on her own.

All directors of the Guoying News Agency, even the leaders at the next higher level, must first pass the test if they want to arrange for people to come in.

If your abilities are not up to standard, just take them in and you won't be able to help. Don't cause trouble for others.

Li Yue twitched the corner of her mouth:
"Okay, I'll be there on time tomorrow..."

"Well, let's eat."

There was still work upstairs, and Teacher Tan ate in a hurry. He quickly emptied his plate and stood up:

"Go back to school directly after eating, and pay attention to safety on the way."


Li Yue nodded.

Although Teacher Tan is a bit strict and stubborn, he is generally good. At least he will care about her...

Li Yue was a little moved and at the same time made up her mind.

Tomorrow, she must fight for the chance to go up to the second floor!

Her grades were slightly behind Lu Miao's, but not that bad, and she had been studying hard these days.

If Lu Miao can do it, she can definitely do it too!
Li Yue looked gloomy, and after finishing her meal with some thoughts, she went back to the tea room in front to pick up her things and go back to school. (End of chapter)

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